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<i>Eryngium giganteum</i> 'Silver Ghost'
<i>Eryngium giganteum</i> 'Silver Ghost'

Eryngium giganteum 'Silver Ghost'

giant sea holly

Teasel-like pale green flowers, which turn to steely-blue as they mature, are surrounded by a ruff of silvery...

9cm pot
available to order from late summer
3 × 9cm pots
£33.00 £38.97
available to order from late summer
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Standard £5.99


Gardening by the coast offers specific challenges and opportunities. You can take advantage of the mild climate to grow not-so-hardy plants with confidence, but will have to choose them carefully to ensure they can cope with the buffeting winds and salt-

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Long flowering plants for your garden

When choosing plants for your garden you want some ‘core plants’, ones that will that offer weeks of flower, not just a few fleeting days. These stalwarts help balance out those ephemeral poppies, the plants with the tissue-paper petals that drop within a

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