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Gap x Dazed

Terms & Conditions

Waddell Ltd

Gap x Dazed -  New Gen Gap 2020

Terms & Conditions

  1. The Promoter being the person who is legally responsible for operating it is Waddell Ltd whose registered office is at 2 Arundel Street, London WC2R 3DA UK.
  2. Submissions are open to UK and France only aged 18 or over, with the exception of employees of Waddell Ltd (trading as “Dazed & Confused”) and GPS (Great Britain) Limited (trading as “Gap”) and their immediate families. 
  3. Submissions are free to enter and no purchase is necessary.
  4. The initiative is outlined over 5 main phases summarised below and set out in more detail in the next section:

Summary of Phases

Phase 1 – Initiative call-out/Entry submission

  • Submission open 10:30am BST Wednesday 5th August 2020 and closes 23:59pm BST on Sunday 23rd August 2020. Participants to sign up to a trigger email on The Promoter’s website ( through a dedicated sign-up form. And submit work to a Dropbox link within trigger email following detailed instructions.

Phase 2 – Portfolio showcase

  • The Promoter’s internal team to review submissions and showcase selected work on The Promoter’s Instagram and other social channels between Monday 24th August 2020 and Sunday 13th September 2020.

Phase 3 – Shortlist selection

  • The Promoter’s internal team together with an independent judge to collate shortlist of 6 finalists w/c 7th September 2020
  • The 6x shortlisted finalists will be notified and sent a brief to create a piece of artwork to reinterpret Gap product that they receive by Monday 21st September
  • Shortlisted finalists to submit their response to brief between Monday 21st September and Wednesday 7th October 2020

Phase 4 – Finalist announcement

  • The Promoter to announce 6 finalists on The Promoter’s site ( and across The Promoter’s and Gap social channels in w/c 28th September.
  • Shortlisted finalists to upload their submitted portfolio during Phase 1 to their own Instagram channels using design templates supplied by The Promoter only after The Promoter has announced the 6 finalists during w/c 28th September. 

Phase 5 -– Finalist series

  • The Promoter to publish the finalist’s work in response to the brief in Phase 3 on The Promoter’s and Gap email, app and social channels between Monday 19th October and 29th November.
  • The finalists will be awarded their £1,000 commission by 30th November 2020.

Detailed description of Phases

Phase 1 – Competition call-out/Entry submission

  1. Submissions open to entries from 10:30 BST on Wednesday 5th August 2020.
  2. The closing date for submissions is 23:59 BST on Sunday 23rd August 2020. The Promoter reserves the right to extend the closing date at any time prior to the closing date, if unavoidable circumstances beyond the control of the Promoter make it necessary to do so.
  3. To enter, complete the sign-up form on to receive an email with all details to upload a submission folder. Instructions in email outlined below.
  4. Upload a zip folder to the Dropbox link below
  5. Label the folder clearly with your full name in block capitals
  6. The folder should contain three to five pieces of your work in the following size and in any of the file formats detailed: (total size: 200MB max; formats: jpeg, pdf, gif, mp4 and mov)
  7. Include a text document (no longer than 200 words) introducing yourself, telling us what you’re up to at the moment, and responding to the question: how is 2020 shaping your future? Please include your name, age, location, email address, phone contact, and Instagram handle in the document. 
  8. The submission deadline is 23:59pm BST on Sunday 23rd August, 2020
  9. Entries must be correctly submitted following the instructions by the closing date of submissions. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any entries or information that is incomplete, incorrectly submitted or fails to reach the Promoter by the closing date for any reason.
  10. The submitted work must be your own original work and must not include any third party intellectual property rights in it. Modifying, enhancing or altering a third party’s pre-existing work does not qualify as your original work and the participant’s submission will be ineligible and the participant may be disqualified at the Promoter’s discretion.
  11. If other persons can be identified in the artwork apart from the participant, such artwork may only be submitted by the participant if the third party/parties has/have consented to this and there is no infringement upon any third party privacy or other rights. The Promoter may ask the Participant for evidence of any such consents.
  12. Submissions containing any defamatory, obscene, illegal, offensive, or any other unsuitable material will be disqualified and withdrawn by the Promoter. Submissions must be suitable to be published or used online by the Promoter.
  13. Submissions are limited to one entry per person. 

Phase 2 - Portfolio showcase

  1. The Promoter will showcase selected submissions from Phase 1 on The Promoter’s Instagram and other social channels between Monday 24th August and Sunday 13th September.

Phase 3 – Shortlist selection

  1. The shortlist selection of 6 submissions will be determined between Monday 24th August and Sunday 6th September.
  2. The 6 shortlisted finalists will be contacted by Monday 7th September by the Promoter and will be sent a brief and Gap product to reinterpret by Wednesday 7th October. In addition to the brief and Gap product, the finalists will also be provided with a talent agreement which the finalists will be required to enter into in order to have their work considered for the next phase of the promotion. In the event any participant does not wish to enter into the talent agreement, the participant will be free to withdraw from the promotion and a replacement finalist will be selected in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  3. The shortlisted finalists will need to submit their artwork between Monday 21st September and Wednesday 7th October 2020.
  4. The submitted work must be your own original work and must not include any third party intellectual property rights in it. Modifying, enhancing or altering a third party’s pre-existing work does not qualify as your original work and the participant’s submission will be ineligible and the participant may be disqualified at the Promoter’s discretion.
  5. If other persons can be identified in the artwork apart from the participant, such artwork may only be submitted by the participant if the third party/parties has/have consented to this and there is no infringement upon any third party privacy or other rights. The Promoter may ask the Participant for evidence of any such consents.
  6. Submissions containing any defamatory, obscene, illegal, offensive, or any other unsuitable material will be disqualified and withdrawn by the Promoter. Submissions must be suitable to be published or used online by the Promoter.
  7. Participant will retain ownership of the copyright in their submissions. Each Participant hereby grants Waddell Ltd and GPS (Great Britain) Limited a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, freely assignable licence, perpetual from the first date of the New Gen Gap project launch on Monday 19th October 2020, for which sublicenses may be issued, to use the submitted images on all known and currently unknown media, as further described in paragraph 8 below. 
  8. The rights of use include for Waddell Ltd and GSP (Great Britain) Limited to copy, modify, process, publish and market the submitted images and to publish the images in prominent public media locations (including on their websites, email, app channels, social channels, PR, advertising and marketing activities, print and in retail, globally). This grant of rights is free of charge and royalty-free.
  9. Following completion of providing the artwork as described above, the participants shall be entitled to retain all Gap product received.
  10. The Promoter’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  11. Each delivery of Gap product will be dispatched to the shortlisted finalist’s address (which must be within the countries stated detailed within 2) within 5 working days of receiving the address and finalist’s sizes. 

Phase 4 – Finalist announcement

  1. The Promoter will announce the 6 shortlisted finalists on The Promoter’s site ( and across The Promoter’s and Gap social channels in w/c 28th September. A biography and quotes supplied by the finalists will also be publicised by the Promoter as part of this and the subsequent Phases – Participants are entitled to object to their biographies and quotes being publicised, in which case the Promoter will select an alternative finalist in their place. 
  2. Shortlisted finalists will upload their submitted portfolio during Phase 1 to their Instagram channel using design templates supplied by The Promoter only after The Promoter has announced the 6 finalists in w/c 28th September. 

Phase 5 -– Finalist series

  1. The Promoter to publish the finalist’s work in response to the brief in Phase 3 on The Promoter’s and Gap websites and social channels between Monday 19th October and 29th November.
  2. The finalists will be awarded their £1,000 commission by 30th November 2020.
  3. 6 bursaries of £1,000/€1000 plus a £250/€250 single-use voucher code to spend on will be awarded to the 6 finalists.
  4. The 6 finalists will be selected by the internal Dazed team together with an independent judge, who will select the 6 entries that most originally and creatively capture the following criteria:
  5. Innovative practices in photography, painting, video, illustration, and digital art
  6. A forward thinking and unique creative vision celebrating community and positivity in uncertain time
  7. Feeling relevant to GAP’s ethos and direction of inclusivity and optimism, and ensuring GAP’s products will be able to be interpreted in a lot of different ways.
  8. Diversity
  9. Bursaries will be awarded to the 6 finalists by 30th November 2020, to be made by The Promoter. The finalists will need to provide bank details for funds to be completed via bank transfer. No charge will be made for delivery. 
  10. £250/€250 sSingle use voucher code to spend on will be awarded to finalists by 30th November 2020, to be made by GPS (Great Britain) Limited.
  11. Any failure on the part of the winners to meet the eligibility requirements set out in these terms and conditions may result in the winner forfeiting their entitlement to the commission and participants hereby acknowledge that in such circumstances, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the commission to another entrant selected in accordance with the criteria described above.


  1. In the event that shortlist artists do not respond with acceptance of being a shortlisted finalist by 23.59 BST on Monday 14th September the Promoter reserves the right withdraw the offer.
  2. At the sole and absolute discretion of the Promoter any shortlist selections may be requested to provide the Promoter with proof that they are the holder of the email address submitted with the winning entry and that their entry is otherwise in compliance with these terms and conditions.

The shortlist selection of names and their submissions may be made available online and/or on request to those writing to the Promoter, Dazed Media, 2 Arundel Street, London WC2R 3DA. Participants may object to their information being published or made available as described in this paragraph by contacting the Promoter.


When you submit your entry, you will provide us with certain personal data, including your name and email address. The Promoter will process such personal data for the purposes of the administration of the submissions and will share such personal data with Gap. Please see the Promoter’s privacy policy here for more details regarding the Promoter handles personal information. Please see Gap’s privacy policy for details regarding how they handle personal information: here.


  1. By entering, all entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions. All entry instructions form part of these terms and conditions.
  2. Entrants may be required to provide a written acknowledgement of all terms and conditions before receiving their prize.
  3. In the event that you breach these Terms and Conditions, you shall be automatically disqualified from the shortlist or commission and ineligible to be awarded any awards in connection with the submissions, shortlist or commission.
  4. The Promoter makes no representation or warranty regarding the submissions and/or the nature or quality of the prize and any conditions, warranties or other terms implied by statute or common law are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  5. Neither the Promoter nor Gap takes any responsibility for any damage, loss or injury suffered by any entrant as a result of accepting the commission or participating in this promotion provided that nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limited the Promoter’s or Gap’s liability for fraud, death or personal injury caused as a result of their negligence, or any other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.
  6. If any clause or part of a clause of these terms and conditions is, or becomes, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, then that clause or part of a clause shall be deemed to be deleted from these terms and conditions. Any such deemed deletion shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remainder of these submission terms and conditions.
  7. The selection is organised under and is subject to English law. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of these New Gen Gap Terms and Conditions.
  8. GPS (Great Britain) Limited is sponsoring the prize(s) but is not responsible for the operating of the promotion itself.  All enquiries concerning the operating of the submissions should be addressed to the Promoter.