For the past few years, general consensus has suggested that Gen Z hates sex. We hate watching it and we hate having it. But now, new research from eHarmony suggests that the Gen Z sex recession is over.

The recent survey found that both Gen Z and Millennials in relationships are having more sex, with 20 per cent of Gen Z having sex daily, the highest among any generation. In addition, 61 per cent of Gen Z say they enjoy being “sexually adventurous” with a partner.

Overall, people in relationships report having sex three or more times per week, increasing from 31 per cent in 2023 to 35 per cent in 2024.

It’s clear there has been a clear shift in attitudes: 36 per cent of Gen Z are having more sex now than they were a year ago.

There are several reasons for this sudden sex spike. 57 per cent say it’s because they feel more confident, 38 per cent say it’s because they’re making a conscious effort to prioritise sex, while 35 per cent say it’s because they are less stressed. Plus, 17 per cent of Gen Z report that they had more sex in the past year because they started therapy.

The eHarmony report also shone a light on Gen Z’s complex attitudes towards dating. 58 per cent of Gen Z have used a dating app at some point, and yet many dating app users feel dissatisfied with their experience. 76 per cent of Gen Z singles believe that others are only ‘somewhat authentic’ or ‘not authentic at all’ on dating apps.

The study found that these fears aren’t unfounded, as 37 per cent of all singles report not being authentic or only somewhat authentic on dating apps. Notably, 21 per cent of men have lied about their education on an app, compared to just 5 per cent of women.