Content: volunteering opportunities

Join the best Django open source project

Do you love open source? Do you want to contribute to the success of django CMS?  Enter our core team and shape the future of django CMS!

The django CMS Association is the non-profit organization that is behind the django CMS open source project. Our goal is to accelerate the django CMS project, nurture the community, and support its growth.

To pursue our goals, we rely on django CMS enthusiasts who are on fire for the project and want to see it grow and thrive. For people who would like to take on more responsibility and support the project with their expertise, we offer a wide range of volunteer positions. 

Why should you join the dCA as a volunteer?

  • Join a reputable team of django CMS enthusiast and be part of a vibrant community 
  • Gain reputation in the python / django / django CMS community
  • Improve your skills and build a proven track record
  • Build and extend your network in the open source world
  • Receive your own email address
  • Have your profile listed on the website
  • Get to know new people and benefit from knowledge sharing
  • Attend the quarterly association board meeting
  • Add your voluntary position to your LinkedIn profile
  • Receive a merch bundle (django CMS hoody, stickers etc.)

Below you find all volunteer roles that the django CMS Association is maintaining. We are accepting applications for the following positions:

  • django CMS Fellow
  • Marketing Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Documentation Lead
  • Vice President of the dCA
  • Treasurer
  • Auditor


Are you interested in one of them? Please get in touch with [email protected]

All Positions

Marketing Manager (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: 4h per month
  • Experience: Marketing & Communications, Copywriting
  • Part of the django CMS Leaders Team

These could be your responsibilities:

  • Manage monthly newsletter
  • Manage new case studies
  • Responsible for content updates and SEO
  • Enable community generated content for the blog and social media
  • Responsible for release communication
  • Responsible for the marketing report in the quarterly board meeting
  • Organize sponsoring of third party events to increase django CMS visibility
  • Run social media campaigns to promote events, releases, and community achievements.
  • Identify and implement strategies to improve django CMS Association's online visibility.
  • Merchandising logistics

Community Manager (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: 4h per month
  • Experience: Community Management, User interaction
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team

These could be your responsibilities:

  • Ownership for Community Hero Program
  • Own the onboarding process of new contributors (welcome new contributors, conduct onboarding questionnaires, conduct onboarding call, recommend buddies and workgroups, onboarding into workgroups, follow-up)
  • Community support - reply to user inquiries and share insights on Slack, Stackoverflow and other support channels, be the first point of contact for community members
  • Foster and coordinate participation in relevant events around the globe (i.e. djangoCon) for django CMS community members
  • Initiate and coordinate speaking engagements for django CMS community members, for example in webinars, conferences (djangoCon) or community events.


Technical Lead (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: ~8h per month
  • Experience: Deep technical understanding of Django / django CMS / Python, expertise in software architecture
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team

These could be your responsibilities:

  • Lead the monthly Technical Committee meeting
  • Lead technical committee in important decisions
  • Coordinate development contributions and help with prioritization
  • Responsible for release automation
  • Responsible for the technical report in the quarterly board meeting
  • Responsible for the django CMS demo platform
  • Responsible for the success of the django CMS Fellow

Documentation Lead (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: 4h per month
  • Experience: Open source documentation, technical writing, markdown or RST
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team

These could be your responsibilities:

Growth Manager (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: 4h per month
  • Experience: Experience in relationship management and/or sales
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team

These could be your responsibilities:

  • Plan and execute campaigns to attract new individual and company members.
  • Manage incoming membership leads (reply to incoming membership requests, set up intro calls w/ prospects, onboard new members)
  • Manage our github Sponsors program
  • Identify partnership opportunities and extend partnership program
  • Responsibility for relationship management for existing members (e.g. renewals)
  • Develop and implement strategies to retain existing members

Product Manager (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: ~4h per month
  • Experience: Product management / strategy experience
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team

These could be your responsibilities:

  • Monitor and foster activity in workgroups
  • Responsible for the product vision and product roadmap 
  • Responsible for release management (see release management process)
  • Lead the release management workgroup
  • Own the RFC process (facilitate discussion & feedback, conduct vote)
  • Responsible for the product management report in the quarterly board meeting

President of the Association (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: 8h per month
  • Experience: Business Management
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team


  • Directing the leadership team and recruiting
  • Representational duties
  • Responsible for key relationship and stakeholder management
  • Troubleshooting
  • See the full list of Shared Board Member duties

Vice-President (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: 10h per month
  • Experience: Business Management
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team


  • Shares all duties with the President
  • Consulting the president on all matters
  • See the full list of Shared Board Member duties
  • Substitutes the president if the president is unavailable

Secretary (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: ~4h per month
  • Experience: Business Management
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team


  • Responsibility for the organisation of the annual General Assembly event (facilitation and protocol)
  • Supports president and vice-president with administrative / legal matter
  • See the full list of Shared Board Member duties

Treasurer (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: ~4h per month
  • Experience: Accounting
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team


  • Responsible for book keeping
    • preparing and proposing the annual budget
    • preparing and proposing the annual financial statement
  • Supports president and vice-president with administrative / legal matter
  • See the full list of Shared Board Member duties

Auditor (Volunteer Position)

  • Expected workload: ~4h per year
  • Experience: Accounting


  • Responsible to audit the annual financial report

django CMS Fellow (Contractor Position)

  • Expected workload: TBD
  • Experience: Python / django and frontend development
  • Part of django CMS Leaders Team

Please read more about the django CMS Fellowship Program here.

Are you interested in joining us? Get in touch!

Contact us