Link Policy

This document outlines the policies for linking to Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) websites and getting a link to your site from DSHS websites. DSHS complies with the State Website Link and Privacy Policy. DSHS encourages organizations that link to department websites to comply with the State policy, especially regarding protection of the privacy rights of individuals, and to make reasonable efforts to provide accessible sites.

Linking to DSHS

You do not need to get advance permission to link to us if you are making a simple link to the DSHS home page. If you link to the home page we do request that you only link to us using the following url:

You may also link to any of our subpages and other web properties where appropriate. Because we may change these at any time without notice, you should routinely verify your links to our pages.

What You Should Not Do

Please do not capture DSHS web pages within your frames, present DSHS content as that of your own, misinform users about the origin or ownership of the content of DSHS websites, or otherwise misrepresent the content of the DSHS web pages. Any link to our site should be a full forward link that passes the client browser to the DSHS site unencumbered. The BACK button should return the visitor to your website if the visitor wishes to back out. Although the content of DSHS websites are available to the public, certain information may be trademarked, service marked, or otherwise protected as DSHS's intellectual property. All DSHS content is protected by federal copyright laws. Use of protected intellectual property must be in accordance with federal and state law and must reflect the copyright, trademark, service mark, or other intellectual property ownership of DSHS. Please refer to our Copyright and Disclaimer statement for more information. Do not link to DSHS graphics or tables within DSHS web pages, especially placing the downloading burden on the DSHS web servers. Such an action may be considered a misuse of state resources. Please contact DSHS to request permission to use a copy of the graphics within your pages.


If you link to our sites, please use reasonable efforts to ensure that persons with disabilities may access your website.

Links from the DSHS Website

DSHS provides links to the websites of other organizations through its website. These links are provided for additional information only. When choosing external sites to which we link, we consider the external site's appropriateness and the relevance of the subject matter to our functions. We do not endorse the content, products, services or viewpoints of these external sites or of any external sites that may provide links to our website. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that the information on websites linked to or from our website is accurate, complete or current. We do not independently verify nor exert editorial control over information on pages outside of the "" domain or DSHS branded web properties. You are responsible for checking the information presented on websites linked to or from the DSHS website.

Linking to Your Website from DSHS Websites

DSHS selects and links to definitive sources of information about health topics at its own discretion. We look for sites that can provide reliable information on a health topic. We appreciate hearing about your site. Selection is based on a few factors:

  • The stability and trustworthiness of the site.
  • Benefit to the consumer or researcher.
  • Reliability of the source of the information.
  • Fitting the link within our web design and mission.
  • Accessibility to people with disabilities.

Links may be removed or replaced at any time without notice. Reasons to remove a link include the following:

  • The link no longer points to the original information or resource that was intended.
  • The information is inaccurate or not trustworthy.
  • Access to the information has become difficult due to odd formatting, lengthy download times, or intrusive advertising.
  • The link has gone dead or remains unavailable for a lengthy period, especially if we are unable to contact you about your site's status.

If your site meets the standard criteria we will usually create the link within five business days, but it can take longer depending on current workload.  

Reciprocal Links

DSHS does not enter into reciprocal link agreements. We provide links to sites that are appropriate to our mission.

Our creation of a link to your site does not obligate you to provide a link back to us, but you are, of course, welcome to do so.

We always appreciate a note telling us of new links. Send the link info to Webmaster.