
Storm Shadow in a teacup

America keeps Ukraine fighting with its hands tied

Russian missiles blast its cities, but it still cannot strike back

Enemy of my enemy

Why Israel has not yet lost Europe

Europeans are angry about Gaza, but they aren’t voting like it


Nice ideas, Mr Draghi—now who will pay for them?

From “whatever it takes” to “whatever the cost”

Dirty sponges

Squeaky-clean Europe is more corrupt than you think

Scandals and scams are rife. The EU’s clean-up isn’t working fast enough

Choice v life

Poland’s ruling coalition divides over women’s rights

Donald Tusk has failed to keep his promises on abortion laws

No ball

A northern Italian town bans cricket

Politically opportunistic xenophobia at work

French politics

Michel Barnier’s burden

France has found a prime minister, but is still seeking a government

A bloody trade

Danger in Donbas as Ukraine’s front line falters

Russian fighters are trying to encircle the defenders

French politics

Turmoil awaits Michel Barnier, France’s new prime minister

The left rages that the recent parliamentary election has been stolen

Of firewalls and fragmentation

Germany’s party system is coming under unprecedented strain

Forming governments after the eastern state elections looks nightmarish


Europe must beware the temptations of technocracy

Experts are increasingly crowding out flailing politicians

The awkward gas pipe

The West still needs Russian gas that comes through Ukraine

Austria, Hungary and Slovakia are particularly dependent on it