Finance & economics | Free exchange

An incurable disease

A new book explains how health care can become both more expensive and more affordable

HEALTH-CARE expenditure in America is growing at a disturbing rate: in 1960 it was just over 5% of GDP, in 2011 almost 18%. By 2105 the number could reach 60%, according to William Baumol of New York University’s Stern School of Business. Incredible? It is simply the result of extrapolating the impact of a phenomenon Mr Baumol has become famous for identifying: “cost disease”. His new book* gives a nuanced diagnosis, offerings both a vision of a high-cost future and a large dose of optimism. The cost disease may be incurable, but it is also survivable—if treated correctly.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “An incurable disease”

Heading out of the storm

From the September 29th 2012 edition

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