Finance & economics | Free exchange

Cost-benefit analyses offend against the notion that life is priceless

Their Gradgrindian logic is off-putting, but also mind-opening

THE AIRLESS nooks under a man’s foreskin are a cosy spot for microbes. These can inflame the surrounding skin, helping viruses such as HIV to spread. In places where the disease is common and treatment is patchy, removing foreskins can be a cost-effective way to fight it. In parts of Africa, the benefits of circumcising adolescents can outweigh the costs by about 10 to 1, according to the Copenhagen Consensus Centre (CCC), a think-tank. The ratio rises above 40 to 1 in the worst-hit countries.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Do-gooders and do-besters”

The $650bn binge: Fear and greed in the entertainment industry

From the November 16th 2019 edition

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