
Out of the window, Earth

William Anders took the photo that kicked off the environmental movement

The Apollo 8 astronaut and nuclear engineer died on June 7th, aged 90

Unearthing ancient mysteries

Barry Kemp spent his career digging up Akhenaten’s abandoned city

The eminent Egyptologist died on May 15th, aged 84

Fixing a likeness

June Mendoza captured both the famous and the unknown

Britain’s most prolific portrait-painter died on May 15th, aged 99

Morality and butchery

Ebrahim Raisi was obsessed with the security of the people

The hardline president of Iran died in a helicopter crash on May 19th, aged 63

Life is too short to stuff a mushroom

Shirley Conran wrote a bonkbuster to teach schoolgirls about sex

The author and campaigner for maths education died on May 9th, aged 91

For the love of giraffes

Anne Innis Dagg devoted her life to the world’s tallest creature

The zoologist and campaigner for equality died on April 1st, aged 91

Inside “Apocalypse Now”

Eleanor Coppola recorded how a cinematic triumph almost came unstuck

The documentary-maker and wife of Francis Ford Coppola died on April 12th, aged 87

Prisoner of Hizbullah

Terry Anderson was held by Islamic militants for 2,454 days

The former Marine and AP Beirut bureau chief died on April 21st, aged 76

A gaijin makes good

Akebono was the first foreign-born grand champion of sumo

The wrestler who shocked and changed Japan died in early April, aged 54

The militant debutante

Rose Dugdale went from debutante to IRA bombmaker

The heiress and IRA militant died on March 18th, aged 82

Fighting for breath

Paul Alexander lived longer than anyone in an iron lung

The lawyer and author died on March 11th, aged 78

A labour of love

Amnon Weinstein turned grief into music again

The restorer and reviver of Holocaust violins died on March 4th, aged 84