
Explore our coverage of Israel’s politics, economics, business and culture, in articles, charts, podcasts and video

Middle East & Africa

A narrow corridor in Gaza has become an obstacle to a ceasefire

Binyamin Netanyahu says the presence of Israeli troops is crucial. His generals disagree


Taiwan is trying to learn from the wars in Gaza and Ukraine

Could it repel a potential Chinese invasion?

Middle East & Africa

The relationship between Israel and Turkey is at breaking point

But the Turkish president is desperate to avoid a regional war


Britain’s ban on arms sales to Israel mixes politics and legalism

The government has outlined grounds for concern but not a coherent rationale  

Middle East & Africa

The one thing Israelis agree on: rescuing the hostages

Bibi’s failure to do so has prompted huge protests

Middle East & Africa

Have Israel’s far-right religious nationalists peaked?

They wield great power but schisms within the movement are deepening

Middle East & Africa

Israel’s settlers are winning unprecedented power from the war in Gaza

They are gaining land—and sway over the army, police and politics

Middle East & Africa

Israel and Hizbullah play with fire

They both attempt escalating attacks that fall short of all-out war

Middle East & Africa

Making love not war in the Middle East

Israelis and Lebanese are finding each other on dating apps, whether they want to or not

Middle East & Africa

The Middle East’s bizarre waiting game: ceasefire or Armageddon?

Israel accepts a proposal to pause fighting but Hamas’s hardliners may not

Middle East & Africa

Iran’s electronic confrontation with Israel

The two adversaries are engaged in an intense cyber struggle, with Israel still a click ahead

Middle East & Africa

The bunkers on Beirut’s golf course are in the crosshairs

Still, hazards off the fairway are no excuse for slow play

Middle East & Africa

Israel’s ultra-Orthodox still won’t fight, invoking scripture

An age-old argument is making Binyamin Netanhayu face an enduring dilemma

Finance & economics

How vulnerable is Israel to sanctions?

So far, measures have had little effect. That could change

Middle East & Africa

Iran’s frightening new playbook for war

It is abandoning the restraint that has prevented open conflict with Israel

Middle East & Africa

Israeli aircraft buzz Beirut as the drums of war bang loud

As Iran and Hizbullah threaten retaliation for Israeli assassinations, Lebanon is in the firing line
