May 30th 2020

The American way


The American way

How the world’s most powerful country is handling covid-19

Contrary to what many Americans think, the death rate in America is about the same as in Europe

Dragon strike

China has launched rule by fear in Hong Kong

The rest of the world should worry, too

Europe’s bail-outs

Government handouts threaten Europe’s single market

The dangers of Europe’s bail-outs

The summer holiday will be back

How tourism will survive the pandemic

Foreign adventure, discovery and hedonism are on hold. They will be back

Face it

The case for mandatory masks

In places where covid-19 is still rife, governments should require people to wear face coverings in crowded public spaces


On Bolivia, bio-weapons, covid-19 research, food, “The Leopard”

Letters to the editor


100,000 and counting

America’s covid-19 experience is tragic but not that exceptional

The epidemic could get worse

United States

The Americas



Middle East & Africa

Where dead men vote

Burundi’s rigged election

The revolution will be televised

The battle over state TV in Iran



The dog business

Rising puppy prices



Don’t worry, it’s all under control

How big oil is trying to win back investors

Finance & economics

Schools brief

Science & technology

Face masks and the coronavirus

Masks probably slow the spread of covid-19

Books & arts

Economic & financial indicators

Graphic detail


The wisdom of the forest

Antonio Bolívar died on April 30th