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Stories and News

Stories and News

The following stories and news on development cooperation and humanitarian aid illustrate how the SDC fulfils Switzerland's mandate to alleviate need and poverty, improve respect for human rights, promote democracy and protect the environment worldwide.

Photo of a 3D model of a hill, with color variations to reflect the risk of hazards.

Communication11 September 2024

Haiti: preventive measures to better adapt to climate change

In addition to the violence faced by those in the capital Port-au-Prince, the population is exposed to natural hazards. Climate change is exacerbating the situation. The SDC is helping to minimise the risks of disaster.

From a high vantage point, one can see a sandy beach being lapped by ocean waves. On the sand, a colorful and imposing message, 'We Are Water,' appears. It is colorful and vibrant.

Communication6 September 2024

Water for a sustainable future – young people playing their part

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) works to promote the realisation of the human rights related to water and sustainable water management at all levels. To do this, it is working closely with young people.

Communication5 September 2024

Observing snow and ice to strengthen climate resilience in Central Asia's mountain regions

Melting snow, glaciers, and permafrost retreat increase the risks of disasters. The SDC strengthens climate resilience in mountainous regions through scientific data.

Victims of the floods of 2010 in Pakistan walk through water-filled streets in the northwestern city of Nowshera.

Communication21 August 2024

Where livelihoods are destroyed, people have to flee

Development cooperation protects habitats threatened by climate change. The SDC supports projects worldwide.

Worker kneeling next to electric bus.

Communication19 August 2024

Breathing Hope

The objective of CALAC+ is to reduce harmful air pollutants in Latin American capitals through the deployment of soot-free engines in urban public transport

A woman, member of the Honey East Association, is sitting in the grass in front of beehives.

Communication19 August 2024

Nature Conservation and Local Development: It’s a Match!

The "Nature Conservation Programme" in North Macedonia demonstrates how nature conservation and local development mutually reinforce each other.

A woman wearing blue overalls and an orange hard hat moves a pile of bricks onto a trolley.

Communication15 August 2024

The modern, eco-friendly brick

PROECCO supports sustainable urban development in the Great Lakes region. The project centres on a technology for manufacturing modern bricks.

A man poses with a cow in a meadow.

Communication23 July 2024

A Plus For Humanity: the SDC podcast

Every month, the SDC podcast A Plus For Humanity reports on international cooperation and humanitarian aid projects.

Aerial view of a shelter construction site in Africa.

Communication22 July 2024

Reducing the environmental footprint of the humanitarian shelter sector

Web article on the Shelter Sustainability Assessment Tool developed by the Geneva Technical Hub with support of the SDC.

At the bank of a river in Bangladesh, a woman, with her son at her side, counts the cash assistance she received through an anticipatory action programme.

Communication18 July 2024

Ready for anything: how Anticipatory Action is saving lives

A guest article by the WFP on its Anticipatory Action programme, which focuses on managing the risks of climate extremes and the food insecurity they cause.

Two women in red and yellow veils stand in front of their fruit stall. Shelves full of fruit and vegetables surround them.

Communication10 July 2024

Promoting dietary diversity to achieve the ‹zero hunger› goal

Achieving SDG 2 has fallen behind schedule. This was the conclusion reached at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York.

Cars and motorcycles are driving on a road in Benin. Informal housing settlements have been built next to the road.

Communication10 July 2024

Africa in crisis, emerging Africa

Africa is often seen as an emerging continent whose young population is stimulating booming economic growth. Simultaneously, the continent is haunted by crises.

Cocoa beans

Communication5 July 2024

The rebirth of Honduran cocoa

Thanks to Swiss support, the cocoa sector in Honduras has developed considerably over the past decade and the income of the producers has improved.

Father and daughter laugh into the camera

Communication4 July 2024

60 years of successful cooperation

By the end of 2024, the SDC will progressively phase out bilateral development cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean. A look back.

A local woman builds a wall.

Communication4 July 2024


In Haiti, the SDC rapidly and effectively integrated emergency relief with reconstruction and development projects, thereby creating synergies.

Group picture of the Lithuanian delegation with the organisers of the exchange visit.

Communication25 June 2024

The backbone of democracy: Civic engagement in Switzerland and in Lithuania

The second Swiss contribution promotes civic engagement in selected EU-countries like Lithuania.

A local man stands in a withered maize field.

Communication21 June 2024

Drought and hunger in Southern Africa – Switzerland provides emergency relief

Switzerland supports millions of people in Southern Africa, in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi, with CHF 4.7 million in the fight against drought and hunger.

Valerii poses in front of his farm in Kharkiv oblast.

Communication10 June 2024

Promoting humanitarian demining and ensuring self-sufficiency for farmers in Ukraine

The conference is one of the stops on the way to the Ukraine Mine Action Conference, which will take place in Lausanne in October.

A Syrian refugee takes his missing daughter in his arms and kisses her on the forehead.

Interviews, Videos & Guest Articles22 May 2024

Finding and identifying missing persons is essential to rebuilding countries

Increasing conflicts and wars make peacebuilding all the more relevant. Find out how Switzerland actively promotes peace.

A hand holds a life-saving white pill between index finger and thumb.

Communication22 May 2024

Making the production of medicines against deadly diseases possible. The SDC supports.

For decades, an antidote to the deadly sleeping sickness lay dormant in the Sanofi archives. Until it was rediscovered with the support of the SDC.

 A series of photographs illustrates the different levels – science, local communities, and international organisations – required to protect mountain regions.

Communication22 May 2024

Strengthening the resilience of mountain regions to climate change

Discover how the SDC aims to enhance the resilience of mountain regions against climate change by providing scientific data.

A woman in an orange sari harvesting fresh, green vegetables in an otherwise dry area. Solar panels can be seen in the background.

Communication22 May 2024

International cooperation: combating global poverty and crises

With the accountability report on international cooperation, the Federal Council takes stock and gives an account to parliament.

Tetiana Bohuslavska, psychologist for the Act for Health project, holds the hand of a child.

Communication17 May 2024

Mental Health: A Neglected Component of Peace

Mental health issues are widespread in conflicts and addressing them is critical for lasting peace. The SDC supports systemic and locally-led efforts in Ukraine and other countries.

In a training workshop, a young woman with a head covering works on a mechanical component, observed by two male apprentices.

Communication10 May 2024

Millions deprived of education – FDFA creates opportunities

To combat poverty and inequality, Switzerland is committed to good quality education and equal opportunities for all.

A young journalist stands in front of a giant screen and presents the news.

Communication7 May 2024

An inclusive culture of debate

The Debating Our Destiny project, which is being supported by the SDC in the Arabic-speaking world, gives young people and marginalised groups a voice.

A group of women work at a table in Tanzania. Papers are laid out on it.

Communication25 April 2024

Development cooperation and research: a promising model

The r4d Programme, run by the SDC and the SNSF, ended this month. Odile Robert from the SDC offers insights in this interview.

A Nicaraguan farmer in front of her water reservoir.

Communication19 April 2024


In Nicaragua, the SDC has improved living conditions, particularly through its work in the water and sanitation sector.

A Honduran policeman studies a brochure.

Communication19 April 2024


The SDC's cooperation with Honduras in the field of governance has been internationally recognised.

Bolivian farmer holds potatoes in her hands.

Communication19 April 2024


In Bolivia, the SDC's approach to poverty alleviation has been multi-faceted, innovative and sustainable.

A Cuban LGBT activist stands on the street.

Communication19 April 2024


In Cuba, the SDC has successfully addressed previously taboo issues such as decentralised governance, gender equality and racism.

A woman wearing a helmet and protective vest defuses an explosive device.

Communication11 April 2024

"Mine clearance creates spaces for reconciliation"

Humanicemos is an organisation for action against anti-personnel mines. It was founded as part of the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC.

A man wearing a leather jacket standing in a green and lush jungle.

Communication11 April 2024

Harvesting Peace: producing chocolate with former FARC combatants

An Article about the Peace Dividend Initiative and it’s chocolate project in Colombia.

Solar systems operate the water pumping station in Fekha, which was rehabilitated by the SDC.

Communication11 April 2024

Lebanon: more water, less tensions

In the Bekaa Valley, the SDC is running a project to improve water management. The project also aims to ease tensions surrounding water access.

Two women are sitting across from each other, looking at each other and holding hands

Communication11 April 2024

Women in Mali: peacebuilders

To promote women’s engagement in peace processes, Switzerland is supporting the circles of peace in Mali. Interview with Bintou Founé Samaké, WILDAF/Mali.

 A man and a woman visit a patient and perform an ultrasound examination.

Communication24 March 2024

Myanmar a year on: Switzerland remains proactive

One year after the coup in Myanmar, Switzerland remains proactive. Two SDC experts, Thin Myat Khine and Giacomo Solari, report from Yangon.

Communication27 February 2024

Breathing new life into Mongolia: Addressing air pollution challenges

Switzerland supports Mongolia in its fight against air pollution and its economic fallout through innovative infrastructure upgrades and health initiatives.

Two women carrying a bag of grains.

Communication26 February 2024

Sudan's unseen crisis: a humanitarian disaster overlooked by the global community

Article on SDC's commitment in the humanitarian crisis in Sudan and in Egypt, Chad and South Sudan.

Three girls study on the computer.

Communication14 February 2024

«Education empowers people to shape their own lives»

A series of interviews with actors active in the field of education in the run-up to the IC Forum Switzerland 2023, focusing on the theme 'Education4Future'.

Representatives of the Swiss Embassy and the Nepalese government at the inauguration of the Marin Khola Bridge on 9 November in Bagmati Province.

Communication13 December 2023

How a bridge changes people's lives

A suspension bridge in Nepal is changing life in the neighbourhood. Those affected tell their stories.

Food is being distributed.

Communication12 December 2023

Armenia: The SDC and the World Food Programme support refugees

The conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region is forcing many people to flee their homes. Switzerland is supporting the people in need.

Portrait of Faris Hadad-Zervos, Country Director for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, The World Bank

Interviews, Videos & Guest Articles12 December 2023

Bridging Communities: Swiss Support for Trail Bridges in Nepal

The World Bank also supported the expansion of the trail bridge network in Nepal. Faris Hadad-Zervos, Country Director for Nepal, takes stock.

A young man holds up a yellow poster that reads: «We want to defeat HIV by 2030.»

Communication8 December 2023

Accept me as I am – Zvandiri

The SDC-supported Zvandiri programme in Zimbabwe helps young people with HIV/AIDS to cope with the disease and overcome stigmatisation.

Patricia Danzi and a WFP representative standing outside the Adré refugee camp in Chad, on the border with Sudan.

Interviews, Videos & Guest Articles21 November 2023

The Swiss cooperation, a reliable and flexible actor

Interview with the general director of the SDC, Patricia Danzi, on her visit to Benin and Chad, where she went to Adré, on the border with Sudan.

Ang Tsering Sherpa painting a bridge element with paint and brush.

Interviews, Videos & Guest Articles9 November 2023

«The collaboration with local people was excellent»

Engineer Hans Aschmann led the first Swiss-backed construction of a suspension bridge in Nepal in 1960–61. The interview.

Women working on the construction of the Ghurswaghat bridge in Kanchanpur.

Communication9 November 2023

Building bridges for development

Swiss development cooperation has been helping Nepal build trail bridges since 1960.

A man and a woman talking outside by a climate monitoring station.

Interviews, Videos & Guest Articles30 October 2023

«Switzerland's lasting legacy in the field of disaster risk reduction»

In the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch in 1998, the SDC established a sustainable DRR system for Central America.

Two women in a field are looking at a smartphone.

Communication12 October 2023

Engaging the Private Sector for Sustainable Development

A dynamic private sector is a key driver for reducing global poverty. In developing countries, the private sector generates nine out of ten jobs.

A person holding hazelnuts.

Communication11 September 2023

How Switzerland helps Georgian farmers increase exports of organic hazelnuts

The SDC has launched a partnership with the Swiss firm Pakka AG to enable Georgian farmers to increase productivity from organic hazelnut production.

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)