Defence of Democracy package


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) expresses concerns regarding the timing of the European Commission’s Defence of Democracy package and the content of the proposed directive on interest representation from third countries. The Committee believes that the package has arrived far too late for proper implementation before the 2024 European elections, and that it fails to adequately consider EESC suggestions from its opinion on the European democracy action plan.

Key points


  • while supporting the goal of transparent lobbying, strongly disagrees with the proposed focus. The Committee urges a comprehensive EU-wide approach that minimises burdens, safeguards civil society and strengthens existing transparency measures for all kinds of lobbying activities. This should include clear definitions and criteria, and robust coverage of subcontractors and funding sources;
  • calls for harmonising electoral processes across Member States to ensure inclusivity, accessibility for people with disabilities, better inclusion of young voters and increased resilience against potential manipulation;
  • emphasises the importance of bolstering citizen engagement through innovative formats. The Committee advocates reforms to the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and proposes establishing an EU-wide framework for effective participation.

The text of the adopted opinion can be found here. 

Additional information

Section: Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC)

Opinion number: SOC/773

Opinion type: mandatory

Rapporteur: Christian MOOS

Co-rapporteur: JosĂ© Antonio MORENO DĂŤAZ

Reference: COM(2023) 630 finalCOM(2023) 630 finalCOM(2023) 636 final 2023/0462 CODCOM(2023) 637 final 2023/0463 CODCOM(2023) 637 final 2023/0463 COD

Date of adoption in section: 12/4/2024

Result of the vote: 77 in favour / 1 against / 5 abstentions

Date of adoption at plenary: 24/04/2024 


Giorgia Battiato (Press Officer) 
Tel.: + 32 2 546 9449 | Mob: +32 475 999 431 
Email: [email protected]

Jean-Marie Rogue (Administrator) 
Tel.: +32 2 546 8909 
Email: [email protected]