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Residential Energy Consumption Historical Data Tables

Table 1. Consumption and Expenditures in U.S. Households--Major Energy Sources (1), 1987
        Average of Major Energy Sources
    Residential Buildings Consumption Expenditures
      Total per   Square   per   per   per
   Total Total   Floorspace Building Foot per   Household per   Square per Household
  Households Number (billion (million (thousand    Household Member Building Foot Household Member
Characteristics (million) (million) sq. ft.) Btu)    Btu) (million Btu)  (million Btu)  (dollars) (dollars) (dollars) (dollars)
Total U.S. Households 90.5 70.4 156.8 130 58 100.8 39 1,388 0.62 1,080 416
Census Region and Division
Northeast 19.0 13.2 36.8 179 64 124.4 48 1,836 0.66 1,276 494
New England 4.3 3.0 8.4 174 61 121.0 47 1,753 0.62 1,222 475
Middle Atlantic 14.8 10.3 28.4 181 65 125.4 48 1,860 0.67 1,292 499
Midwest 22.3 18.1 44.3 151 62 122.5 48 1,385 0.57 1,124 439
East North Central 15.9 12.7 31.5 157 63 125.3 48 1,438 0.58 1,149 443
West North Central 6.4 5.4 12.8 137 58 115.8 46 1,260 0.53 1,064 427
South 30.9 25.6 47.1 102 55 84.3 33 1,304 0.71 1,081 418
South Atlantic 15.6 12.9 24.4 97 52 81.0 31 1,357 0.72 1,128 431
East South Central 6.1 5.1 9.2 100 56 84.1 34 1,178 0.66 992 403
West South Central 9.2 7.5 13.5 110 62 90.1 34 1,299 0.73 1,060 404
West 18.3 13.5 28.6 106 50 77.7 29 1,112 0.52 819 308
Mountain 4.4 3.7 7.2 125 64 103.5 37 1,141 0.58 944 341
Pacific 13.9 9.8 21.4 98 45 69.5 27 1,102 0.51 779 297
Metropolitan Statistical Area  
Urban 70.2 51.8 122.7 140 59 102.9 40 1,483 0.63 1,093 420
Central City 29.6 19.0 43.9 158 68 101.2 41 1,558 0.68 1,001 407
Suburban 40.6 32.7 78.8 129 54 104.1 39 1,439 0.60 1,160 429
Rural 20.3 18.7 34.2 102 56 93.6 36 1,126 0.61 1,035 403
Climate Zone (2)
Fewer than 2,000 CDD and--
More than 7,000 HDD 8.5 7.3 17.1 129 55 110.4 43 1,200 0.51 1,030 398
5,500 to 7,000 HDD 25.9 19.9 51.2 164 64 125.9 49 1,507 0.59 1,156 451
4,000 to 5,499 HDD 21.9 16.6 38.8 141 60 106.7 42 1,502 0.64 1,138 446
Fewer than 4,000 HDD 17.8 13.5 26.1 102 53 77.4 29 1,228 0.64 931 351
2,000 CDD or More and--
Fewer than 4,000 HDD 16.3 13.1 23.6 92 51 73.7 28 1,334 0.74 1,068 405
Type and Ownership of
Housing Unit
Single-Family Detached 55.2 55.2 118.7 115 53 114.5 40 1,226 0.57 1,226 431
Owned 47.7 47.7 107.4 117 52 116.6 42 1,257 0.56 1,257 448
Rented 7.4 7.4 11.3 101 67 101.3 33 1,027 0.68 1,027 334
Single-Family Attached 5.3 5.3 10.2 99 52 98.9 40 1,135 0.59 1,135 461
Owned 3.9 3.9 8.2 105 49 104.7 43 1,180 0.56 1,180 483
Rented 1.5 1.5 2.0 84 61 83.7 33 1,017 0.74 1,017 403
2 to 4 Units 10.1 3.6 11.6 257 81 93.4 39 2,493 0.78 905 380
Owned 2.0 0.7 3.6 331 66 121.1 52 3,165 0.63 1,159 494
Rented 8.1 2.9 8.0 239 88 86.6 36 2,326 0.85 842 353
5 or More Units 14.9 1.2 11.9 806 80 64.2 34 8,547 0.85 681 360
Owned 1.0 0.1 1.4 973 47 67.1 40 12,295 0.60 848 508
Rented 13.9 1.1 10.5 796 85 64.0 34 8,321 0.88 669 351
Mobile Homes 5.1 5.1 4.4 76 89 76.5 30 948 1.10 948 376
Owned 4.3 4.3 3.7 77 88 76.9 31 960 1.10 960 381
Rented 0.9 0.9 0.7 74 95 74.1 29 887 1.13 887 351
Heated Floorspace
(square feet)
Fewer than 600 8.4 3.5 5.2 150 102 63.1 32 1,601 1.09 675 339
600 to 999 23.9 14.1 21.7 131 85 77.2 34 1,405 0.91 825 367
1,000 to 1,599 25.6 21.4 38.9 111 61 92.8 35 1,248 0.69 1,046 390
1,600 to 1,999 11.3 10.7 23.7 119 54 113.7 42 1,299 0.59 1,238 459
2,000 to 2,399 8.4 8.1 21.2 135 52 129.7 43 1,410 0.54 1,358 451
2,400 to 2,999 7.7 7.5 23.3 150 48 145.0 48 1,494 0.48 1,448 480
3,000 or More 5.3 5.1 22.8 174 39 169.0 53 1,779 0.40 1,724 537
Total Number of Rooms
(Excluding Bathrooms)
1 0.7 0.1 0.3 452 101 52.1 41 4,738 1.06 546 430
2 2.4 0.7 1.4 197 95 54.3 37 1,839 0.89 508 341
3 9.8 3.3 7.4 179 80 60.0 35 1,964 0.88 659 382
4 17.7 11.1 19.1 123 71 77.1 34 1,337 0.78 840 374
5 20.9 17.7 32.6 114 62 96.3 36 1,216 0.66 1,028 382
6 17.4 16.2 35.4 121 56 112.9 40 1,303 0.60 1,214 427
7 11.2 11.1 27.9 129 51 127.6 42 1,391 0.55 1,374 456
8 or More 10.4 10.2 32.7 156 49 153.7 47 1,634 0.51 1,614 492
Ownership of Unit
Owned 58.8 56.6 124.3 117 53 112.2 41 1,267 0.58 1,221 448
Rented 31.7 13.8 32.5 183 78 79.7 34 1,884 0.80 819 349
Public Housing 2.5 0.4 1.9 399 92 69.4 31 3,745 0.86 651 294
Not Public Housing 29.2 13.4 30.6 176 77 80.6 34 1,822 0.80 833 353
Rent Subsidy 1.4 0.5 1.2 215 88 76.4 35 2,274 0.93 810 370
No Rent Subsidy 27.8 12.9 29.3 175 77 80.8 34 1,805 0.79 834 353
Year of Construction
1939 or Before 21.5 16.6 38.9 155 66 120.4 49 1,427 0.61 1,105 447
1940 to 1949 8.2 6.8 13.0 126 66 103.6 41 1,264 0.66 1,042 412
1950 to 1959 13.1 11.5 22.8 125 63 109.6 41 1,273 0.64 1,121 416
1960 to 1969 16.4 11.8 28.0 139 58 99.7 39 1,477 0.62 1,060 414
1970 to 1974 9.6 6.9 15.4 133 60 95.3 36 1,483 0.66 1,062 406
1975 to 1979 10.5 8.1 19.6 112 46 86.1 32 1,470 0.61 1,131 418
1980 to 1984 7.4 5.5 12.1 95 44 71.2 27 1,317 0.60 984 375
1985 to 1987 (3) 3.9 3.2 7.0 85 39 71.1 25 1,248 0.57 1,049 375
All Utilities Paid by
Yes 73.7 66.6 141.5 117 55 105.2 39 1,275 0.60 1,150 423
No 16.8 3.9 15.3 355 90 81.7 40 3,341 0.84 768 375
1987 Family Income
Less than $5,000 6.2 3.8 6.3 135 81 82.6 43 1,337 0.80 818 430
$5,000 to $9,999 11.5 8.1 14.3 127 72 89.8 42 1,244 0.71 881 411
$10,000 to $14,999 12.6 9.5 17.5 121 66 91.1 40 1,235 0.67 927 407
$15,000 to $19,999 9.0 6.5 13.4 129 62 92.4 35 1,348 0.65 967 371
$20,000 to $24,999 8.8 6.9 14.3 122 58 95.8 37 1,325 0.63 1,038 401
$25,000 to $34,999 16.2 12.7 29.4 126 54 98.7 37 1,394 0.60 1,091 404
$35,000 to $49,999 13.4 11.5 28.1 131 53 112.2 37 1,465 0.60 1,257 417
$50,000 or More 12.9 11.6 33.5 144 50 129.0 42 1,610 0.55 1,440 470
Below Poverty Line
100 Percent 11.8 7.9 13.1 133 80 89.3 32 1,345 0.81 904 327
125 Percent 18.2 12.6 21.5 131 77 90.7 34 1,323 0.78 918 343
Eligible for Federal
Assistance (4)
25.6 18.3 33.3 131 72 93.4 35 1,320 0.73 945 351
Age of Householder
Under 25 Years 28.0 18.9 39.0 133 65 90.0 32 1,445 0.70 974 345
25 to 34 Years 18.0 14.8 34.6 129 55 105.7 32 1,435 0.61 1,180 359
35 to 44 Years 18.9 16.0 38.3 133 56 112.8 42 1,452 0.61 1,235 460
45 to 59 Years 25.7 20.7 45.0 125 57 100.4 56 1,253 0.58 1,010 564
Education of Householder
12 Years or Fewer 51.8 41.1 81.9 124 62 98.5 38 1,316 0.66 1,045 403
13 to 16 Years 30.7 23.2 58.0 137 55 103.4 39 1,493 0.60 1,128 427
17 Years or More 8.0 6.1 16.9 140 50 105.9 44 1,476 0.53 1,120 466
Race of Householder
White 76.6 61.4 138.5 125 55 100.2 40 1,356 0.60 1,087 429
Black 10.9 7.2 14.3 168 84 110.3 39 1,673 0.84 1,097 391
Other 3.0 1.9 4.0 131 61 81.1 24 1,346 0.62 832 243
Householder of Hispanic
Yes 5.0 3.5 6.5 126 67 87.3 27 1,406 0.75 977 297
No 85.5 66.9 150.3 130 58 101.6 40 1,387 0.62 1,086 425
Household Size
1 Person 21.6 13.1 27.2 131 63 79.4 79 1,267 0.61 769 769
2 Persons 30.7 24.4 54.6 121 54 96.0 48 1,309 0.58 1,040 520
3 Persons 35.1 30.1 68.3 135 59 115.5 31 1,484 0.65 1,272 340
4 or More Persons 3.1 2.8 6.7 145 61 131.2 20 1,606 0.68 1,452 220
(1)  Major Energy Sources include: electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas.
(2)  Climate zones are based on annual degree-days that are averaged over 30 years from 1951 to 1980.
(3)  Does not include all new construction for 1987.
(4)  Below 150 percent of poverty line or 60 percent of median State income.
Notes:  � Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source:  Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Forms EIA-457 A-G of the 1987 Residential
Energy Consumption Survey.


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Eileen O'Brien
mailto:Eileen.O'[email protected]
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