AEO2014 Release Schedule

Staged release of full Annual Energy Outlook 2014

On Monday April 7, 2014, we will begin the staged release of the full Annual Energy Outlook 2014 (AEO2014),
expanding on the AEO2014 Reference case tables and highlights that were issued in December 2013. The April 7
release will include the first of eight Issues in Focus articles which will be released according to the schedule below.

The final components of the full AEO2014 will be released on May 7, 2014 and will include a Legislation and
Regulations section that discusses evolving legislative and regulatory issues, a Market Trends section that highlights
and summarizes selected aspects of the projections for energy markets, and a comparison of AEO2014 with projections
from other organizations.

Issues in Focus Articles Release Date
U.S. tight oil production: Alternative supply projections and an overview of EIA's analysis of well-level data aggregated to the county level April 7, 2014
Potential for liquefied natural gas use as a railroad fuel April 14, 2014
Light-duty vehicle energy demand: demographics and travel behavior April, 16, 2014
No Sunset and Extended Policies cases April 21, 2014
Implications of lower natural gas prices on industrial production April 23, 2014
Implications of accelerated power plant retirements April 28, 2014
Variations in AEO2014 renewable electricity projections April 29, 2014
Implications of low electricity demand growth April 30, 2014

The complete version of the AEO2014 will be available on May 7, 2014.