Supplemental Tables to the Annual Energy Outlook 1996

Dear Customer

The AEO Supplementary files contain tables that were generated for the Reference case of the Annual Energy Outlook 1996 (AEO96), using the National Energy Modeling System, a computer-based model which produces annual  projections of energy markets for 1994 to 2015. Most of the tables in the files were not published in the AEO96, but contain regional and other more detailed projections underlying the AEO96 projections. The files containing  these tables are in spreadsheet format. A total of ninety-eight tables are presented.

The data in the files for tables 10 and 20 match those published in AEO96 Appendix tables A2 and A3, respectively. Forecasts for 1995, 1996, and 1997 in the files may differ from values published in the Short Term Energy  Outlook, First Quarter 1996, which are the official EIA short-term forecasts and are based on more current information than the AEO.

The AEO reflects data and information available as of July 31, 1995. At that time, most 1993 and 1994 but only partial 1995 data were available. Following is an instruction sheet which describes how the files are organized and how to load the data onto your hard disk. If you have questions about the diskette or how to use them, please contact Joseph Baumgartner (202-586-1294). Questions concerning the projections should be directed to the most appropriate person on the contact list, which also follows. 

Annual Energy Outlook 1996 Supplementary Instruction Sheet

There are eight sets of tables. Each set is on one of the eight files, and each file contains a worksheet in compressed form:

SUP96A 1 to 10 Consumption by Sector and Census Division

SUP96B 11 to 20 Prices by Sector and Census Division

SUP96C 21 to 31 Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Demand Sector Data

SUP96D 32 to 54 Transportation Demand Sector Data

SUP96E 55 to 61 Electric Utility Data, Part 1

SUP96F 62 to 70 Electric Utility Data, Part 2

SUP96G 71 to 81 Renewable Resource Data, Petroleum Data, and Natural Gas Data

SUP96H 82 to 98 Coal Data, Macroeconomic Data, and Petroleum Import Data

Use winzip to expand *.ZIP files into *.WK1 files.