The World Energy Projection System April 2001

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Updates

April 20, 2001 
(Next Release: 
April, 2002)

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Continuing with this release, annual updates to the model will be available. Check this space for scheduled future releases.

Note: If you are familiar with the model and just wish to download the latest version, click HERE.


The World Energy Projection System

The projections of world energy consumption published annually by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) in the International Energy Outlook (IEO) are derived from the World Energy Projection System (WEPS).  WEPS is an integrated set of personal computer-based spreadsheets containing data compilations, assumption specifications, descriptive analysis procedures, and projection models. The WEPS accounting framework incorporates projections from independently documented models and assumptions about the future energy intensity of economic activity (ratios of total energy consumption divided by gross domestic product [GDP]) and about the rate of incremental energy requirements met by natural gas, coal, and renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, geothermal, solar, wind, and other renewable sources).

WEPS was designed for use on an IBM compatible PC, in a Windows environment. WEPS is a set of Excel spreadsheets. The self-extracting file, WEPS2001.EXE contains 15 files which combined represent a total of 15.0 megabytes.

A full description of WEPS is provided in a model documentation report: Energy Information Administration, World Energy Projection System Model Documentation, DOE/EIA-M050(97) (Washington, DC, September 1997). The report represents a thorough description of each of the spreadsheets associated with the WEPS, along with a description of the methodologies and assumptions used to produce the projections.

Downloading Instructions

You will need at least 15.0 megabytes of free disk space on your PC hard drive to download and install the model.


    1. Create the directory C:\WEDA2001.

    2. Create two subdirectories C:\WEDA2001\RANGES\ and C:\WEDA2001\ELECTRIC\.

    3. Execute the self-extracting file, WEPS2001.EXE and copy the created files to the appropriate subdirectory as follows:

    Directory: C:\WEDA2001

    Subdirectory: C:\WEDA2001\RANGES\

    Subdirectory: C:\WEDA2001\ELECTRIC\
    Filename: ELEC_SH2.XLS

    4. Click HERE to download the WEPS model. Further directions for using the WEPS model are included in the Word Perfect 8.0 document, INSTALL.wpd

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Linda Doman 
[email protected]

Phone: (202) 586-1041
Fax: (202) 586-3045


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