Sergii Starostin

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Sergii is the co-founder and CEO of Outpost Club, a real estate technology platform that owns the full cycle of housing, from the online platform to offline inventory in New York, California, and New Jersey. He is also a co-founder of AlphaMedic and

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Real Estate

This Trend Is Threatening the Entire Housing Market — And It's Becoming Impossible to Overlook

Super commuters are reshaping the U.S. economy by choosing lower-cost living in distant areas, which impacts both housing markets and urban rental demand.

Real Estate

The United States Is in a Housing Crisis — Here's One Practical Alternative to Soaring House Prices

The country is facing a housing affordability crisis. Tenants are looking for comfortable living, not all the gold in Fort Knox; landlords are struggling with regulatory pressures and the need to balance income with maintenance and operational expenses.

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