eRA Update: Newly Redesigned eRA Website is Launched!

The newly revamped eRA website was launched this morning as an informational gateway for applicants, grantees and reviewers to navigate eRA modules, such as eRA Commons, IAR and ASSIST.


New eRA Home Page and Grantees Page


Please explore the site. If you have any comments or questions, please send them to [email protected].


Key highlights

  • Main screenshots of systems added to help figure out process at a glance
  • Commons/ASSIST log-in buttons moved to prominent location on upper right-hand corner of home page
  • Hover drop-down menus added to menu topics on home page to provide a glimpse of inside content
  • New categories of information and updated ‘how-to’ content.


Note: URLs of website pages have change; please change your favorite bookmarks (temporary redirects for frequently used pages are in place).


(Original message below sent Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 11:25 a.m.)