Also knows asClub of Maharashtra
End NamesTilak Road end, Pavilion end
Flood LightsNo
Home TeamsMaharashtra
Other SportsWrestling
CuratorChandu Borde
Current Local Time21:27, Mon Sep 02, 2024
The Nehru Stadium in Pune staged one of the biggest upsets in one-day cricket history when Kenya, the minnows, knocked off heavyweights West Indies in the World Cup league game in 1996 in a low-scoring thriller. Popular for being a 'patta' (flat) pitch, batsmen have mostly held sway with any domestic games producing high-scoring draws. Earlier known as the Club of Maharahstra ground, the present name, Nehru Stadium, came into existence in 1969 when Bill Lawry's Australians played their tour game against West Zone. Till now the ground was looked after by the city's municipal corporation, but now with the new office bearers assuming their seats at the Maharashtra Cricket Association, there are plans to give the ground a complete facelift including the re-laying of a new wicket.