

Neville Cardus opened his distinguished association with the Almanack, making his debut with an essay on "50 years of Lancashire cricket". To celebrate the centenary of John Wisden's cricket and cigar shop in London, Lord De L'Isle (no relation to Tim, the 2003 editor) wrote a short background article on the great man himself as businessman and cricketer. He explained how John Wisden started the Almanack, which he called "the acknowledged chronicle of cricket, the universal referee in any argument over the history of the game": some things never change. Did you know that Wisden was the son of a Brighton builder, took all ten wickets in an innings at Lord's in 1850, and was a bowling coach at Harrow School?
Editor Hubert Preston
Pages 1018
Price Ten shillings and sixpence

Almanack essays

Notes by the Editor

Exuberant batting by West Indies, 1951

Fifty years of Lancashire cricket


John Wisden's new century

Wisden and cricket are synonymous, 1951

Leslie Ames

A century of centuries, 1951

Then and now


Ups and downs on the Veld

South African cricket in 1951

Series included

Australia in South Africa, 1949-50

Report | Matches

West Indies in England 1950

Report | Matches

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Issue 17 of the Wisden cricket quarterly is a special edition celebrating The Oval. It is available in both print and e-book formats and available for world-wide shipping