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Dokumenty, ktoré pomáhajú pri vytváraní nových právnych predpisov EÚ

Najnovšie uverejnené dokumenty

Zverejnené 11-09-2024

10 years of Banking Union case law

Hĺbková analýza 11-09-2024

Banking Union is crucial for European integration, ensuring financial stability in the single market for financial services. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) plays an essential role in interpreting and enforcing the legal framework of the Banking Union, especially regarding the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). This in-depth analysis scrutinises the pertinent CJEU case law and highlights its implications for the Banking Union and the EU ...

Citizenship by investment (CBI) and residence by investment (RBI) schemes allow third-country nationals to obtain residence or citizenship in a host country in exchange for a financial contribution. In the European Union (EU), these schemes erode the principles of sincere cooperation, fairness and non-discrimination. They commodify EU citizenship and residence rights and weaken vetting and due diligence systems, thereby posing risks of corruption, money laundering, security threats and tax avoidance ...

The European Parliament's new Rules of Procedure entered into force on 16 July 2024 – the first day of Parliament's 10th term. The 'Parliament 2024' reforms sought primarily to streamline legislative procedures, enhance budgetary control and improve scrutiny of the Commission. The reforms have tackled conflicts of committee competences to expedite the attribution of files to committees. To address cases of cross-cutting issues falling within the competence of more than three committees, the Conference ...

Accountability of the European Banking Union

Hĺbková analýza 11-09-2024

The European Banking Union has marked a substantial transfer of powers for banking supervision and resolution from the national to the supranational arena. With power and independence comes accountability to ensure that the competences are exercised in accordance with their legal framework. This paper analyses existing accountability mechanisms and concludes that accountability should be strengthened in light of the relevance of supervisory and resolution decisions both on an individual fundamental ...

The original full study explores the implications and costs of digital and green legislation on companies, particularly SMEs, to identify the obstacles to its full and consistent implementation across the EU. The study aims at understanding the cumulative effects of the most impactful pieces of legislation, also with a cross-sectoral perspective. Additionally, it investigates the most effective tools for cost mitigation, in their application both in the legislative and implementation stages. EU ...

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