
A balancing ACT

Some of us are rubbish at relationships,’ declared a female voice on the van radio. I laughed as I drove. Thinking about my next job, I hadn’t been paying much attention to the discussion, but that statement was so true. I was definitely one of those women. The few relationships I’d had had ended in disaster!

Take my last one, with Darren. I fell hook, line and sinker, as they say. I really loved him – his ways, his smile, even his corny jokes. We seemed great together, until he found someone else. Unbelievable! I’d cried buckets.

‘You take life far too seriously!’

I sighed, but congratulated myself. After months of hurting like crazy, I could at last think about Darren without that awful knife-twisting feeling inside. And now my business came first. Men were right off the agenda!

Pulling up outside ‘Starlings’, a large detached house, I got out of the van, grabbed my toolbox from the back and dragged the doors shut, grinning.

Thanks to my lovely gran leaving me some money to on the side of my white van still gave me a thrill.

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