JOY! Magazine

Letters to the EDITOR

Dear readers, we love to hear your thoughts on the stories that we publish, what is going on around the world, and what the Lord has placed on your heart! Email your letter through to [email protected] for a chance to be featured – please try to keep letters to 150 words as we have limited space.

We love our subscription!

My husband and I always look forward to the latest JOY! Magazine, which over the years has been a great blessing. We would sin (tongue in cheek) if we hoarded them on our bookshelf, so we gladly pass them on.

Magda Gouws

First JOY! Magazine purchase

Today I purchased my very first JOY! Magazine. I’m very excited and a bit ashamed for not purchasing it a long time ago. However, I always believe that God’s timing is perfect. I started paging through it and got so excited. My New Year’s resolution is to have a more intimate relationship with God. The past two years have taken its toll on all of us. All I longed for is to hear God’s voice. This magazine is a start for me. It will give me new perspective on

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