Faces of NPR: Marielle Segarra

Faces of NPR showcases the people at NPR. Today, we feature Marielle Segarra, Life Kit Host.
Marielle Segarra, photographed for NPR, 9 September 2022, in New York, NY. Photo by Brandon Watson for NPR.

Faces Of NPR showcases the people behind NPR--from the voices you hear every day on the radio to the ones who work outside of the recording studio. You'll find out about what they do and what they're inspired by on the daily. Today we feature Marielle Segarra, Host of Life Kit.

The Basics:

Name: Marielle Segarra

Title: Host, Life Kit

Twitter Handle: @MarielleSegarra

Where you're from: Levittown, NY

What was the podcast that got you into podcasting?

Going way back, it was probably This American Life, the original. They still do such an amazing job at storytelling. More recently I got really into conversation podcasts, especially stuff like Armchair Expert. I really like that one. Have you ever heard it? It's Dax Shepard and Monica Padman. Sometimes Kristen Bell is on the show, too. They do a lot of interviews with well-known people, but it's also just focused on psychology and our inner emotional worlds, and I find that stuff fascinating. I think that's what I lean more towards these days, anything that talks about our emotions, how to live a happier life, podcasts that focus on spirituality or meditation, that kind of thing. I always really liked On Being. I found a lot of solace there.

How is your transition from Marketplace to NPR?

It's been good. I've been able to. Like we did one about investing, what to do with your investments and your retirement account, because the markets have been down for a year. And we did another answering listener questions about inflation. That kind of stuff I find is really useful. I've said this before, but it's kind of like I have the keys to a locked door. I have an ability to explain these things. And economics is not necessarily my great love, but what I do love is using my economics knowledge to help people navigate their lives.

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