Cage & Aviary Birds

Club News

New trophy in memory of Finbarr


THE North Monastery Secondary School was tire venue for tire Cork Show Bird Society’s 96dr annual show on November 5-6 2022. The show was named dre Finbarr Murphy Memorial in honour of Finbarr who passed away recendy and was a long-term member of dre Cork Show Bird Society.

In his honour the club donated a trophy for best members’ bird, which was won by Ken Murphy and presented by Finbarr’s daughters Nancy and Marguerite.

North Monastery Secondary School in Cork proved to be an excellent venue again and provided plenty of natural light for judging, catering facilities and ample car space for parking.

Cork Show Bird Society would like to take this opportunity to thank the management and staff of North Monastery School

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Cage & Aviary Birds
Editor: Rob Innes. Tel: 01959 543 544 Email: [email protected] Deputy Editor: Laura Welch. Tel: 01959 543 544 News Editor: Georgina Probert. Email: [email protected] Email (Club News): [email protected] Design: Focused On Design Lt
