Jeremy Clarkson tells George Clooney to 'man up' and ‘f**k off’ in new 'rejected' advert

The former Top Gear presenter made a brutal swipe at the actor over Instagram.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Jeremy Clarkson apologises to Dan Walker over question

, 62, shared the latest quip in a string of reportedly rejected advertising ideas for his mini-keg dispenser. While other ideas subtly jabbed at , 61, Jeremy blatantly told the actor to “man up” in the latest rendition. 

Jeremy posed leaning on a granite counter next to a small coffee machine in the advert concept. 

He said: “George Clooney is a real man. 

“He was Danny Ocean. He had a fight in a lorry dangling off a bridge. 

“And yet for years he has cajoled people to put the little pod in the little machine and have a little cup of coffee.”


Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson revealed the latest in a string of rejected advert ideas (Image: GETTY/INSTAGRAM)

Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy insinuated that rather than Nespresso coffee, his followers should drink Hawkstone Lager (Image: INSTAGRAM)

The presenter put on a satirical voice to make fun of George’s notorious partnership with Nespresso. 

He then exclaimed while pulling his mini-keg into view: “Come on George man up, get a proper keg, put it in a proper machine, have a proper pint of Hawkstone Lager.”

As he flicked coffee pods off the counter, Jeremy said under his breath: “F**k off George Clooney, f**k off.”

Indicating that this clip is the latest in his line of failed advertising ideas, Jeremy captioned it: “I’ve had another go. This one’s been rejected too.”

Jeremy Clarkson

This isn't the first time the presenter has made a swipe at George (Image: INSTAGRAM)

Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy has repeatedly told George Clooney to 'f*** off' in his clips (Image: INSTAGRAM)

The official Hawkstone Lager Instagram page replied to the video too. 

They commented: “Don't be like up and get your machine and Hawkstone kegs from”

Many of Jeremy’s five million followers said it was the “best ad ever” and hailed him as an “absolute genius”. 

Some called for Jeremy to be nominated for an Oscar, while others jabbed at the former presenter saying: “This is going better than your Volkswagen commercials.”



Jeremy’s advertising pitches all seem to focus around George and his 16-year-long connection with Nespresso. 

George started appearing in their ads in 2006 and has since also become a co-partner of the brand. 

Last week, Jeremy appeared on Instagram, with a video he described as a banned ad for the mini-keg machine which allows customers to pour pints in their own home. 

The Clarkson’s Farm star joked that millions of people “have been duped” by George into buying coffee machines. 

He continued: “What you actually need is one of these, a machine that can deliver perfectly chilled draft Hawkstone lager."

Once again the presenter concluded his advert with the phrase: “F**k off George Clooney.”

Jeremy has previously said he struggled to get adverts through to television, as his original concept last year was banned. 

In the clip, the presenter insinuated he drank a pint before heading to work which was reportedly the reason it was rejected.

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