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The Eclipse (2010)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is The Eclipse (2010)?
The Eclipse (2010) is 1 hr 28 min long.
Who directed The Eclipse (2010)?
Conor McPherson
Who is Michael Farr in The Eclipse (2010)?
Ciarán Hinds plays Michael Farr in the film.
What is The Eclipse (2010) about?
Michael Farr (Hinds) is a widower living in a misty Irish seaside town who is struggling to adjust to his new role as the sole caretaker of his two children. Still reeling from the death of his wife, he has been plagued by terrifying apparitions. When he volunteers at a local literary festival, he finds himself drawn to Lena Morelle (Hjejle), an empathetic author of supernatural fiction (Hjelje). While Lena tries to help Michael with the mystery of his nightmarish visions, she must contend with problems of her own—she’s being jealously pursued by a self-obsessed novelist (Quinn), her one-time lover. As the three adults’ lives converge, the turbulence of the phantom world will soon have nothing on that of the living.