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The Illusionist (2006)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is The Illusionist (2006)?
The Illusionist (2006) is 1 hr 50 min long.
Who directed The Illusionist (2006)?
Neil Burger
Who is Eisenheim in The Illusionist (2006)?
Ed Norton plays Eisenheim in the film.
What is The Illusionist (2006) about?
A master magician named Eisenheim (Edward Norton) vies with Crown Prince Leopold of Vienna for the hand of Sophie (Jessica Biel), the woman he once loved. He brings his considerable powers to bear on the prince, as she is about to be named royal fiancee. However, a police inspector named Uhl (Paul Giamatti) tries to warn Eisenheim that he is playing a very dangerous game. Based on a story by Steven Millhauser.