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The Pardon

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is The Pardon?
The Pardon is 1 hr 53 min long.
Who directed The Pardon?
Tom Anton
Who is Toni Jo Henry in The Pardon?
Jaime King plays Toni Jo Henry in the film.
What is The Pardon about?
Surviving a legacy of childhood abuse, which lands her in the art deco brothels of the time, Toni Jo briefly discovers love and happiness when she meets and marries the dashing boxer Cowboy Henry (Jason Lewis). Cowboy is soon after sent to prison for murder, leaving the bereft Toni Jo to follow in the footsteps of Bonnie and Clyde as she embarks on an ill-fated mission with accomplice Arkie (John Hawkes). A grisly murder and a series of sensational trials instantly make the beautiful Toni Jo into a celebrity. At the same time, she meets a man who will finally help her free herself. But will she find true redemption in the face of the crimes for which she is accused?