Allowances and expenses

Summary of allowances and expenses claimed by our Chair, executives and non-executives.

This page sets out the allowances and expenses claimed by our Chair and executive members of the Board from April 2013 onwards, and by our non-executive directors from April 2021 onwards relating to their roles as our representatives.

We provide details of our policy on travel, accommodation and subsistence rates payable to staff when they travel away from the office in the course of their business, in the Employee Handbook. Our guidance on hospitality is in the Conflicts of Interests policy.

Current year: April 2023 – March 2024

Executive directors Chair and non-executive directors

Stephen Braviner Roman – General Counsel and Executive Director Legal, Risk, Compliance and Corporate Governance

Ashley Alder – Chair

Therese Chambers – Joint Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight

Liam Coleman – Non-executive director

Sheree Howard – Executive Director, Risk and Compliance Oversight

Bernadette Conroy – Non-executive director

Sheldon Mills – Executive Director, Consumers and Competition

Sophie Hutcherson – Non-executive director

Sarah Pritchard – Executive Director, Markets

Richard Lloyd – Non-executive director

Nikhil Rathi – Chief Executive

Alice Maynard – Non-executive director

Jessica Rusu – Chief Data, Information and Intelligence Officer

Aidene Walsh – Non-executive director

Emily Shepperd – Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, Authorisations

Sam Woods – Non-executive director

Steve Smart – Joint Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight

Bryan Zhang – Non-executive director

Previous years

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: Information added latest documents published
: Information added latest documents published
: Information added page refreshed and latest documents published
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: Editorial amendment Updates to page features for website refresh.