Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.3, Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page
Release Date: April 12, 2007
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 H.3 (502)
 Table 1	                                                                                            For Release at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
                                                                                                                         April 12, 2007
 Adjusted for changes in reserve requirements(1)                                                                                              
 Seasonally adjusted unless noted otherwise
 Millions of dollars
                                  Reserves of depository institutions                          Borrowings of depository institutions from
                                                                                                        the Federal Reserve, NSA
                          --------------------------------------------------               --------------------------------------------------
      Date                   total(2)     non-         required       excess     Monetary        total      primary    secondary     seasonal
                                       borrowed(3)                    NSA(4)      base(5)  
  2006-Mar.                     43678        43509        42166         1512       797953          169          119            0           50
       Apr.                     44594        44347        42766         1828       800572          248          164            0           84
       May                      45023        44848        43220         1803       804737          175           24            0          151
       June                     45381        45129        43591         1790       804580          253           16            0          237
       July                     44180        43830        42633         1547       804071          350           39            0          312
       Aug.                     42876        42507        41343         1533       804687          369           26            0          343
       Sep.                     42880        42477        41118         1762       805199          403           66            0          338
       Oct.                     42782        42553        41102         1680       806636          229           24            0          205
       Nov.                     43198        43038        41495         1703       809747          160           48            0          112
       Dec.                     43288        43097        41475         1813       812367          191          111            0           80
  2007-Jan.                     41483        41272        39968         1515       813297          211          187            0           24
       Feb.                     42063        42034        40558         1506       811958           30            8            0           22
       Mar. p                   41805        41751        40168         1637       813512           54           21            5           28
 2 weeks ending(7)
  2007-Feb. 14                  42123        42094        40886         1237       811035           30            8            0           22
            28                  42003        41974        40229         1774       812881           30            8            0           21
       Mar. 14                  43051        43008        41495         1556       814024           43            7           11           26
            28                  40328        40268        38643         1684       812763           60           31            0           29
       Apr. 11p                 42888        42808        41094         1793       814615           80           44            0           36
 1. Reserves and monetary base figures incorporate adjustments for discontinuities, or "breaks", associated with regulatory changes in reserve 
    requirements. (For more information, see Table 3).
 2. Seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted total reserves equal seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted required reserves plus unadjusted excess 
    reserves. (Also, see footnote 2 on Table 2 and footnote 2 on Table 3.)
 3. Seasonally  adjusted, break-adjusted nonborrowed reserves equal seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted total reserves less unadjusted total
    borrowings of depository institutions from the Federal Reserve.
 4. Excess reserves NSA equals unadjusted total reserves (Table 2, column 1) less adjusted required reserves (Table 2, column 3).
 5. The seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted monetary base consists of (1) seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted total reserves plus (2)
    the seasonally adjusted currency component of the money stock plus (3), for all quarterly reporters on the "Report of Transaction 
    Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash" and for all those weekly reporters whose vault cash exceeds their required reserves, the 
    seasonally adjusted, break-adjusted difference between current vault cash and the amount applied to satisfy current reserve requirements. 
    (Also see footnote 3 on Table 2 and footnote 4 on Table 3.)
 6. Prorated averages of biweekly averages.
 7. Averages of daily figures.
 p  preliminary
 H.3 (502)
 Table 2
 Not adjusted for changes in reserve requirements(1) 
 Not seasonally adjusted
 Millions of dollars
                    Reserves of depository institutions                                          Vault cash(5)
                  --------------------------------------                            --------------------------------------
                                                                            Reserve                  used to                 Net carryover
      Date              total(2) nonborrowed     required     Monetary     balances       total      satisfy      surplus(7)  of reserve
                                                               base(3)     with F.R.                required                  balances(8)
                                                                            Banks(4)                reserves(6)
  2006-Mar.                42732        42563        41220       806238         9132        49630        33601        16029
       Apr.                44723        44475        42895       808419        10280        48394        34443        13951
       May                 45427        45252        43624       811877        10627        48306        34800        13506
       June                45037        44784        43247       812202         9894        48996        35143        13852
       July                44841        44491        43294       811727         9589        49628        35252        14376
       Aug.                42664        42295        41131       809723         8780        50247        33884        16363
       Sep.                42594        42191        40832       809976         9101        49409        33493        15915
       Oct.                41740        41512        40061       809237         8254        50102        33486        16616
       Nov.                42221        42061        40517       815385         8457        48969        33763        15206
       Dec.                43274        43083        41461       825289         8479        50905        34795        16110
  2007-Jan.                44638        44427        43123       823712         8794        52170        35843        16327
       Feb.                42665        42635        41159       819695         7722        53742        34943        18799
       Mar. p              40770        40716        39133       820769         7520        49736        33250        16486
 2 weeks ending(10)
  2007-Feb. 14             40298        40269        39061       817475         6721        56049        33578        22471          -62
            28             45032        45002        43258       821914         8723        51436        36309        15127         -135
       Mar. 14             39692        39649        38135       820850         7596        48658        32096        16562           67
            28             42036        41976        40351       820568         7388        50971        34648        16323          157
       Apr. 11p            39896        39816        38102       821327         7782        49008        32114        16894          162
 1. Reflects actual required reserves, with no adjustments to eliminate the effects of discontinuities, or "breaks", associated with 
    regulatory changes in reserve requirements.
 2. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements.
 3. The monetary base, not break-adjusted and not seasonally adjusted, consists of (1) total reserves plus (2) required clearing balances
    and adjustments to compensate for float at Federal Reserve Banks plus (3) the currency component of the money stock plus (4), for all 
    quarterly reporters on the "Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash" and for all those weekly reporters whose 
    vault cash exceeds their required reserves, the difference between current vault cash and the amount applied to satisfy current reserve 
    requirements. Currency and vault cash figures are measured over computation periods ending on Mondays.
 4. Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float and includes other off-balance sheet "as-of" adjustments.
 5. Vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements. It includes only vault cash held by those banks and thrifts that are not exempt
    from reserve requirements. Dates refer to the maintenance periods in which the vault cash can be used to satisfy reserve requirements.
 6. All vault cash held during the lagged computation period by "bound" institutions (i.e., those whose required reserves exceed their vault 
    cash) plus the amount of vault cash applied during the maintenance period by "nonbound" institutions (i.e., those whose vault cash 
    exceeds their required reserves) to satisfy current reserve requirements.
 7. Total vault cash eligible to satisfy reserve requirements, held by depository institutions not exempt from reserve requirements, minus the
    amount used to satisfy reserve requirements.
 8. Consists of carryover only at depository institutions maintaining reserves on the basis of two-week maintenance periods. Reflects excess (+) 
    or deficit (-) reserves eligible to be carried forward into the two-week reserve maintenance period ending on the date shown.
 9. Prorated averages of biweekly averages.
10. Averages of daily figures.
 p  preliminary
 H.3 (502)
 Table 3
 Adjusted for changes in reserve requirements(1)
 Not seasonally adjusted
 Millions of dollars
                      Reserves of depository institutions
      Date              total(2) nonborrowed    required(3)  Monetary base(4)
  2006-Mar.                42754        42585        41242         798211
       Apr.                44748        44500        42920         800896
       May                 45451        45276        43648         804687
       June                45069        44816        43278         804881
       July                44876        44525        43328         804604
       Aug.                42695        42326        41162         802651
       Sep.                42627        42224        40865         803089
       Oct.                41768        41539        40088         802290
       Nov.                42246        42086        40543         808524
       Dec.                43274        43083        41461         818343
  2007-Jan.                44613        44402        43098         816807
       Feb.                42676        42647        41171         812901
       Mar. p              40788        40734        39151         813902
 2 weeks ending(6)
  2007-Feb. 14             40307        40278        39070         810619
            28             45045        45016        43271         815183
       Mar. 14             39707        39665        38151         814169
            28             42055        41995        40371         813538
       Apr. 11p            39918        39838        38124         814351
 1. Figures reflect adjustments for discontinuities, or "breaks", associated with 
    regulatory changes in reserve requirements.
 2. Break-adjusted total reserves equal break-adjusted required reserves (Table 3, 
    column 3) plus excess reserves NSA (Table 1, column 5).
 3. To adjust required reserves for discontinuities due to regulatory changes in 
    in reserve requirements, a multiplicative procedure is used to estimate what 
    required reserves would have been in past periods had current reserve 
    requirements been in effect. Break-adjusted required reserves are equal to 
    break-adjusted required reserves against transactions deposits.
 4. The break-adjusted monetary base equals (1) break-adjusted total reserves plus 
    (2) the (unadjusted) currency component of the money stock plus (3), for all 
    quarterly reporters on the "Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and 
    Vault Cash" and for all those weekly reporters whose vault cash exceeds their 
    required reserves, the break-adjusted difference between current vault cash and 
    the amount applied to satisfy current reserve requirements.
 5. Prorated averages of biweekly averages.
 6. Averages of daily figures.
 p  preliminary		

 Note: Current and historical H.3 data are available each week on the Federal Reserve 
       Board's web site (http://www.federalreserve.gov/). Monthly data are available 
       back to January 1959, and weekly data are available back to January 1975 for most 
       series. For information about individual copies or subscriptions, contact 
       Publications Services at the Federal Reserve Board (phone 202-452-3245, 
       fax 202-728-5886). For paid electronic access to current and historical data, 
       call STAT-USA at 1-800-782-8872 or 202-482-1986. 

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