Media & Brand Center

About FFA

Media & Brand Center2024-08-19T15:38:05-04:00

Premier Leadership.
Personal Growth.
Career Success.

“Future Farmers of America” – today known as the National FFA Organization – was founded by a group of young farmers in 1928. Their mission was to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. They taught us that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting – it’s a science, it’s a business and it’s an art.

Today, more than 1,027,273 student members aged 12-21 in more than 9,235 chapters nationwide are engaged in a wide range of agricultural education activities. Students join FFA to explore a variety of careers in the food, fiber and natural resources industry. They are the next generation of leaders.

Media Resources

Contact Us

Please get in touch with us for media inquiries, general assistance, digital media assets and more:

Kristy Meyer
Marketing and Communications
[email protected]

Latest Press Releases

FFA Reaches Record High Membership

INDIANAPOLIS (Monday, Aug. 5, 2024/National FFA Organization) -  National FFA Organization, a nationally recognized school-based student leadership development organization, announced today that it reached a record-breaking milestone of having more than one million FFA members: 1,027,273.

FFA Fact Sheet
2023-24 National FFA Organization Fact Sheet
Our Impact Report
National FFA Organization Annual Report
National Officers
2023-24 National FFA Officer Team

Using the FFA Brand

Appropriate Use of the FFA Brand

Chapters, state associations and state foundations have permission to use the FFA Name and Marks (including the FFA Emblem) to publicize and promote FFA through public information; promotions and publicity events; educational programs; and motivational programs.

As specified by the National FFA Board of Directors, FFA chapters, state associations, state foundations and the National FFA Foundation are authorized to use the FFA Name and Marks for products for their own use and for fundraising to support local, state or national FFA programs on the following conditions:

  • Products or services sold must be in good taste, represent a reasonable product or service for FFA, be of good value and quality, and be consistent with the goals and image of FFA.
  • Sales are limited by chapters to their local area.
  • Sales are limited by states to the areas within their respective state boundaries.

Chapters seeking to create and order items bearing the FFA Name and Marks should complete a Transfer License Request.

Chapters, state associations and state foundations are not authorized to grant rights to use the FFA Name and Marks when the product or service will be sold to wholesalers or dealers who will resell the product.

Any business wishing to use the FFA Name or Marks on products or services for sale must apply and obtain approval to become an official licensee. For additional specific information on how to use the FFA Name and Marks, please refer to the Official Board Policy on FFA Trademarks.

Illustration of FFA Emblem Clearance

Illustration of appropriate FFA Emblem clearance. Find more information in the Brand Guidelines.

Brand Site & Assets

Trademark Policy
FFA Trademark Policy

2024 Event Assets

97 Convention Logo - Engage - 500x450 Featured Image

Frequently Asked Questions

The FFA emblem is available for non-commercial use:

FFA Brand Toolkit
FFA Brand Center

We’re proud to offer a one-stop shop for FFA-branded merchandise. Check out,

Shop FFA
Vendor Licensed Merchandise

Yes, if items are being created specifically for a local FFA chapter or for fundraising purposes for a local chapter. The local chapter advisor must fill out the Transfer License Request form.

Once the form is submitted, you will receive approval within 48 hours and access to the appropriate FFA emblem files.

If you have any questions, please email, [email protected]

Only licensed vendors with the National FFA Organization can sell items online.

Per the policy of the National FFA Board of Directors, a local chapter, a state association or a state foundation may not grant use of the FFA trademarks, either actual or implied, to any third party for commercial use without written permission from the National FFA Organization.

The National FFA Organization owns the rights to several trademarks and carefully manages their commercial use. The organization is obligated to protect against unauthorized uses.

  • FFA Emblem (US Trademark Reg. No. 1723677)
  • FFA (US Trademark Reg. No. 1201615)
  • FFA New Horizons (US Trademark Reg. No. 1645195

FFA has the sole and exclusive right to use its proprietary marks.

As a trademark owner, the National FFA Organization is obligated to protect against unauthorized or potentially confusing uses of its trademarks and, therefore, carefully manages their commercial use. No one can use the FFA marks for a commercial purpose without the express written permission of the National FFA Organization.

A local chapter may not use the FFA marks for commercial purposes, nor may a chapter, state association, state foundation, National FFA Foundation, member, or alumni chapter grant such rights, either actual or implied, to any third party. All of the above-mentioned items are responsible for adhering to these same requirements and standards for product purchases and must either be purchased directly from the National FFA Organization Shop FFA or an Official Licensee. Shop FFA is specifically charged with serving as the designated product supplier for the National FFA Organization, state FFA associations, and local FFA chapters and holds its vendors to a review process very similar to that of licensees.

National FFA Board of Director’s Policy

Program Evaluation Insight and Research Brief Series

National FFA programs, events and resources are evaluated annually. Explore the successes of FFA members and specific FFA programs with these documents based in FFA-managed research and our collaborations with external research institutions.

FFA Trademark Licensing

As the country’s largest student organization, our members are the future — trained leaders representing everything from family farms to corporate enterprise, earning $4 billion annually through hands-on work experience alone. Impress and showcase your brand to up-and-coming consumers, employees, and leaders while displaying support and solidarity in a valuable and trusted organization.


“FFA Today” on RFD-TV

Mondays @ 7 p.m. ET

Check out FFA Today, a fun and fast-paced show featuring fascinating stories about amazing kids and unique agriculture industries. Hosted by FFA members, each episode of FFA Today takes you into the world of these dynamic students and teachers. Prepare to be inspired by their stories of service, entrepreneurship and innovation. The show also features interesting agriculture careers and industries. Plus, it highlights the incredible speaking and musical talents of members from across the country.

Submit your stories to FFA Today! Watch the video below to learn about creating video for FFA Today, then submit your stories, ideas and more to [email protected]

“FFA Today” on RURAL RADIO SiriusXM Channel 147

Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. ET or Sundays at 6:30 p.m. ET

“FFA Today” on RURAL RADIO SiriusXM Channel 147 is a weekly program that features the latest and greatest FFA stories.

Hosted by Janet Adkison – a former state FFA officer from Missouri, past NAFB president and current Washington, D.C. News Bureau Chief for RFD-TV and RURAL RADIO – “FFA Today” introduces you to members, advisors, former members and supporters from across the country.

FFA members describe how they prepare for competitions, community service projects and more … FFA advisors explain why they teach agriculture and what keeps them excited every day … and former members tell how their FFA experiences shaped their lives and careers long after they took off the blue jacket.

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