In This Review
Antidiplomacy: Terror, Speed, and War

Antidiplomacy: Terror, Speed, and War

By James Der Derian

Blackwell, 1992, 215 pp.

Unlike any book this reviewer has ever seen, this is a collage of new-wave writing on world politics. "Poststructuralism" is advanced as a new way of thinking about international relations. The author appears to be heavily influenced by our television, computer and pop culture environment. He sees the new "antidiplomacy" as resulting from a "techno-strategic" triad of widespread surveillance through various types of spying, terrorism and the speed with which new perceptions travel in today's media. These are said to have replaced traditional dealings among nations. Highly imaginative in its approach, this work could be a revelation to some and idiosyncratic babble to others. It is an original cuisine, to be tried once, but few will want to adopt it as their daily fare of foreign policy analysis.