People already trying to beat the heat as Vegas could break all-time temperature record next week

People already trying to beat the heat as Vegas could break all-time temperature record next week
Published: Jul. 5, 2024 at 10:23 PM PDT
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LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - It is hot and only going to get hotter in Southern Nevada. Next week, the all-time heat record could be broken. Friday, FOX5 spoke with people looking to beat the heat in the Vegas Valley and up on Mt. Charleston.

The splash pad at Sunset Park was a hot spot to cool down.

“They are having a ball. They are having a ball,” Latasha Ivory said while watch her kids play. Ivory brought four of her eight kids to the park but wasn’t just there to watch them play.

“I am going to get wet too, it is too hot not to,” Ivory contended.

“Sunset in nice because of the shade. It has the shady trees so it prevents the ground from being too hot,” explained Reanan Barnes. Barnes tries to make sure her kids are active during the summer not just stuck at home because of the heat.

“My kids like sprinklers, we do water balloon fights, we go to the Cowabunga Bay,” Barnes revealed.

Up on Mt. Charleston it is cooler than down in the Vegas Valley. Jill Workman Anderson went up into the mountains for a short hike with her dog.

“You can look out and see the desert and so it was really neat and beautiful and 30 degrees cooler than North Las Vegas where we live,” Workman Anderson reported.

Some people don’t mind the extreme temperatures. FOX5 spotted a man in the rocks barefoot. “Futur” told us he is in town from Carolina to visit his sister.

“I don’t need to escape the heat. I enjoy the heat…I love cliff climbing and the nature and you know the world,” he said. Futur argues the desert heat is better than the humidity back home in Carolina.

“Here it is dry…you are not even sweating at 100 something degrees. Where I’m from at 80 degrees you are dripping,” he described.

Next week, even Mt. Charleston will reach the mid-90s. Neighboring states are also under the same heat advisory. There won’t be any nearby places to go to completely escape the heat. Your best bet to stay cool: stay indoors.