Melania Trump

Did Melania Trump just like this Tweet dissing her husband?

The First Lady might just have confirmed the rumours about her marriage...
Image may contain Melania Trump Clothing Apparel Human Person Sleeve Suit Coat and Overcoat
The White House / Handout

Remember the #FreeMelania campaign that circulated the internet during Donald Trump's election process? Well, the First Lady's recent Twitter activities suggest that the public may have been onto something when they assumed her robotic facial expressions meant she was forced into a role she did not want.

The White House / Handout

For months, Melania Trump has remained mute on speculations about her marriage. Like a true stateswoman, she has ignored the endless memes and social media reactions poking fun at both her husband and their relationship - that is until now.

On Tuesday, eagle-eyed Twitter users noticed that Mrs. Trump liked this tweet from her verified personal account...

Yup, really. There are screenshots to prove it...

Whether it was an accidental like or not, it has certainly added fuel to the fire that is the Trump marriage. In fact, the indirect message has invited a fresh new batch of reaction memes and tweets...

We wonder what Donald Trump will tweet about this.