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34th Military Police Company

The 34th Military Police Company is a 160 soldier unit assigned to the 34th Infantry Division with its headquarters in Rosemount, MN. The 34th MPs are trained to perform a variety of tasks both during peacetime and wartime. They have five basic functions or responsibilities as they apply to the Military Police.

Maneuver & Mobility Operations:
As Military Police, the members of the 34th MP Company are responsible for ensuring safe movement of personnel and supplies as they move within a specific area of operations. To achieve this, they may need to man checkpoints along a route to control traffic or limit access to a certain area. Military Police will often be required to escort individuals or even large convoys of vehicles from one point to another to ensure their safety from enemy attack. The mobility and level of training that describes the combat M.P. of today makes them an irreplaceable asset to their higher headquarters. The information that M.P.s provide on road conditions, safe routes to travel, and enemy activities allows for the safe and successful completion of many military operations.

Area Security Operations:
The 34th MPs have the training to secure and control a variety of areas from a single building to a tactical airfield. This mission calls for the company to sometimes use infantry tactics to prevent the enemy from overtaking a key, critical area. At other times it requires an M.P. to use diplomacy and tact in dealing with non-combatants who have wandered into a secure area.

Internment & Resettlement Operations:
The handling of enemy prisoners of war is another specialty of the Military Police. Many members of the 34th MPs volunteered in Operation Desert Storm and were sent with another local MP Company to Saudi Arabia. There, they assisted in processing the great number of prisoners that resulted from the conflict.

Law & Order Operations:
Just as the name implies, the Military Police also have the mission of providing law enforcement to the military. This mission is almost identical to that of the civilian city, county or state police. The difference is that the military police not only enforce civilian law but also military law. The 34th MPs have had numerous opportunities to utilize their skills in Law Enforcement by augmenting Active Duty MP units in Panama, Germany & Guatemala during recent Annual Training deployments.

Police Intelligence Operations:
This latest addition to the MP Functions adds to the basic functions the realm of Military Police Intelligence Operations. MPI has traditionally been specialized training MP's receive upon assignment to MPI positions. As the role of the Military Police changes the addition of this function will give every MP a wider back ground in the full scope of the duty and responsibilities of their MOS.

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