Ask the Author: Christine Riccio

“Ask me a question.” Christine Riccio

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Christine Riccio My Nana is a huge reader. She would always have a book on her person when I was growing up. I was so excited to be able to read because of how much she loved it! So the second I started reading in school, I asked my mom to drive me to the bookstore so I could get beginner-reading level books to bring to my Nana's house and read (show her how I could read).

My love for stories grew from there. My third and fourth-grade teacher's introduced me to Roald Dahl books - they were my first experience with fantasy novels, and I was instantly obsessed. I hunted down all the magic books I could from that point on. <3
Christine Riccio I am in the midst of edits on my third novel, and I AM SO EXCITED to tell yall about it. I've been documenting the whole journey on my youtube channel if you're interested. .

Hopefully I'll have book 3 news and details for yall soon! <3
Christine Riccio I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!

When I started brainstorming Better Together my family was going through a heap of divorce drama (10 years into said divorce). I was going through my own mental health journey with it.

I needed a way to process all those thoughts and feelings -- and the way I process things tends to be through writing! So I thought to myself --- how the hell can I do something about the side effects of divorce on young adults, BUT not have it be depressing? How do I make that fun?

WHICH made me think of the parent trap, and that made me think -- how would this meeting would have played out if these young women were 19, and 21 . That's how it started =)

I've also always wanted to write a sister story . Jamie and Siri's journey is so near and dear to my heart! <3
Christine Riccio I have many times now! I love London. I studied abroad there back in college, and the whole experience was so pivotal and life-changing for me - it inspired Again But Better =)
Christine Riccio I AM SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND THE EXCITEMENT. It does not feel real.
Christine Riccio I think I gravitated toward screen writing in college specifically because I love to write dialogue. And that really showed in my first draft of Again, But Better- THERE WAS SO MUCH DIALOGUE. Like an excessive amount, so I ended up having to cut a lot XD. I actually wasn't allowed to do a creative writing minor since I was already doing a creative major. I took the creative writing electives available and I did all the screenwriting courses I could fit into my four years. The "Film and TV major" might not strike you as a writing degree, because you automatically think - oh they were working with cameras and on a set and all that jazz, but there are so many difference faucets to film/tv. I did the minimal amount of production courses required and for the major was very much concentrated in the field of storytelling/writing.
Christine Riccio It was Twilight!!! Twilight changed my life in such an big way - and one of the ways it did that was by brining me into the world of young adult literature. =)

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