Ask the Author: Gwenda Bond

“Ask me a question.” Gwenda Bond

Answered Questions (18)

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Gwenda Bond Alas, I don't think so! But thank you for asking and enjoying Macy's story. <3
Gwenda Bond This interview gives a great overview for the process. It was a wonderful experience.
Gwenda Bond Alas, not up to me. I'd love to see them translated and done in audio! Fingers crossed the publisher will do that at some point. Thanks so much for reading!
Gwenda Bond I'm not sure whether there will be more books or not. I love telling stories with Jules and about the Cirque so...maybe! (I think Dita deserves a book at some point, if there are more.) If you haven't heard about it, there's a comic book miniseries about Jules and Remy in Paris that's coming out now and will be collected as a graphic novel in November. It's set during book 1 and 2, but is also it's own standalone story!
Gwenda Bond Yes! It's the Cirque American series (I think it MIGHT have been listed as the Girl on a Wire series here for awhile, so that's probably where the confusion comes from).
Gwenda Bond Yes! More details here, but I'm writing it now and it'll be out next May:
Gwenda Bond They will! All the characters from Girl on a Wire will be there (Moira rooms with Dita) -- and I have some news about another Remy and Jules story soon, which I'm super-excited about but not allowed to blab the details of just yet. :-)
Gwenda Bond Thanks so much! I've gotten the rights to The Woken Gods (and Blackwood, my first book) back and it should be available in ebook again in a spiffy new version within the next month or so. Depending how that goes, I definitely might revisit it and write the sequel that was always planned at some point (which would explore a lot more of that world). Scheduling is always the hard part. In the meantime, there is a bonus extra that does offer a glimpse of the Awakening through the eyes of a girl in London. You can read it here:
Gwenda Bond It is! And I'm so excited about it -- I should be able to show off the cover any day now. Here's the book description:

Eighteen-year-old Moira Mitchell grew up in the shadows of Vegas’s stage lights while her father’s career as a magician soared. More than anything, Moira wants to be a magician too, but her father is dead set against her pursuing magic.

When an invitation to join the Cirque American mistakenly falls into Moira’s possession, she takes action. Instead of giving the highly coveted invitation to its intended recipient, Raleigh, her father’s handsome and worldly former apprentice, Moira takes off to join the Cirque. If she can perform alongside its world-famous acts, she knows she’ll be able to convince her dad that magic is her future.

But when Moira arrives, things take on an intensity she can’t control as her stage magic suddenly feels like…real magic. To further distract her, Raleigh shows up none too pleased at Moira’s presence, all while the Cirque’s cocky and intriguing knife thrower, Dez, seems to have it out for her. As tensions mount and Moira’s abilities come into question, she must decide what’s real and what’s an illusion. If she doesn’t sort it out in time, she may forever remain a girl in the shadows.
Gwenda Bond It's possible there will be more, but at this point only two are confirmed. So if you want a Lois Lane series book three (or beyond), keep recommending Fallout to people -- especially when it comes out in paperback -- and get excited for Double Down. Fingers crossed!
Gwenda Bond Nothing planned at the moment, but we may slip you guys some excerpts or snippets of the sequel a little in advance this time around!
Gwenda Bond Thanks for the question! Good news: YES! Next May the sequel Double Down will be released. More info here:
Gwenda Bond It's not a retelling -- it's a whole new version of Lois as a teenager first becoming a reporter, but of course it draws very much from some of the established hallmarks and background of the character(s).
Gwenda Bond I hardly know where to start. When someone asks me this in person, I babble on and on and on, but I'll try to be more succinct here.

I keep saying that Lois is an icon, and it's because she is and for a very good reason. Lois is brave, bold, funny. She's also the best at her job, and truly committed to--in the super-parlance--truth and justice. She really is a superhero without any superpowers.

And I also believe that the reason her relationship with Clark Kent/Superman is one for the ages is because (in its best incarnations) it's a true partnership of equals who are not just romantically involved but who also like each other. To steal a line from one of my favorite shows, Parks & Rec, that relationship is a great example of: "I love you and I like you." His humanity, even while he's an alien, is something that makes Superman a great character and Lois brings that out.

Both Lois and Clark are characters who look at the worst people can do and still believe--completely--that the world is worth saving.

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