Ask the Author: Christopher Febles

“Ask me a question.” Christopher Febles

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Christopher Febles Hi Julier,

Thanks for your question on my author page! I thought it'd be better to answer directly, so here it is.

I often "friend" new users who "like" one of my reviews. I can't recall which, but it might have been Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. But I saw the same thing you did: lots of books in common. Seems you went on a Malcolm Gladwell kick as I did! And on your list are some of my favorites, like Cormac McCarthy, and I'm Glad My Mom Died. So I'm sure we'll have lots of overlap!

Happy reading and take care!

Christopher Febles Hi William,

Congratulations on your novel! It was a fast-paced, interesting and emotional read. Anything track and field-related will get my attention. I actually work at Regis HS (guidance counselor / coach) in Manhattan, but earned my MSW from Fordham University in 2001. My brother George, however, has been the track and field coach at Fordham Prep since 1989. I love the CHSAA and was pleasantly surprised to see Tim running at Iona Prep, Van Cortlandt and Randall's Island. The name Frank Tomeo rings a bell, as does Brooklyn Prep, of course. I'm happy to mention this book to my colleagues, not to mention GR and IG. Well done!

Christopher Febles I get some of my best ideas on the run. Nothing like running to clear your head. Sometimes I'll be stuck on a plot or character issue, and a few miles in I'll have something click.

But in writing "Richie the Caseworker" I had a big revelation driving with my daughter to our vacation spot. I spent days after that fixing the ---- out of the book. Kinda fried my brain in front of the computer screen for a bit, but it worked out.

I also got stuck on something else I was writing. It was so bad I almost gave up. But a guy I know, already published, called me out of the blue, not even about the book, and said, "Why CAN'T you do that?" Boom. Done.

So, go for a run, go for a drive, and be so open-minded and patient that you wait around for a guardian angel to pop out of nowhere and snap you out of it.

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