Ask the Author: Brandon Sanderson

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Brandon Sanderson 1) Two is in January. Three hasn't been set yet. We'll see when I finish it.
2) Yes, there will be a sequel, probably next fall. And yes, we will eventually go further into the future.
Brandon Sanderson Not right now, I'm afraid. But my tour dates for next year are not set.
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Brandon Sanderson Yes on both counts.
Brandon Sanderson No, he could not. He would no longer be an Allomancer. Also, he'd probably be dead. :)
Brandon Sanderson He was familiar with the idea that people lived on other planets, but had no interest--or experience--in visiting other places. During his Ascension, he could have left Scadrial, if he'd wished.
Brandon Sanderson The answer is simple: YOU are what makes your story worth telling. Harry Potter wasn't an original story, and yet told very well, it became an excellent series.

My suggestion to you is to ask what unique passions or life experiences you have that aren't found in the average fantasy book. This genre still has a lot of room to grow. A person passionate about sports could write a very different fantasy novel from one passionate about lawn care--assuming they take what they know and love and make us, as readers, come to know and love it as well.

Good luck!
Brandon Sanderson I sincerely doubt you will like my entries into the series if you didn't like the earlier books. The characters and setting were what made me passionate about finishing the series, and I didn't come into the WoT to change or fix it--only to do the best I could at fulfilling what it already was.

Now, mind you, it's perfectly all right for you not to like them. Not every series is for every person, and the WoT just might not be to your taste.

If--despite this--you really want to try mine out, you can read very detailed summaries of the previous books on These are chapter by chapter, so it will probably take you a while to get through them.
Brandon Sanderson Working on it right now, actually. Maybe out next year.
Brandon Sanderson Scadrial probably has it already. Roshar is farthest, not having as much in the way of milk products.
Brandon Sanderson I'm afraid I don't. I use Microsoft Word. Compiling is all done the old-fashioned way with lots of editing.
Brandon Sanderson Well, Emperor's Soul is the one that won a Hugo, which gives it some objective credibility for being the best. AMOL was the hardest by a long shot, and in some ways the most satisfying, but I'm perhaps most proud of The Way of Kings. So one of those three, likely.
Brandon Sanderson I do see myself getting to Italy or Austria--but I don't know about Croatia itself. It depends on if a publisher or convention invites me!
Brandon Sanderson I have finished Alcatraz 5, but I don't know what the publication schedule for it will be. I think Tor wants to re-release the first four before doing five.
Brandon Sanderson They are on different worlds, but in the same universe. There are clues throughout (starting in Elantris) about how people jump between planets. It will be more clear in the future, but you might want to google the "cosmere" and read what people have theorized so far.
Brandon Sanderson I was just there last week! :) (In spain and the UK.)

Kaladin was inspired originally by reading about surgeons in the middle ages.
Brandon Sanderson Lots of notes, a good internal wiki, and an even better continuity editor. (In the form of Peter Ahlstrom.)
Brandon Sanderson You'll find out more eventually. There are several reasons, but imagine how a creature attracted to a specific color would respond if you dumped every color together in a big mess.
Brandon Sanderson

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