Ask the Author: J.D. James

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J.D. James To a parallel universe to see how other options in my life would have turned out.
J.D. James No matter anywhere in the world, chaos seems to follow me; and somehow, by adapting to it, life works out.
J.D. James In Seeking Valhalla I wanted to continue my first book Managing Chaos in greater depth with "rawer" experiences of mine in facing life; coupled with historical Warrior Leaders not fearing the price of leadership. The tag line best expresses the book:
In life, Warriors go with what it, not with what should be.
Adopt fear. Embrace chaos. Live resilience.
J.D. James A genre international legal-action thriller. More said later.
J.D. James Observe people and situations and then follow a plot line around this
J.D. James I get to live life in another dimension with interesting characters be they good or bad.
J.D. James My life invites chaos and I meet many interesting people through my various experiences. Starting with a loose plot, I choose characters and get to know them inside out; and from there I let their lives play out to a constantly developing plot.

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