Ask the Author: Andrew T. Le Peau

“Ask me a question.” Andrew T. Le Peau

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Andrew T. Le Peau Hi Bob, Right now as series editor I have recruited five other scholars to do other volumes in the series. I am hoping that Matthew Through Old Testament Eyes will be out in 2019, followed by one a year. You can see the list of those signed up at the beginning of the book. In addition to those, Erica Moore of Trinity School of Theology near Pittsburgh is signed up to do 1 Corinthians. Kregel wants to see how the first volume goes before we sign up people for the rest of the series. It would be great to be able to cover the whole New Testament. If I did another one, James would be a likely candidate since I've already done quite a bit of work on the OT in that letter. Thanks again for spreading the word on the book!
Andrew T. Le Peau Wow. Great question. I thought I had a bunch but can only find one. We must have given a bunch away in a cleaning spree. I'll scan it and send it your way. Andy
Andrew T. Le Peau Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough, The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Biblical Theology by John Goldingay, Debriefing the President by David Nixon.
Andrew T. Le Peau I have two projects that are in their final stages, both due for publication in September 2017.

The first is a LifeGuide Bible Study from InterVarsity Press entitled "Grandparenting" that I am coauthoring with my wife Phyllis. While the Bible does not say much about grandparenting as such, there are some very poignant episodes. We also deal with topics such nurturing contentment in grandchildren, family forgiveness, relationships with in-laws, and passing on a legacy. We don't know of any other resource like this for couples or group discussion.

The second is "Mark Through Old Testament Eyes" coming from Kregel. While the New Testament writers were Old Testament people, the influence of the Old on the New is often overlooked. In fact, the Old Testament often provides a rich key to understanding some of the most puzzling aspects of the New Testament. While the core audience for this book is intended to be pastors and teachers, I think many ordinary readers who care about the Bible will find it very eye opening.

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