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Katie Alender Katie Alender > Quotes


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“That's the pathetic thing about high school. Everyone tries so hard to be something they aren't. It's gotten so I don't know who I am, so how can I even try to be who I am, much less who I'm not?
My problem is that I don't even fit in with the misfits.
I don't fit anywhere.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Just say something real. Everyone just always tries so hard, and it all comes out the same. I just want someone to say something real.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Oh." He sat in confused silence for a few seconds. "Can I ask you a very serious question?"
"I rather you didn't," I said.
He stared straight into my eyes. "If you were an animal, what animal would you be?"
WAIT, WHAT? "Wait, what?"
"It's a classic icebreaker."
"If I were an ANIMAL...?"
He faked a sigh and checked an imaginary watch. "Your inability to answer the question doesn't bode well for-"
"I refuse to answer that," I said. "On the grounds that it's probably the stupidest thing I've ever been asked."
He stared at me, frowning. "I hear your subconscious saying MONKEY.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Loving this quote: "Find the people who treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Tell everyone else to go to hell and don't look back.”
Katie Alender, As Dead As It Gets
“I've been bad.
I've been good.
Weak and Strong.
Brave and afraid.
A hero and a killer.”
Katie Alender, As Dead As It Gets
“I can't help it, Alexis," he said "I want to make you think too much...and then I want to hear the things you've been thinking too much.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“I'm a giant pimple on the face of humanity.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Apparently when it's two people, it's quirky and funny, but when it's a person doing the same stuff on her own, it's rebellious and antisocial.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“I hope you don't really see yourself that way," I said.
He turned to look at me and narrowed his eyes. "How do you see me?" he said softly.
... "I think you're. . ." My voice went nearly silent. "Dangerous."
"Why?" he whispered....
". . . You make me think too much."
.... "I can't help it, Alexis," he said. "I want to make you think too much. . . and then I want to hear the things you've been thinking. . . too much.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“I longed to be wrapped in his arms again, pour my troubles, make everything feel okay, even if it wasn't”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Somehow suspension sounded way worse than detention. Detention happens to everybody. Suspension, though - that's for the sociopaths.
I wasn't a hundred percent sure I was ready to take that leap.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“preps are like cheerleaders, except less jumpy”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
tags: humor
“You can leave a door open for your 'friends,' but the truth is anybody can come in through that open door. And how do you know these friends are who they say they are, anyway?”
Katie Alender, As Dead As It Gets
“Stay sunny, we said to each other.
Because if you don't the whole world will know you're a monster.”
Katie Alender, From Bad to Cursed
“Hmmph. Young Republicans have weird senses of humor.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Maybe it’s human nature to be drawn to the things that have hurt us the most.”
Katie Alender, Famous Last Words
“Everyone has moments of weakness. But that doesn't make you weak.”
Katie Alender, As Dead As It Gets
“It wouldn't hurt you to show a little school spirit," Mom said. As if she were a fan of high school football. Mom can take a simple obvservation, such as saying that it wouldn't hurt for a person to show a little school spirit, and say it in such a way that she might as well be saying, 'It wouldn't hurt you to stop clubbing those baby seals.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“This is the kind of dream you don't wake up from, Henry.”
Katie Alender, Famous Last Words
“And I thought chivalry was dead!"...
"Maybe it is. I opened a door into her head.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“Ignorance may be bliss, but at the end of the day it’s still ignorance.”
Katie Alender, Famous Last Words
“How could something that made a person feel so safe be so BAD?”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“So here's the deal:

I speak up in class, I get sent to office. Megan speaks up in class, she's a "strong, assertive model student."I post a few flyers saying that the vending machines on school property are a sign that our school has sold out to corporate-industrial establishment, I get (what else?) Saturday detention. Megan starts a campaign to serve local foods in the lunchroom (oh, and can we please maybe get rid of the soda machines?) and the local newspaper does a write-up about her.
She's like me, only not. Not like me at all. She's the golden girl and I'm...tarnished.
So forgive me if I hate her a little.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“As I went to stand up, I felt a tiny point of pressure on my back.
"Don't move," Kasey whispered.
I stayed bent over.
"Drop the knife," she said.
"Excuse me, I'm using it," I said.
She swallowed hard. "For what?"
"Mom and Dad. You."
The pressure on my back increased. "Drop it, Alexis."
Drop it? Like I was a bad dog running around with a sock in my mouth.
"How long will this take?" I asked, setting the knife on the floor. "I'm in the middle of something."
Get in the bathroom," she said.
The faster I indulged her, the faster it would be over with. So I walked into the bathroom. She followed, kicking the knife toward the end of the hallway and flipping on the bathroom light.
"What's this all about, Kasey?" I asked, turning around. At the sight of my face, she gasped, and the point of the fireplace poker she was holding wavered in her hands. I realized a second too late that I'd missed my chance to grab it and smash it into the side of her head.
"What's happening to you?" she whispered.
I glanced in the mirror. The darkness had begun to spread from my mouth and eyes. It leached out in inky puddles with thin tendrils of black snaking out in delicate feathery patterns.
What's happening to me? What was she talking about?
"So you have a pointy stick," I said. "Big deal. get out of my way."

"What are you going to do?" I sneered.

"Poke me?"
'I'll hit you, Lexi." Her face was stony. "As hard as I have to."
Whatever. I'm really not in the mood.
"Can we talk about this in the morning?" I asked. After I kill you?
"No," her eyes hardened. "Get your toothbrush."
"Pick up your toothbrush, and stick it down your throat."
"Do it," she said.
"Ugh, fine. You're sick, you know that?"
"Get in the tub."


I stuck the toothbrush into my throat. Instantly, I gagged and doubled over.
"Do it again," she said.
"God Kasey," I cried. Stabbing people was one thing. But making them barf- that was just disturbing.”
Katie Alender, From Bad to Cursed
“NEED seemed like a really powerful word - - a powerful word containing a lot of powerlessness.”
Katie Alender, As Dead As It Gets
“So now, not only did my best friend leave, but the cheerleaders and their mindless followers assumed I was personally responsible for the petition (which, yeah, I was) and started being openly rude to me - shutting doors in my face, leaving nasty notes on my desk and in my locker, making fun of me when I could obviously hear them.
That's when I started keeping really quiet in class, and finding ways to show the other kids I wasn't afraid of them - like staring them straight in the eye when they looked at me, taking a step toward them when they talked to me, or walking right up to them and getting their personal space if I heard them say my name. Saying the meanest things I could think of whenever I had the chance - repeating rumors, embellishing them. I found out Kira Conroy had been arrested for shoplifting at the mall, and made sure everyone knew about it. The girl who burped in a boy's face during her first kiss, the girl who tripped and fell off the stage at the Miss Teen California pageant - I shared those stories the moment I heard them.
All's fair in war, right?
Suddenly I wasn't a nobody anymore.
I was a somebody.
Somebody everyone was afraid of.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“(Cinderella can’t walk around her new castle covered in cinders, after all).”
Katie Alender, Famous Last Words
“Everyone lies, and there are no consequences. It’s like a magical fairyland!”
Katie Alender, Famous Last Words
“I'd always assumed Beth and I would be friends forever. But then in middle of the eighth grade, the Goldbergs went through the World's Nastiest Divorce.
Beth went a little nuts.
I don't blame her. When her dad got involved with this twenty-one year old dental hygienist, Beth got involved with the junk food aisle at the grocery store. She carried processed snack cakes the way toddlers carry teddy bears. She gained, like, twenty pounds, but I didn't think it was a big deal. I figured she'd get back to her usual weight once the shock wore off.
Unfortunately, I wasn't the only person who noticed.
May 14 was 'Fun and Fit Day" at Surry Middle School, so the gym was full of booths set up by local health clubs and doctors and dentists and sports leagues, all trying to entice us to not end up as couch potatoes. That part was fine. What wasn't fine was when the whole school sat down to watch the eighth-grade cheerleaders' program on physical fitness.”
Katie Alender, Bad Girls Don't Die
“I'm not the beach-going type. the thought of being crowded into an endless sea of sun worshipers was the opposite of tempting - give me wizard school any day.”
Katie Alender, The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall

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Katie Alender
Bad Girls Don't Die (Bad Girls Don't Die, #1) Bad Girls Don't Die
29,579 ratings
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From Bad to Cursed (Bad Girls Don't Die, #2) From Bad to Cursed
11,282 ratings
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Famous Last Words Famous Last Words
9,975 ratings
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As Dead As It Gets (Bad Girls Don't Die, #3) As Dead As It Gets
8,588 ratings
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