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Colin Falconer Colin Falconer > Quotes


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“They say women can fake an orgasm, but men can fake a whole relationship.”
Colin Falconer, The Naked Husband
“Tom, you couldn’t punch the froth off a Guinness.”
Colin Falconer, The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane
“An enemy never seems quite as formidable when he is whimpering in chains, so that you forget how he looked sneering at you when you were miserable”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“He will see that I am no coward. If he will call for rain then I will give him a tempest.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“They remove to York, that cold and godless place, where not even the devil could get warm.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“We make such plans for our lives, she thinks, and this is the way they turn out, nothing like what we imagine.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“History tells us that revolution is not an isolated event because it is not about overthrowing governments, it is about spreading new ideas.”
Colin Falconer, The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane
“If today brings no hope we should plan for tomorrow.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“Telling you and putting it on the front pages of the newspapers is just about the same thing!”
Colin Falconer, The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane
“She’d been in America almost three years now, but she still wasn’t used to it, the same language sure, but they had different words for everything; she’d learned that a scone was a biscuit, that sidewalk meant a pavement, and that autumn was fall.”
Colin Falconer, The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane
“They found him in the cloister, lying on his back with ice in his beard. He was half conscious, muttering about a Templar knight, a secret commission from the Pope, and a beautiful woman on a white pony.”
Colin Falconer, Silk Road
“I was twenty-nine years old when I died.

Died; I use the term loosely. I was murdered, but within the dictates of the law and with the full approval of the king, even though he was barely eighteen years at the time.”
Colin Falconer, A Vain and Indecent Woman
“Anyone who gives a lot of money to the poor must have robbed them first . . . poverty is only the result of the workers not getting proper reward for their labor.”
Colin Falconer, The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane
“His fellow monks carried him back to his cell and laid him on the hard cot that had been his bed for the last twenty years. He was an old man now and there was nothing to be done. His eyes had the cold sheen of death. A brother went to fetch the abbot so that the old fellow might make his last confession.”
Colin Falconer, Silk Road
“God chose Fabricia Bérenger during a lightning storm. With one thunderous touch of his finger, he sent her reeling.”
Colin Falconer, Stigmata
“They say he goes to it with every stable boy and every young buck at the court, and where will that get him when all know it is a sin in the eyes of the Lord, and one day the devil will stick a red-hot poker up his nether parts for all damnation.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“and may your stalk turn into a chicken and eat your testicles a peck at a time!”
Colin Falconer, Silk Road
“One of the terrible things of age is not growing old, but seeing the world go through the same tragedies over and over again. No one ever learns a thing about tyrants.”
Colin Falconer, Fury Book 2: Sleeping with the Enemy
“Empires are built and will crumble; even Genghis Khan did not live forever.”
Colin Falconer, Silk Road
“This love your minstrels sing of, must it always be a knight and a lady? Who made this law? Was it God? Then God is a trickster, for there is no one else will do for me.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
Colin Falconer, Fury Book 2: Sleeping with the Enemy
“Hell is not a place you go after you die, it’s the place you go when you’re born. That is why God cannot help us here, despite all our prayers, because this is the Devil’s realm.”
Colin Falconer, Stigmata
“He taught that everything is transient, that happiness and youth can never last, that all life is suffering, and we are trapped by an endless cycle of birth and rebirth. If you have a good life, your next life will be better. If you do bad things, you will return next as a beggar, or a beast of burden perhaps. But only by giving up all desire can you escape the endless wheel and reach heaven.”
Colin Falconer, Silk Road
“I’ve drunk French champagne in a speakeasy and water out of a horse trough in Poland, and the thing that matters is not what I’m drinking but who I’m drinking with.”
Colin Falconer, The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane
“To begin the affair, a spokesman from each faction was to give a brief account of his own religion and afterwards they would debate in open forum.”
Colin Falconer, Silk Road
“You will love this man. Do you understand? You will love him, serve him, and obey him in all things. This is your duty to me and to France. Am I clear?’
Isabella is twelve years old and astoundingly pretty, a woman in a girl’s body. She keeps her eyes on the floor and nods her head.”
Colin Falconer, Isabella: Braveheart of France
“They call my little Joan the most beautiful woman in all England. Well, every father thinks that about his daughter. That she is special, and prettier. But I never had the opportunity to boast. My name is Edmund of Woodstock and I am the son of a king and the brother of a king and the grandfather of a king.”
Colin Falconer, A Vain and Indecent Woman
“What a place, George thought. Greasy, grim and ripe for murder.”
Colin Falconer, Lord of the Atlas
“Men like Caesar and Clodius knew how to move public opinion for their own ends, and it was depressing how easily the common people could be led.”
Colin Falconer, Ends of the Earth
“Her hands were brown and gnarled with age, all crooked joints and swollen veins. But she had a young woman’s eyes, bright and quick and intelligent.”
Colin Falconer, Stigmata

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