Emmie Wesline's Blog: Je suis, J'étais et Je serai , page 5

July 14, 2016

The Greatest Bastard


Lui: I made you laugh, I made you cry. I made you open up your eyes. Didn’t I?

Elle: Exactement. Des hauts et des bas. Des montagnes russes. J’ignorais qu’on pouvait aimer et detester en même temps la même personne.

Lui: I helped you open out your wings, your legs, and many other things. Didn’t I?

Elle: Toutes mes premières fois avec toi. Pourtant, je ne les regrette pas.

Lui: Am I the greatest bastard that you know? The only one who let you go? The one you hurt so much you cannot bear?

Elle: .

Lui: Well we were good, when we were good. When we were not misunderstood.

Elle: hum hum.

Lui: You helped me love, you helped me live. You helped me learn how to forgive. Didn’t you?

Elle: Tu étais ma vie. Pour toi, j’aurais tué, j’aurais détruit, j’aurais construit…

Lui: I wish that I could say the same. But when you left, you left the blame. Didn’t you?

Elle: Une fois que tu as écrasé tout ce que tu pouvais, que pensais-tu que j’allais faire. Rester ?

Lui: Am I the greatest bastard that you met? The only one you can’t forget? Am I the one your truth’s been waiting for?

Elle: Il y a des soirs où je restais assise au bord de ma fenêtre à croire que tu reviendrais. J’ai l’impression qu’il n’y a pas eu de point final à notre histoire.

Lui: Or am I just dreaming once again? Some dreams are better when they end.

Elle: On était trop jeune. On s’est rencontré trop tôt. Notre amour était trop grand pour nous. Je ne regrette absolument rien. Notre histoire m’a permis de vivre. Notre histoire m’a donné la permission.

Lui: Some make it, mistake it. Some force and some will fake it. I never meant to let you down. Some fret it, forget it. Some ruin and some regret it. I never meant to let you down.


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Published on July 14, 2016 09:00

July 12, 2016

Être chrétienne pratiquante au 21e siècle

Être chrétien, c’est tellement plus que d’aller à l’église le dimanche matin, prier chaque jour, lire la bible, écouter du Gospel et ne pas sacrer. Être chrétien, c’est l’ultime sacrifice, selon moi. Être chrétien, c’est faire fi de tous ce qui est passager pour se concentrer sur l’éternité. C’est être marginal et différent tout en sachant qu’une place nous attend quelque part près de Quelqu’un de grand. C’est être en constant apprentissage afin de devenir quelqu’un de meilleur. C’est avoir de l’assurance car une seule Personne peut nous juger.

C’est outrepasser les épreuves de la vie parce qu’on sait qu’il y a un après. C’est avoir l’assurance qu’il y a toujours Quelqu’un qui veille sur nous. Être chrétien, c’est chaud, c’est rassurant, c’est confortable, mais c’est déstabilisant. C’est savoir que ce que nous vivons ici n’est qu’un avant-goût de là-haut. Être chrétien au 21e siècle, c’est faire des choix et assumer ces choix. C’est de la patience, de la tolérance, de la gratitude, de la souffrance, de la compassion, de l’entraide, de la générosité, de l’acceptation, de l’amour, beaucoup d’amour. C’est garder les yeux fixés vers le ciel, vers le bon côté des choses tout en assumant le mauvais côté également. Être chrétien, c’est entretenir une relation solide avec la Personne qui sera toujours là pour toi.


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Published on July 12, 2016 15:00

July 10, 2016

Today I turned 22!

“Lately I’ve been asking myself what it means to grow up. And I think it’s this: you forget the mistakes you’ve made, you let go of the grudges you still hold onto, you don’t care what strangers think about you, you laugh when you want and accept life for what it is – the good and the bad – because what goes up must come down and because every moment needs to be savored. I want to taste life. I want to be and I want to become and I want to live.”

— 21

Alors ça y est, j’ai 22 ans.

“We’re happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time

It’s miserable and magical.”

C’est un peu comme ça que je me sens

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Published on July 10, 2016 13:09

July 8, 2016

The Hustle Master


Gary Vaynerchuk is a successful businessman, entrepreneur, mentor, vlogger, and hustle master. I’ve been following him for a couple months and I can honestly say that he has changed my mindset. I’ve changed, I’m not the same person thanks to him.

Here’s what I’ve learned form the Hustle Master:

Focus on what you love and on your strenghts: That way you don’t waste time getting better at things you’re not great at. You focus on things that make you feel good so you don’t feel like you’re working. That makes you work harder because you enjoy it.
Passion wins everytime: You can be skilled at something but not love that thing. Passion makes you live. It wakes you up in the morning. It makes you work late at night. It makes you give your 150%. Passion wins over anything.
Focus on important things: Life is short but the possibilities are endless. Don’t waste your time focusing on dumb shit.
Action is everything: Ideas are nothing until there is actually something tangible to touch, to see or to listen to. It’s good to have ideas, to have imagination but you need to take it somewhere in order to go forward with what you can do.
Journey > Destination: Just take it one step at a time. Progress is success. Patience will get you where you wanna go.
You are who you are: Don’t let anybody define who you are. You decide who you are and who youi’re gonna be.
HUSTLE: Work while they watch Keeping up with the Kardashians, work while they sleep, work while they eat fast food, work while they play video games, work while they chill, work while they take breaks. Always work.

Read his books and subscribe to his youtube channel.

He’s amazing!


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Published on July 08, 2016 09:00

July 6, 2016

Nous sommes des albatros…


J’avais 17 ans la première fois que j’ai lu ce poème. C’est même mon premier poème de Baudelaire. Jusqu’à maintenant, c’est mon favori. Ce poème, c’est moi. Je suis un albatros. Je suis une marginale, différente des autres, maladroite, anti-sociale, en fait, j’ai souvent l’impression de ne pas être à ma place. En lisant ce poème, j’ai compris qu’en fait je ne suis pas comme les autres, je n’ai pas les mêmes aptitudes que tout le monde. C’est pourquoi je me sens ainsi. Mes grandes ailes m’empêchent de marcher. Ma manière de penser et d’agir m’empêchent de vraiment m’intégrer aux autres. Je suis un albatros.

Et vous?


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Published on July 06, 2016 09:00

July 4, 2016

Music is my life…

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination

and life to everything.

—   Plato


Je me souviens d’un après-midi, j’étais couchée dans le lit de mon petit frère, mes écouteurs dans mes oreilles. J’écoutais Beautiful Life de Charlotte Martin, les yeux fermés et je pensais à la vie. Je me souviens avoir pensé que le temps passait vite et Charlotte s’est mise à chanter Time fliiiiiieeeessss. Quelle coïncidence.!

J’ai l’impression que les moments les plus libres de ma vie sont toujours associés à la musique. Mes nuits en boîtes de nuit, la plus belle soirée de ma vie à Miami, le concert de Fauve, Osheaga 2013, Jessie J au Métropolis, Justin Timberlake au Centre Bell, Taylor Swift quand j’avais 16 ans, mon quasi rencard lors des francofolies 2016 et une belle soirée au Cap haïtien.

La musique est une machine à retourner dans le temps. Quelques notes et on est renvoyé à un moyen précis de notre vie.

Quand j’entends I Believe I Can Fly de R.Kelly, je repense à ma sixième année lorsque j’ai appris l’anglais. Quand j’écoute Smack That de Akon, je me retrouve en secondaie 1, prenant le métro avec mes nouvelles amies. Quand j’écoute Make Me Wanna Die de The Pretty Reckless, me voici à 16 ans, ma période un peu noire où je voulais simplement disparaître.

La musique est une boîte à émotions. Lorsque j’ai besoin de pleurer, j’écoute Endless Melancholy. Si je veux danser, je mets du Beyoncé. Si je veux ressentir quelque chose, j’écoute de la musique. La musique, c’est ma vie.

When you are happy, you enjoy the music. But, when you are sad you understand the lyrics..



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Published on July 04, 2016 09:00

July 2, 2016

Today’s a bad day…

Today, I’m having one of those days. The kind of days when you don’t feel like doing anything, when you don’t feel like you have energy to do anything, when you feel worthless, when you feel like a failure, when you feel like you won’t go anywhere, when you actually feel disgusting, when you feel like you f*ck everything you do. Today’s a bad day! Let me write it again: today’s a bad day!

I woke up feeling sick and my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna throw up. These days I feel weak. I don’t have energy. Something’s wrong with me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t do enough. I procrastinate. I don’t write enough. I feel like I’m a walking disaster. I just spent 3 hours watching Sex and the city.

What now?

I’m drinking tea, writing this post. Once I’m done, I’m gonna post this article and I’m gonna work on my novel. I will workout tonight and go to sleep early. Everyting’s gonna be fine.


Don’t ever criticize yourself. Don’t go around all day long thinking, ‘I’m unattractive, I’m slow, I’m not as smart as my brother.’ God wasn’t having a bad day when he made you… If you don’t love yourself in the right way, you can’t love your neighbour. You can’t be as good as you are supposed to be.

Joel Osteen

Tomorrow’s gonna be better!


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Published on July 02, 2016 15:31

June 30, 2016


Ultimate Apogee

Top secret

Goal setting is best done in solitude.

Laci Mosier

When you set a goal for yourself, don’t tell anybody.

Keep it to yourself.

A study made by Gollwitzer, Sheeran, Michalski, and Seifert proves that by sharing your intentions and your  goal with people, you’re less likely to accomplish them. Why is that? When you tell people what you’re gonna do and how you’re gonna do it, you start to feel like you’ve accomplished something. The brain thinks that you’re actually taking steps towards your goal so you’re less likely to really take real steps. If you wanna lose weight, take your measurements, join a gym, prep your meal but don’t tell people what you’re doing. You’ll feel like you’ve already lost a couple pounds and you won’t work as hard to lose the actual pounds. Keep your beautiful mouth shut and let them be surprised by your transformation.

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Published on June 30, 2016 20:00

June 29, 2016

What Dawn Richard taught me…

I’ve been a fan of Dawn Richard since the first time I saw her on Making the Band season 3. She was calm and not like any other girls on the show so she rapidly became my favourite. Recently, I had the chance to her in concert and to meet her afterwards. She is amazing and so sweet. She really poors her whole soul on stage. I respect her for everything she’s done. She’s doing herself and she’s happy making real art.

I feel like I grew up with her and she taught me a lot of things about life.

I cannot make you stay

I cannot even if you asked

Titans – Dawn Richard

It’s okay to let go of people. People grow and saying goodbye might be hard but sometimes it’s the right thing to do.

My feet needed to touch land

But you were made to swim free

Swim Free – Dawn Richard

You can’t change people. Sometimes things are not meant to be.

We’re like the lion

More like the mountain, we don’t quit

We get stronger

Dance when it’s harder

We’re warriors

Warriors – Dawn Richard

Life is a battle and the one who truly lives is a warrior.

Cause we built castles, castles made of sand

Please don’t let it fall

Castles – Dawn Richard

Sometimes life takes us on different roads and we have no control over that so we have to keep hoping and dreaming.

Too close to the sea, the waves almost took me

I held each grain to me, the tide won’t take my peace

Castles – Dawn Richard

As long as you believe in youself and you keep fighting, you can do anything.

I’ll blaze the night sky

Set flame to the doubt

I’ll fly through the clouds

I’ll rise, I’ll rise

Like a phoenix

I’ll Rise

Phoenix – Dawn Richard

No matter what life throws at us, all we have to do is rise above everything.

I was alone

Like I tree with no leaves in the fall

I tuned when you called

I looked for “Right” but you left me with “Wrong”

So now I see

The only way to fly is free

Phoenix – Dawn Richard

Being different is being yourself and being yourself is freedom.

A toast to you, love, I’m ok, but with you, I’m perfection

You never lost faith in me

Faith – Dawn Richard

Having people by our sides makes us stronger. Loneliness is not the only way to be.

I couldn’t find my way up out the dark

Til I realized I was my help

I find my light

I told myself

You’ll never crush me

No matter how hard

You’ll never be the break of dawn

Break of Dawn – Dawn Richard

Real strenght comes from within.

Thank you, Dawn!


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Published on June 29, 2016 08:20

June 28, 2016

Écrire des vibes…

J’écris présentement un roman. Le roman de la génération. Le roman qui touchera tout le monde. Ce roman c’est moi, c’est toi, c’est vous, c’est nous. Ce roman, c’est l’histoire de sept jeunes adultes traversant les tribulations de la vie. Ce roman, c’est une ambiance, c’est une lutte, c’est un sentiment, ce sont des émotions. Ce roman, c’est Fauve, c’est Ludovico Einaudi, c’est Diam’s, c’est Alessia Cara, c’est Alt-J, c’est Coldplay, c’est Dawn Richard, c’est Flume… Ce roman, c’est de la rage. Ce roman, c’est des vibes, des pensées, des croyances, des valeurs. Ce roman, c’est le courage d’oser. C’est la solitude, le manque, l’amour, le désir, l’amitié, la solidarité, l’échec et la victoire. Ce roman, c’est la bataille ultime. Ce roman, c’est pour vous. En fait, c’est pour nous, les jeunes incompris qui savent qu’avec un peu de jugeote on peut changer le monde.


Il n’y a plus de règles. C’est à moi de jouer. En fait, c’est à nous de jouer.


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Published on June 28, 2016 14:00