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Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World

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This highly acclaimed, prize-winning biography of one of the foremost political philosophers of the twentieth century is here reissued in a trade paperback edition for a new generation of readers. In a new preface the author offers an account of writings by and about Arendt that have appeared since the book’s 1982 publication, providing a reassessment of her subject’s life and achievement. Praise for the earlier “Both a personal and an intellectual biography . . . It represents biography at its best.”—Peter Berger, front page, The New York Times Book Review “A story of surprising drama . . . . At last, we can see Arendt whole.”—Jim Miller, Newsweek
“Indispensable to anyone interested in the life, the thought, or . . . the example of Hannah Arendt.”—Mark Feeney, Boston Globe “An adventure story that moves from pre-Nazi Germany to fame in the United States, and . . . a study of the influences that shaped a sharp political awareness.”—Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch Cover drawing by David Schorr

620 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1982

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Elisabeth Young-Bruehl

32 books17 followers

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Profile Image for Jonfaith.
2,003 reviews1,638 followers
September 14, 2022
Hans Morganthau famously asked Arendt whether she was liberal or conservative and she claimed neither, she didn't want to sit on a stool. The lovely work of Frau Arendt deserves something better. The author was apparently a student of Arendt's and I am curious if distance would have been advantageous. This isn't a hagiography, but it leans in that direction. Certainly, the mere attention afforded Arendt's essay Reflections on Little Rock could prompt quite a discussion. Such nudged Ralph Ellison - bless his heart-to connect dots between such and Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. The relationship with Heidegger lacks form since their letters had yet to be published at the time of this composition. Such creates a backdraft of supposition. One sufficiently distasteful to dissuade honest readers of Arendt. Despite the bloated writing and psychoanalysis the life of the great thinker shines through. I mat explore some of the more recent efforts at biography in the near future. In the interim a return to the amazing Between Friends: The Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy, 1949-1975 is certainly an apt tonic for such indigestion.
Profile Image for Caroline.
4 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2012
She explores Arendts thinking with dignity and care. She puts lots of effort in understanding Arendts political reflections and ethics.
29 reviews
October 19, 2007
An in-depth biography of one of the world's foremost political theorists. Covers both her life and her work. A bit dense, but interesting and inspirational.
Profile Image for Stuart.
114 reviews14 followers
July 9, 2011
Though she chose philosophy, her early poems are quite good. It's interesting that Arendt was a student of the 2 greatest German philosophers of that time, Karl Jaspers and Martin Heidegger and participated in discussions that helped form their most influential work. I hadn't realized the French put foreigners in internment camps even before the Nazi's took over. Arendt was as she said the kind that "are put into concentration camps by their foes and into internment camps by their friends". Arendt was often on the correct side of any argument: making the equivalent between Stalinism and Nazism, denouncing McCarthyism and on what form the state of Israel should take. Later in life though she waded into controversy she perhaps shouldn't have. Some would say she was putting too fine a point on Jewish compliance with the holocaust in her "Eichmamn in Jerusalem". Worse I think was her lecturing black activists on what they should be doing in her "Reflections on Little Rock". Overall I enjoyed this well written biography of the most important female (as Arendt would not like pointed out) philosopher of the 20th century.
Profile Image for Blaze-Pascal.
296 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2016
I had so much fun reading about this book, and learning about "who" Hannah Arendt was rather than "what" she was. I admire her the more I read about her, and I am pretty bias to be doing a review about her.
With regards to the author, she did a great job of connecting the ideas and the person together and weaving a narrative. Written in 1980, there have been some documents published since this book was written concerning the relationship with Heidegger, so it's dated in that sense. Besides that this could be a great companion in understanding where she was coming from as she writing all her works.
I think Young-Bruehl's favorite book is On Revolution, my favorite was the Human Condition.
Profile Image for Magda Michielsens.
26 reviews13 followers
December 28, 2022
Ik las dit boek heel lang geleden, voor de Arendt rage. Het was fijn om het nu te herlezen. Het is zoveel beter dan de populaire dingen die de laatste tijd verschijnen. Zoveel beter dan Ann Heberlein.
15 reviews
August 18, 2020
To impressed and to touched now to write a review of this marvellous book about a person and thinker
Profile Image for Fernanda.
153 reviews58 followers
October 9, 2022
Dá gosto ler uma biografia assim. Mesmo a autora tendo sido orientanda da Hannah não senti que ela evitou temas espinhosos ou deixou de se posicionar. Embora contemple uma dimensão subjetiva e pessoal, ela vai no detalhe nos trabalhos acadêmicos, o que para mim foi um grande ganho. Eu, que já li um tanto da Hannah Arendt nesses últimos 10 anos, consegui sistematizar muito mais o pensamento dela, porém ainda fico com questionamentos.

Na verdade, as minhas dúvidas são antigas e permanecem até hoje. Onde situar politicamente essa mulher? Certamente ela não era de esquerda, mas incorporava certos elementos - principalmente nos primeiros anos. A admiração pela Rosa Luxemburgo e pela ideia de revolução ainda me desconsertam. A primeira porque era uma radical de esquerda não-marxista (a questão da república parece essencial) e a segunda por conta do sistema de conselhos, que não transparecem exatamente qual modelo de Estado Hannah se filia. Seu encantamento pelo 25 de Abril é a cereja do bolo. Por outro lado, passa um pano absurdo para os Estados Unidos e aplaude o seu sistema federativo e sua Constituição. É claramente elitista. Liberal quando se trata das bases do Estado. Conservadora ainda assim quando se pensa a revolução e violência. Em 1973, se volta para Israel, depois de criticar tanto a ascensão desse Estado.

É impressionante ainda como ela se dobra sobre o Heidegger. Chega a ser patético, muito gente como a gente. Não só ela relativiza sua posição enquanto literalmente nazista, mas finge ser meio burra para não mexer com o ego do seu velho mentor, que quando descobre explode. E ela ainda se culpa depois e não se distancia do homem. Foi doloroso ler essas passagens.

Mas é uma biografia divertida de ler também. Mais uma vez Hannah mete o pau no Sartre e chama o Sholem de embusteiro culto. Camus escapa ileso e Heidegger é, claro, reabilitado. O fora que ela leva do rabino quando contesta a existência de deus é ótimo também.

Gostei muito.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michael Neal.
57 reviews2 followers
June 28, 2020
It’s just . . . Incredibly long and dense. I love Arendt and am glad I read this book, but about 3/5ths of the way through I realized I wanted to gleam insights into her works through the biography rather than learn about the details of her life. I wanted a front row seat into the controversies which surrounded her work, the critiques, the clarifications, and the common criticisms, more so than I did about her marriage and her family and friends.

There is something worth while in pulling out the last few sections, as well as some of the earlier sections for An Arendt Reader, but with how long it takes to find those juicy bits I just felt worn down while reading. Not due to fault on the author or subject’s part, as much due to my own purpose for reading this text and what I wanted out of it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mohammed Said.
82 reviews9 followers
January 29, 2024
Un apasionante recorrido en el pensamiento de Arendt, la narración biográfica es agradable y la documentación de la evolución de la filosofía de Arendt y el proceso de creación de sus obras maestras es muy Interesante.
El trabajo teórico de Arendt tiene muchas vetas de idealismo liberal. Esto ofende los fundamentos filosóficos y políticos de los marxistas. Las soluciones políticas que propone también preservan la jerarquía, lo que ofende el proyecto político de los anarquistas. Su trabajo tiene fuertes elementos de racismo y pensamiento colonial eurocéntrico. Esto molesta a las personas con orientaciones políticas antirracistas y/o perspectivas anticoloniales.
Profile Image for Esma Ertürk.
32 reviews3 followers
October 11, 2017
hannah arendt'in yaşam öyküsünü anlatmasının yanı sıra, bütün kitaplarındaki görüşlerini de içeren, yorumlayan çok ayrıntılı bir biyografi. arendt'i tanımak, anlamak için çok derli toplu, özenli yazılmış bir kitap.
Profile Image for Stephen Rhodes.
135 reviews76 followers
June 13, 2020
A definitive biography of one of the 20th century’s greatest political philosophers. Arendt’s work and thought are even more important to understanding autocratic politics and totalitarian government now than when she first wrote about them.
7 reviews
March 7, 2021
It is not easy to read Hannah’s books. Then after i finished “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil”, i begin this one.

It helps to understand Hannah and her books well. Thanks to those great philosophers, then we can understand this world and ourselves well.
Profile Image for Jérôme.
20 reviews2 followers
August 8, 2019
Remarquable introduction à la vie et à la pensée d'Arendt
Profile Image for Ally Yang.
938 reviews15 followers
May 18, 2022

Profile Image for Riley Haas.
497 reviews12 followers
December 15, 2016
"Hannah Arendt is my favourite philosopher. If I am anything, I am an Arendtian (with qualifications).
This is an illuminating portrait as it is nice to know where her ideas came from. When I first encountered her, not knowing Heidegger or Jaspers, she seemed to come out of the ether. It helps explain their influence (and the influence of some other contemporaries, as well as the important influences of Augustine and Kant) and it puts her very difficult thought in context.
I love Arendt because she refused to offer solutions like other philosophers; she was more an identifier and clarifier of problems to be solved. I think this is a fundamental role for philosophy or political theory because I think theoretical ideas are hardly the area from where we can draw our solutions. It's better to use these tools to explain the problems and then look to more practical means for fixing them.
It's worthwhile if you're a fan of hers. I'm not sure it's worthwhile if you don't know her or don't care for existentialism/(early) post-modernism.
Though this is out of place: as far as I'm concerned the Human Condition is one of the best non-fiction books of the 20th century and should be read by everyone who can understand it. The Origins of Totalitarianism is pretty seminal as well, although I don't agree with all of it."
Profile Image for Zhongwei Chen.
2 reviews43 followers
September 2, 2013
It's such a pity that Young Bruehl passed away in 2011 at her 65! AS a psychotherapist and one of few phd students under Hannah Arendt's tutoring, she may have more ideas on the relations between Hannah and Israel which was not fully answered in For Love of the world, Hannah's biography by her. It's no doubt that Israelophobia misinterpret Hannah's idea for their sake. I suspect that the survivor's guilt and the special understanding and reflection on nationalism as a secularized Jew led to her criticism on Israel. By the way I'm not surprise the Hebrew version of For Love of the world wasn't published till 2010, 28 years after the publication of its original English version.
Profile Image for Mark Valentine.
1,955 reviews27 followers
February 15, 2016
I finished reading about Arendt's life with profound respect and admiration. Young-Bruehl has published the definitive biography and it's length reflects the enormous energy and spirit that Arendt had in writing and teaching, in thinking and acting.

When asked by Hans Morganthau if she [Arendt] was conservative or liberal, she replied that she was neither--didn't want to sit on a stool, "I am a radical."

I've gained more enthusiasm to continue reading her works.
Profile Image for R.J. Gilmour.
Author 2 books24 followers
April 6, 2014
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them.
Hannah Arendt quoting Isak Dinesen. 19.

The past is never dead, it is not even past.
Faulkner cited by Hannah Arendt. 385.
313 reviews15 followers
January 6, 2012
I haven't read any of Arendt's writing but that did not detract from this excellent biography of one of the most interesting and important women philosophers of the 20thC.
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