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Last year after falling through the ice, seventeen-year-old Abby Craig woke up from death - but she woke into a world she barely recognizes. She can't see colors, memories have been erased, and her friends all hate her. And then there's Jesse, who she loves, but who refuses to forgive her the one mistake she made long ago.

Just when she thinks it can't get any worse, the visions begin. In them, she sees a faceless serial killer roaming the streets. While the police believe that there have been a lot of accidents in town lately, Abby knows differently. And she soon realizes that it's up to her to find him. But to stop him, she'll have to confront more than just the killer. She'll have to face something else that was lost in those dark waters: the truth.

158 pages, Nook

First published March 10, 2010

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About the author

Jools Sinclair

33 books134 followers
Jools Sinclair lives and writes in the in-between world of Bend, Oregon, where sunlight kisses snow, mountains reach for the desert, and long summer days cascade into night. She watches it all, perched atop her butte, with her giant orange cat.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 432 reviews
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,855 reviews2,300 followers
March 3, 2021
Forty Four
(44 #1)
by Jools Sinclair
Narrated by: Sarah Zimmerman
I have had this book for a long time and finally read it and then mad at myself for waiting! This is a terrific murder mystery with paranormal features. A gal dies, drowns in a frozen lake, for 44 minutes then comes back to life. She can't see color and has some amnesia. She can also see visions and ghosts.
There are murders starting and she can see them. She thinks she is going crazy. It gets so good! Very intense with lots of twists and turns. I want to continue the series as I can afford the books.
Profile Image for Hilda.
1,195 reviews266 followers
May 29, 2022
Going back to school was actually harder than dying.

I laughed so hard when I read this. Poor Abby is suffering and I’m laughing. She was pronounced dead for 44 minutes then miraculously came back. However, she’s different. She can’t see color but can see light around people that show different emotions. She also has very bad mental retention and physical coordination. A once star, almost Olympic, soccer player can’t even run without falling. Life is hard. High school life is even harder.

I still don’t understand her connection to the serial killer. Is it all serial killers or just this one? Will she become a private investigator? Can she talk to ghost? She is an “in-betweener,” who coined that name? If it has name there are more like her?? Right? Soooooooooo many questions. No answers. None. Also extremely frustrating was her unreliable narration. She couldn’t or wouldn’t remember anything. Her memory was affected and would come back in shattered pieces. I didn’t know this. I absolutely hate unreliable narrators. And I don’t like novelas that feel like pieces of a book. This definitely feels like a part. We get the beginning. No middle, definitely no ending. This is probably the most frustrating thing ever. It felt more like the introduction. I’d rather read a 600+ page book that has all its parts together. A clear beginning, middle, and end.

However, I did read this quickly and I was invested in the story. I just wished for more.
Profile Image for Francine.
129 reviews109 followers
February 20, 2012
Well, not bad for a free book on Amazon. The writing was not great (far from it), but the story was entertaining enough and kept me hooked. While the themes were more mature, this was definitely geared towards a younger audience. And...while I didn't think Jools Sinclair was a very good writer, she was significantly better than Stephenie Meyer! Larger vocabulary, better pacing, less cringe-inducing dialogue...if the characters were more developed and the mystery not so obvious, I probably would've given this 3 stars.
Profile Image for Yumi Learner.
288 reviews18 followers
January 4, 2013
I started reading my first book this year in English without using a dictionary. The book is extremely fun beyond my expectation, and I can't put it down. The book has a series and I want to finish all 6 books in this month.

Today I finished reading my first book for this year, and it was very interesting. I couldn't predict the story by the end. While reading the book, I predicted what it would happen to next, and they were always different from my expectation. Especially I love the idea that the boy whom the main character crashed on was a ghost.

I will start reading the sequel tomorrow. I hope the second one is as interesting as the first one.
Profile Image for audrey.
689 reviews69 followers
April 9, 2012
Where's the little half-star button? I need a half-star button so this thing gets bumped up to 4.5.

It's crime! It's paranormal! It's YA! It's mean girls in high school and family dating woes!

It's 44. Y'all, I feel like I've been waiting for this book to come along for a long old time. It's the perfect step up from when you feel a little older than John Bellairs and a little too young for Christopher Pike, who is straight-up crazy. It's a calm little soft-rock mystery, despite the underpinnings of paranormality.

Abby has visions of dark, icy water and dead people sometimes, because she fell in some dark, icy water and died for a bit, then came back to keep an eye on her sister Kate (who has crap taste in men) and her best friend Jesse (who can't stop snowboarding). Oh, and also she can see Bend, Oregon's first ever serial killer when she has her dark!icy!water! visions.

Great Oregon placeporn. A twisty little plot with well-drawn supporting characters, mellifluous writing style and Abby's one of a handful of YA heroines I don't want to hit with a frying pan. She's shy and self-doubting and, dare I say it, sweet.

Minus Mr Half-Star for the excessive use of brand names (ymmv, but they bring me out in hives) and a little pacing bobble in the middle when Abby refused to get off the couch and use the brain God gave her.

Middle school librarians who roll the e-book way: this would be awesome for your schools, if your schools had people like me in them, when I was 13 years old. (I don't know; that sentence made much more sense in my head.)
Profile Image for Gayle (OutsmartYourShelf).
1,838 reviews36 followers
November 1, 2023
I first read this about 10 years ago so thought it was time for a re-read. I'm not as easily impressed as I was back then, so I'd probably rate this at a 3.5 stars (rounded down) now. There's not much backstory given (there is a reason for that that the reader finds out later) & it makes the narrative a bit disorientating as the reader works out what is happening. The twist is still good though.

2015 review:

"Seventeen-year-old Abby Craig was dead for forty-four minutes before she came back to life. But she didn’t come back the same. She left her memory, the ability to see color, and a large chunk of her life at the bottom of that frozen mountain lake. In exchange she came away with the ability to see things. Things no one would want to see. Haunted, horrible things."

A promising start to what looks to be a good YA series. Kept me interested in reading it and had a nice twist at the end. Liked it so much I've just bought the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Laura .
88 reviews7 followers
May 6, 2012
This is another one of those books which I bought (well, downloaded as it was a freebie) from the Kindle store, just because I wanted to read in bed but was too lazy to walk to the little room which acts as my library.

44 was – perhaps predictably at just 158 pages – thin. This was a book which read more like a novella or even a lengthy short story. However, it wasn't just the word count that made this seem a little on the scrawny side. The story was thin. The dialogue was emaciated. The premise was frail.

This book read a lot like a first draft. I felt it really needed someone to go through it and point out the passages which needed more description, less dialogue and a tad less cheese. Some of Abby's talk about “visions” was painful and one awkward scene between her and Jesse, (the boy she loves) actually made me strongly consider giving up on this book altogether.

I know they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I should have trusted my instincts on this one. Seriously, that cover is dreadful.

My favourite thing about this book was the idea that after being technically dead for 44 minutes, when Abby was revived she came back not-quite-whole. I remember reading somewhere that the brain becomes permanently damaged after just minutes of death... When Abby comes back, there is evidence of this damage. I loved that she could only see in black and white and that she had developed a taste for old movies as a result. This was one of the few truly creative and original ideas of the book.

Other than the above gem, however, there was little to recommend this short read other than the fact it was free. I'm gonna have to be stingy with my stars, I'm afraid.
Profile Image for 〰️Beth〰️.
737 reviews59 followers
March 3, 2019
Strange read

To be honest I honk I got a copy of this free on my kindle in 2012. I always found something else that caught my eye. It wasn’t till now (2019) that I decided I had to read all my old books. I am sorry I waited. There are now about a dozen in the series.

I don’t like to give spoilers, this is a short story but packs a punch. Everything is not how it seems and I was happy with that. Will not wait years to read the next book.
Profile Image for Alissa.
235 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2011
I'm really surprised this book has so many good reviews. The book is an easy read but poorly written. There is no character development and the "mystery" was just silly. There was no suspense to it at all. I'm just glad this was a free download and I didn't pay to read such silliness. I gave the book two stars because I liked the twist at the end. This would be a good book if the author developed the characters more, omitted the dreams and the murders and developed the story based on the ending.
4 reviews
June 8, 2013
I'll be honest; I got this book because it was free on my Kindle. I wasn't expecting much from it.
The author wrote it simply, yet the mystery is a bit complicated. When I was about 70% through the book, I didn't see how the story would continue. I figured I would rate it a 3/5, and I wouldn't read the series. The ending totally threw me off guard, and it made me realize how attached I actually got to this book. I loved the ending, and I'm going to finish the series and recommend this book to my friends. (:
Profile Image for Eric Pabon.
44 reviews3 followers
January 29, 2012
I loved the story itself, and the writing was okay, but the writer seemed unable to truly maintain a consistency to her Characters, and some of the transitions seemed force. The ending was a real surprise, for me at least, and I was absorbed in the tale, but the writing felt a bit bland. It could have been better, but I still plan on reading the next book in the series; maybe with a bit more editing, she might improve, and if not, the story itself is enough to keep me there.
Profile Image for Riana Lucas.
Author 5 books34 followers
July 27, 2012
The book started out slow and I even considered putting it down, but I hate giving up on a book. I kept reading as we very happy that I did. The ending sucked me in. I'm totally a sucker for a "I didn't see that coming" moment and this had that. I was very happy with the overall book once I finished. I immediately downloaded the rest.
1,329 reviews23 followers
April 28, 2015
3.5 stars. This was free on my kindle. Overall I enjoyed the story and have bought the next book. This is a case when I don't want to discuss the plot, but I do recommend trying this freebie because what do you have to lose? You could find a new series. I am not sure if the series will hold up, but I want to see.
Profile Image for Sónia Tigol.
784 reviews15 followers
September 28, 2014
This freebie from amazon was a really good read.
The characters were interesting and the plot was really good.
I really enjoy this story.
I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Fiona.
66 reviews16 followers
October 1, 2018
Some really interesting characters, but not everyone was as well-explored as they could have been. I'm not currently sure if I would read the next in the series.
Profile Image for Adrienne.
295 reviews38 followers
April 3, 2013
This book captivated me from the very beginning. Jools Sinclair certainly knows how to weave a good story; I'm surprised to know not many have been exposed to her beautiful style of writing. I've added her to my list of newly-found favorite authors now. I truly adored this book and I'm sure I'll be having a repeat of my enthusiasm and awe when I get my hands on book two in the series.

44 was a refreshing change from all the other YA books I've read in the past months. It didn't involve seemingly-ordinary-girl-meets-overly-hot-mysterious-bad-boy typical romances; or any obstacle-ridden-angsty-love-triangles; or even sparkly inhumanly beautiful vampires with hearts made of gold. No, the story was about a girl named Abby Craig who came back to life after 44 minutes of lying dead in a hospital bed and who later had startlingly vivid dreams that could allow her to witness when, where and how the psychotic serial killer who was on the loose in her small town called Bend incapacitated -- or more accurately, asphyxiated -- his victims. And while having these terrifying visions, the said protagonist must also try to come to terms with what happened on the day of her death.

I honestly didn't expect Nathaniel Mortimer, Abby's doctor's brother, to be the serial killer in the town. He was awfully kind and seemed easy to get along with which was why it never crossed my mind that he could be the one behind all the people's deaths. I had my doubts about the doctor himself, and about her sister's ex-boyfriend Matt but I never expected it to be him. This just proves how deceiving appearances can really be and how you should never, ever, rule out anyone as a possible suspect in cold-blooded murder.

The ending was pretty depressing, partly because Nathaniel had gotten loose and escaped the feds but mainly because Jesse, Abby's best friend for eight years who professed his love for her under a dark, starry night but was painfully rejected afterwards, turned out to be a ghost (the author calls him an in-betweener in the book though, so I guess I should call him that too, to be more specific) who had been following Abby around, waiting for her to finally be ready to face the truth. Apparently, he and Abby had died in a car accident that took place near the snow-covered mountain and that he, unlike Abby, had stayed dead and turned into an in-betweener (aw, see? I used the word!) that nobody could see. Sadly, he turned out to be the one that got away. I cried a little after I found out.

But overall I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and would probably rate it five shining stars if the author just hadn't given it a terrible plot twist and revealed to us that Abby's love interest was a ghost. I'd recommend this to anyone who's searching for a slightly different paranormal story. I'll give you a warning beforehand though: get ready to turn on the waterworks if you decide to read this book until the very last page. You're probably gonna need some Kleenex, too.
Profile Image for Jax O.
1,735 reviews135 followers
May 24, 2011
IMPRESSIVE! 44 is a wolf in sheep s clothing, and will take is readers by storm. Abby is a seventeen year old trying to come to terms with her near death experience. Although, that hardly gives justice when she was officially dead of 44 minutes. As if waking for this wasn't enough to overcome emotionally; now Abby is trying to adjust to the physical damage that the accident has caused her. With several problems including a limp, color blindness, severe headaches, and memory loss; Abby life is not at all what she was used to. Even worse she can't remember most of what happened just before or after the accident leaving a ton of mysteries that she just can't seem to sort out. Just when she begins to accept her life as normal; she begins having nightmare that are actually more than just dreams. This was an intriguing twist of paranormal added to the story. After a couple unexplained deaths are uncovered; Abby learns that she is having dreams about these unexplained death, even more that dreams are telling her they are not simple suicides. The ability to uncover the killer through her dreams was a bit terrifying to say the least. Jools Sinclair is a talented author with the ability to paint a very vivid picture for the readers. It is easy to imagine and follow a story with detail and intensity that was previewed in this story. Jesse and Abby are a bit of reality that was easy to relate and understand. Their romance was a bit of sweet heaven in this novel. The history and relationship between characters is an unspoken and deep hearted love that will have readers craving more. There past is heart wrenching and emotional promising to captivate readers with intrigue and desperation. Their sweet romance with add to the overall excellence of this read promising to attract a variety of readers. With so little pages concern toward to pace of this novel was elevated immediately. Sinclair seems to start this book in the middle of the story without leaving the reader confused and unknowing. With so much information in such a small book it will impress readers to the detail and depth in so few pages. The conclusion will take your breath away. Don't miss you chance to check out this amazing story. [return]
Profile Image for Jenny Hilborne.
Author 28 books216 followers
May 16, 2013
44 is an excellent paranormal suspense

The story takes place in Bend, OR. Abby Craig drowned when she fell through the ice on a lake. Brought back from death, she is not the same as she was before. Her memory is gone and she lives in a world without colour. Her former best friend now hates her and Abby has no idea why. Unexplained mysteries surround her. Her only anchors are her sister Kate, and her friend Jesse, who Abby realizes she loves but pushed away before her accident.

Then Abby begins to have nightmares about murders and mentions them to her sister. In her nightmares, she cannot see the face of the killer, but her visions match a series of local killings. Her psychiatrist and doctor try to push her to remember more about her past life and why she went out on the ice.

When Abby realizes her visions are not just dreams, and she sees the face of the killer, she knows she has to stop him. She will also have to face the truth about what happened.

44 is a well-written story and moves quickly. The characters are engaging. Abby's reaction to her brush with death is believable and poignant. People treat her differently and want to know what it is like being dead. Some of them treat her as a bit of a freak. She is no longer able to do some of the things she loved, like soccer and snowboarding, and she struggles to find her place in a world she barely knows.

The series of murders is chilling viewed through Abby's eyes. The villain, when revealed, is unexpected and the author does a great job of pointing the reader is the wrong direction.

The ending is heartbreaking.

44 is an excellent paranormal suspense
Profile Image for Joan Reeves.
Author 80 books87 followers
June 2, 2012
I have a confession to make. I am not a Young Adult fiction reader. After my youngest daughter got past the lower age threshold for young adult fiction, I didn't pick up a YA book again. Until I got my Kindle when I was hooked by some free books that turned out to be young adult fiction. I enjoyed them immensely. I was surprised by how sophisticated and hip they were, yet still intelligent and enjoyable for an older audience that doesn't use the word "like" every 15 seconds.

Recently, I read 44 by Jools Sinclair, and it was so compelling that I immediately bought the second book in her series.

When the book opens, the reader may think that this is just another teen angst story albeit the heroine has more than the usual real reasons for being emotional. You see, seventeen-year-old Abby Craig fell through the ice a year before the story begins, and she drowned.

With her sister, and guardian, weeping over her body in the ER, she somehow returned to life. But she's not the same Abby. She's lost bits and pieces of herself.

Even though, as I read, I was thinking "this is just another teen book," I couldn't quit reading. The author draws you in with a quietness made suspect by the dawning suspicion that something just isn't right. When Abby begins having visions, you know your suspicions aren't groundless.

That's all I'll tell you. In fact, if you want this book, don't even read the Product Description or the other reviews. Don't let anything take the edge off the story and spoil the surprise at the end.

Well done, Jools Sinclair. Well done.
April 15, 2013
Amazing. I just enjoyed this book. Not only was this a gripping mystery and suspense novel, but it was also fast-paced and didn't leave me bored out of my mind.

So 44 is about a seventeen-year-old girl named Abby Craig who survived the hands of death with only a faulty memory and minor psychological problems. She lives in a small town called Bend; and after she resumes her life, the murders begin to pile up. Abby only wants to live a normal life without the weird, sympathetic looks from everyone and the promise of redeeming herself for the mistake she made withvher best friend Jesse --- but she finds herself in the middle of the horrific murders. She receives haunting visions of the murder victims with the suspect's face always shadowed. With her sister Kate working on the homicides Abby unfolds a chilling mystery she never would have dreamed of.

Okay, I would have given the book 5 stars if it wasn't for Jesse's unfortunate death. The book was well-written and I just couldn't put it down. I likef Abby's character because she wasn't whiny and annoying like most protagonists. She had a gift and she used it to help uncover a killer. Although Nathaniel Moryimer was not apprehended, I still liked the book.

I truly hope Kate and Dr. Mortimer end up together. And I hope Abby finds Jesse's body. It was really heart-breaking when I found out he was dead. I didn't see it coming. I definitely recommend this book to everyone while I ponder the unanswered questions from this recent read.
Profile Image for Melissa-The Book Addict.
133 reviews138 followers
June 21, 2011
I was contacted by the author to review this book, and truth be told I was a little apprehensive when I started this book. I also have to say that once I started it I didn't want to put it down. I was sucked straight into the story and the characters. I really liked Abby she was dealing with a lot and while she may not have been happy she was dealing, and living. Her brush with death left her only being able to see in black and white, her position as star soccer player has slipped away and even her friends seemed to think she is a freak. Abby seems to have a solid relationship with her sister Kate, and the doctor who saved her life. She only has one friend left and that is Jesse. I loved all these characters! Things really start to get exciting when people start turning up dead and Abby dreams about the murders. This sent Abby and her sister who is also a reporter down the path of trying to figure out who the killer is. Let me tell you when they finally figured it out I was shocked, I was barking up the wrong tree. Through all of this Abby is also trying to work out her feelings for Jesse, and trying to remember her past. I have to say the ending totally surprised me, I really never saw it coming and that is something I look for in a book, twists, turns, and surprises. This book truly delivered. I give it 5 stars and highly recommend it! I really hope you guys will give this book a try, it won't disappoint.
Profile Image for Melissa Veras.
540 reviews228 followers
March 18, 2015
Oh, wow. I really enjoy reading this, the book has SO MUCH POTENTIAL! I just need more depth, in the characters and the plot. A little bit longer, more description, character development... I really think this would have been a great book, the plot is interesting and the plot twist amazing and unexpected.

But... yeah, too bad about the writing :(

2.5 round up.
Profile Image for Emma Bannister.
Author 3 books4 followers
October 25, 2012
Can't believe how good this book turned out to be. Massive surprising twist at the end. It's the first book I've shed a few tears to. I wish I could erase it from my memory so I have the joy of reading it all over again
Profile Image for BookNerdette.
635 reviews350 followers
November 3, 2014
I absolutely Loved it! The writing flowed seamlessly, no need for any skimming. I want to read it again, and take more notes. I got so caught up in the show I didnt take anymore after a while. Loved it!
Profile Image for Lisa.
180 reviews3 followers
February 6, 2012
I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and had an unexpected twist at the end. The writing reminded me of the Rachel Vincent "Soul Screamers" books.
Profile Image for Doreena.
457 reviews
September 5, 2012
OMG!!! I sooooo did not see that one coming! This authors good! The ending will knock your socks off! Definately recommended.
Profile Image for Cass.
556 reviews
November 21, 2021
Abby Craig had died when she fell through the ice at the lake the previous winter. But at the hospital, she suddenly woke up. The doctors said is it because her body had shut down from the cold but when she got warm, they were able to revive her. But things are very different for her. She can't see colors and she can't run fast anymore so her chances of going to college on a soccer scholarship are gone. Her best friend from when they were little kids, Jesse, has changed too. He no longer is very serious about school or making the basketball team. He hangs around Abby, ignoring his girlfriend, Amanda. He doesn't seem to care about school, sports, or his car that he had wrecked earlier in the year. He just want to go snow boarding.

Then strange things begin to happen in the town. A woman caught in a house fire and is overcome by the smoke is revived after being declared dead. And more strange deaths occur and the victims are revived. And then Abby starts seeing a man killing people and then reviving them at the hospital!

What is going on?!?
Profile Image for Neko.
501 reviews44 followers
March 6, 2022
I got this free on my Kindle many years ago and it stayed unread until now as I'm trying my hardest to clean up my kindle collection.

I wish I hadn't left this book unread for so long. This story was easy to read and the twist at the end actually made me smile because I didn't expect it. Abby is a teenager who goes through a very traumatic accident on a icy lake. She's trying to put her life back together when "accidents" around Bend start happening.

I would of given this 5 stars but I felt the characters were a little one dimensional and could of done with more fleshing out. But given the novel wasn't that long I kind of understand why they weren't.

Great novel! I may pick up the others at some point if they're as good as this one but I'm unsure how they'll surprise me as much as this one did.
Profile Image for FeedMyReads.
374 reviews20 followers
October 12, 2021
I picked this book up after looking around the free book offerings a number of years ago and the premise sounded like something interesting and different so I decided it would be well worth trying out and I am delighted that I did as this is one of my favourite books I have read in many years.

The premise is about Abby Craig who died but came back and since she has come back things don't quite seem right. The visions that begin to haunt her are a concern but are they simply due to her accident or did that just awaken something in her?

This book is the first in a series of books and I am delighted that I started the series as I have loved each book so recommend reading this so you have can fall in love with the series like I have done.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 432 reviews

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