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First Blood

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A moving fictionalized account of Nothomb’s own father, this is the acclaimed author’s most personal and heartfelt novel.

The Republic of the Congo, 1964. A young man faces a firing squad, preparing for his last moment on Earth. He is known as a complex and complicated man whose childhood left him hungry for affection and attention and who transformed his emotional wounds into a brilliant career as a diplomat and a negotiator. Now he finds himself negotiating for his own life, together with the lives of 1,500 Congolese citizens.

Inspired by the life of her father and by her lifelong effort to understand him, Amélie Nothomb’s new novel is about life-and-death decisions, about reckoning with one’s past, reconciling with one’s parents, and about the hard, often humorous work of determining one’s own path.

109 pages, Paperback

First published August 18, 2021

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About the author

Amélie Nothomb

97 books5,072 followers
Amélie Nothomb, born Fabienne Claire Nothomb, was born in Etterbeek, Belgium on 9 July 1966, to Belgian diplomats. Although Nothomb claims to have been born in Japan, she actually began living in Japan at the age of two until she was five years old. Subsequently, she lived in China, New York, Bangladesh, Burma, the United Kingdom (Coventry) and Laos.
She is from a distinguished Belgian political family; she is notably the grand-niece of Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb, a Belgian foreign minister (1980-1981). Her first novel, Hygiène de l'assassin, was published in 1992. Since then, she has published approximately one novel per year with a.o. Les Catilinaires (1995), Stupeur Et Tremblements (1999) and Métaphysique des tubes (2000).

She has been awarded numerous prizes, including the 1999 Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française; the Prix René-Fallet; and twice the Prix Alain-Fournier.
While in Japan, she attended a local school and learned Japanese. When she was five the family moved to China. "Quitter le Japon fut pour moi un arrachement" ("Leaving Japan was a wrenching separation for me") she writes in Fear and Trembling. Nothomb moved often, and did not live in Europe until she was 17, when she moved to Brussels. There, she reportedly felt as much a stranger as everywhere else. She studied philology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. After some family tensions, she returned to Japan to work in a big Japanese company in Tokyo. Her experience of this time is told in Fear and Trembling. She has written a romanticized biography (Robert des noms propres) for the French female singer RoBERT in 2002 and during the period 2000-2002 she wrote the lyrics for nine tracks of the same artist. Many ideas inserted in her books come from the conversations she had with an Italian man, from late eighties and during the nineties. She used the French Minitel, while he used the Italian Videotel system, connected with the French one. They never met personally.

Source: Wikipedia

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Profile Image for Nathalie Vanhauwaert.
903 reviews40 followers
August 18, 2021
C'est le centième manuscrit d'Amélie et son trentième roman publié. Un roman un peu particulier, différent. C'est un hommage, un cri d'amour à son père décédé durant la pandémie. Un père à qui, elle n'a plu dire au-revoir, ni l'accompagner.

C'est un roman émouvant, magnifique, très personnel raconté à la première personne par son père Patrick Nothomb. Il revient sur un fait historique réel qui s'est soldé le 5 août 1964.

Arrivé pour représenter la Belgique, une semaine avant l'arrivée des rebelles, à Stanleyville (aujourd'hui Kisangani dans la République du Congo). Patrick Nothomb est jeune consul, il est à peine âgé de 28 ans en 1964. Il va négocier durant quatre mois avec les rebelles dans ce qui a été la plus grande prise d'otages - 1600 personnes- dont il faisait partie. Il va par son courage et l'intervention des paras belges permettre de sauver la vie de la majorité des otages.

Le livre commence a un moment crucial où il a été mis en joue par un peloton d'exécution de 12 soldats.

A ce moment précis, il peut enfin se taire, arrêtant de négocier et en égrennant les secondes, il repense à sa vie qu'il nous raconte.

Une vie difficile qui n'avait pas commencé sous les meilleurs auspices. Difficile au niveau affectif, orphelin de père à l'âge de huit mois, une mère triste, éplorée, ébranlée par le chagrin qui l'aimant assurément n'a jamais pû être démonstrative de cet amour heureusement remplacé par celui de ses grands-parents maternels qui l'ont élevé.

Arrive la rencontre de la tribu Nothomb, une aristocratie désargentée, une tribu de sauvage courant dans des haillons, crevant de faim au château du Pont d'Oye. Il découvrira la poésie de son grand-père et malgré la rudesse de ces séjours, une certaine bienveillance.

Comme à chaque fois, c'est passionnant, l'écriture m'emporte. Beaucoup d'émotions dans ce roman personnel dont je ne déflore rien d'autre pour vous laisser le plaisir de la découverte.

Pourquoi "Premier sang" ? me direz-vous ? Cela coule de source parlant de son père, les autres raisons je vous les laisse découvrir par vous-mème.

Un roman qui parle de filiation, de racines, d'absence et de recherche du père.

Un énorme coup de ♥

Les jolies phrases

Les douze hommes me mettent en joue. est-ce que je revois ma vie défiler devant moi ? La seule chose que je ressens est une révolution extraordinaire : je suis vivant. Chaque moment est sécable à l'infini, la mort ne pourra pas me rejoindre, je plonge dans le noyau dur du présent.

Par la fenêtre, je le vis trotter jusqu'à une dame endimanchée, devant laquelle il exécuta des parades qui ressemblaient aux gonflements du jabot et aux courbettes du pigeon tentant le coup avec une pigeonne.

Rien n'importe autant que la poésie .

La poésie, comme le mauvais temps, les jours fériés ou les soldats de plomb, existait. Elle était une réalité avec laquelle il fallait composer.

C'est un homme merveilleux, tu sais. Il vit dans une espèce de conte où les femmes sont des princesses qui se nourissentt de rosée et où les enfants sont les frères et soeurs du Petit Poucet.

Je me frayai un chemin parmi ces poèmes escarpés. J'avais l'impression qu'on me proposait des ascencions trop difficiles. Il n'empêche que je me promis d'escalader ces hauteurs quand je serais alpiniste.

On nous apprend à tous le fameux Carpe Diem. Nous avons beau l'approuver, nous ne l'appliquons jamais. A Stanleyville, il m'a été donné de le vivre corps et ême. De me couvher à terre, sous le ciel, de jubiler de respirer, de sentir l'odeur forte des fientes d'oiseaux, de regarder le réel, d'écouter l'air.
Pourquoi avoir d'autres désirs ?

Tout à l'heure, j'ai déploré de mourir en pleine santé. Maintenant, je trouve bon de mourir ainsi. Je vais pouvoir vivre la mort à fond, l'embrasser de ma jeunesse. J'ai enfin atteint l'état espéré : l'acceptation. Mieux : l'amour du destin. J'aime ce qui m'arrive. J'aime jusqu'à l'absolu de mon ignorance. N'est-ce pas le juste manière d'entrer dans la mort ?

Profile Image for Marc.
3,244 reviews1,577 followers
October 13, 2022
Apparantly, Amélie Nothomb really can't or simply doesn't want to write a story longer than 200 pages. This is barely 170 (in a big font even), and it just breaks off where it seems to get interesting. The subject is well known: it is actually the somewhat romanticized biography of Amélie's father, Patrick Nothomb, a Belgian diplomat. I had the pleasure of meeting Patrick Nothomb a couple of times, when he was ambassador in Rome and he organized a small concert every month in his residence for the compatriots in the Italian capital. That always were nice gatherings, where it was important to grasp the opportunity to be admitted to the roof terrace, where one could enjoy a unique top view on the Roman Forum. Patrick Nothomb passed away in March 2020, and this book clearly is a tribute from Amélie to her father. In essence, in this novel she presents his difficult childhood and earliest diplomatic years, narrated by Patrick himself. It's nice, that's for sure, and in the end also interesting because father Nothomb apparently played a part in the difficult years after the independence of the Belgian Congo colony. But, as I said, that's where the story suddenly ends. Of course, it indeed is a beautiful tribute from a grateful daughter, but as a reader you remain rather unsatisfied.
Profile Image for Come Musica.
1,823 reviews520 followers
February 25, 2022
Ritorna lei, in quello che è il suo romanzo più intimo.

Per chi mi segue da tempo è risaputo che straveda per Amélie Nothomb, che ho incontrato tre volte dal vivo in una delle sue presentazioni in giro per l'Italia.
In quasi tutti i suoi romanzi, lei parte dalla domanda "vediamo cosa succederebbe se... ?".
In quasi tutti, sì. Ma non in questo.
Qui dismette le vesti di scrittrice dalla penna affilata, per rivestire ogni singola parola di amore: perché questo è Primo sangue. Un inno di amore che lei come figlia dedica al padre Patrick, scomparso durante la pandemia e che, a causa della pandemia, non ha potuto salutare né accompagnare sul confine che separa la vita dalla morte.

In questo suo libro così intimo, Amélie, raccontando la storia del padre (che non ha avuto una vita facile soprattutto nei primi anni della sua vita), vuole consegnarlo all'immortalità. È sorprendente anche che questo romanzo sia uscito in questo particolare periodo storico, con il conflitto tra Russia e Ucraina. Singolare perché (Amélie Nothomb non poteva sapere che ci sarebbe stata questa coincidenza), la scrittrice sceglie di concentrare la narrazione nel (novembre del) 1964, quando Patrick Nothomb giunse nella Repubblica del Congo, per rapprensentare il Belgio, durante la rivolta dei Simba, una ribellione scoppiata per le enormi disuguaglianze tra gli uomini al potere e la massa della popolazione. Ed è qui che Patrick Nothomb si troverà a negoziare per salvare la vita alla maggior parte dei 1600 ostaggi.
Il 24 novembre 1964, all'alba, 350 paracadutisti belgi della "Brigata Para-Commando" al comando del colonnello Charles Laurent, trasportati da aerei della 322d Airlift Division statunitense, si lanciarono sull'aeroporto di Stanleyville, occupandola: "Nonostante il bagno di sangue, Patrick Nothomb non svenne. Mai sottovalutare l'istinto di sopravvivenza. Come nove ostaggi su dieci, fu annoverato tra i superstiti."

Amélie in questa storia non compare mai (non è ancora nata): ci consegna suo padre, da eroe, con tutto l'amore di figlia che il suo cuore contiene.

Nota a margine, per una mia curiosità. Perché "Primo sangue"?
Da wikipedia: "Il detto risale al linguaggio dei duelli, in cui si poteva scegliere di battersi “al primo sangue”, cioè fino a che uno dei due spadaccini veniva ferito, o “all'ultimo sangue”, cioè fino alla morte di uno dei due contendenti."
Profile Image for Aitor Castrillo.
Author 2 books1,160 followers
September 10, 2023
La primera novela que leo de Amélie Nothomb la protagoniza su padre. Le da la voz de narrador y lo comienza situando frente a un pelotón de fusilamiento. En esa fracción de segundo previa a la muerte se detiene el tiempo y nuestro protagonista comienza a recordar distintos episodios de su vida.

Me ha parecido un punto de partida interesante y la historia está muy bien escrita, pero me ha gustado bastante más la infancia y adolescencia de Patrick Nothomb, que los dimes y diretes posteriores.

¡Bonito homenaje a su padre en cualquier caso!
Profile Image for Gabril.
872 reviews200 followers
May 20, 2022
Un incipit che è anche uno squisito omaggio alla letteratura: Patrick Nothomb ha ventotto anni e si trova davanti al plotone di esecuzione, pronto -mica tanto- a essere fucilato. Proprio come era accaduto a Dostoevskij (e Patrick lo rammemora, infatti), ma anche a Aureliano Buendia in Cent’anni di solitudine. Vita e invenzione letteraria si intrecciano. La scrittura di Amélie, magica, lieve e affascinante come sempre, fa il resto. Ovvero ritorna indietro del tempo; infatti: non si dice che nell’attimo prima di morire tutta la vita ti passa davanti? E così sarà per Patrick che rivedrà (e ci racconterà) la sua infanzia, estasiante e perturbante insieme.
E intanto, con lo sguardo fisso davanti ai fucili puntati, con la certezza della fine imminente…“ogni cosa che sento è uno straordinario rivolgimento interno: sono vivo. Ogni momento è divisibile all’infinito, la morte non potrà raggiungermi, sprofondo nel cuore pulsante del presente”.

Ma come mai siamo arrivati a questo punto?
Diplomatico belga in missione nel Congo, Nothomb si trova a dover difendere con la sola arte del ragionamento la vita di oltre un migliaio di ostaggi, quando nell’ex colonia che ha appena raggiunto l’indipendenza scoppia una sanguinosa rivolta. E a Patrick fin da piccolo il sangue fa un effetto proprio incontrollabile: lo fa svenire, semplicemente. A maggior ragione le parole diventano la sua unica fragilissima e potentissima risorsa.

Patrick Nothomb fortunosamente si salvò quando arrivarono finalmente i soccorsi.
Era il 2 novembre del 1964. Tre anni dopo nacque Amélie.

Profile Image for Emily M.
348 reviews
November 16, 2023
2.5 stars

My second Amélie Nothomb, and she and I just rub along badly together. I can't stand that she appears on all her book covers (in French and Spanish). Yes, this is a stupid reason to dislike an author, but to me it represents the kind of cultism that she seems to operate in: we are to find her interesting because she finds herself interesting. And who is she? Another overprivileged aristocratic diplomats' child. And quirky.

First Blood actually had some good things going on: a tense framing device, the story of Nothomb's father when he was a hostage and nearly sent to the firing squad in the Congo. It's a pity the book wasn't actually focused on that (though I appreciate the title, as a duel of words ensues between Nothomb Sr. and his captors).

Then we circle back for a fairly uneventful story of his life leading up to this event. It's quirky. There are a few great characters (the poet grandfather, who lets his children starve). It is occasionally entertaining but also unfocused and episodic, a seeming collection of family anecdotes with only tangential relevance to the Congo story.

I've read that Nothomb writes three books a year but only publishes one. She would be better served by writing one a year, and publishing one every three.

Thanks to Netgalley/Europa editions for the ARC.
Profile Image for Alexandra .
933 reviews337 followers
July 11, 2023
Die Königin der minimalistischen Romane Amélie Nothomb hat wieder einmal zugeschlagen. Manchmal feiere ich sie, weil ich das elendige, episch breite Herumgeschwafle mit detailliertesten Schilderungen von jeder Nebenfigur und inflationäre Redundanzen wie die Pest hasse, aber manchmal sind eben solche sehr kurz und knapp gehaltenen Werke einfach viel zu begrenzt, als dass sie tatsächlich funktionieren. Bei dem Roman war das bedauerlicherweise der Fall, denn der Plot spannt sich diesmal über 28 Jahre eines Lebens, und die Lücken, beziehungsweise die gewollten Auslassungen, lassen Einiges in der Figurenentwicklung vermissen. Was bei vielen Storys der Autorin eine Wohltat ist, wie zum Beispiel bei Liebessabotage, Der japanische Verlobte und Mit Staunen und Zittern, dürfte hier mal ein bisschen ausführlicher entwickelt werden. Habe ich, Kämpferin gegen das Geschwafel, das wirklich gesagt 😀 ?

Die Story ist trotz der Lücken sehr gut konzipiert, insbesondere wenn Nothomb über Rotten von kleinen Kindern schreibt, ist das immer wieder köstlich zu lesen.

Patrick, Halbwaise, der von seiner Oma sehr verwöhnt und bemuttert aufgezogen wird, weil sich die Mutter nicht richtig ums Kind kümmern will, soll, um nicht ganz verweichlicht zu werden, in den Sommerferien zu den Nothombs in die Ardennen geschickt werden. Dort beim Großvater väterlicherseits, ist eine ganze Kinderbande am Werk, es gibt wenig zu Essen und totalen Darwinismus. Patrick liebt dieses wilde, freie, entbehrungsreiche Leben in der Familie seines verstorbenen Vaters. Großartig wird der Kampf um die Essensportionen am Tisch geschildert, aber auch die unbeaufsichtigten Spiele im Wald und der Zusammenhalt der Kids. Als Patrick völlig abgemagert, verlaust und hungrig im Herbst zurück nach Hause kommt, ist die gluckende Großmutter komplett konsterniert und will das Kind nie wieder zu den Nothombs schicken, aber Patrick insistiert sehr beharrlich, auch die Weihnachtsferien dort zu verbringen. Letztendlich überlebt er nicht nur auch dieses Bootcamp, er ist glücklich und die Großmutter väterlicherseits erweckt zudem durch das Geschenk eines Buches noch die Liebe des kleinen Jungen zur Literatur und zu Rimbaud.

Anschließend stürmt die Autorin wie ein D-Zug durch die Schulzeit und die diplomatische Ausbildung des Protagonisten, und als Leserin sah ich mich plötzlich innerhalb von weniger Seiten in eine Situation geworfen, in der Patrick als Geliebter, Ehemann, Familienvater, Diplomat, belgischer Honorarkonsul in Stanleyville, in der Republik Kongo von Rebellen zusammen mit 1500 anderen Geiseln gefangen gehalten wird. In seiner politischen Funktion beweist unser Protagonist mitunter erstaunliches Verhandlungsgeschick und manchmal kann er gegen die Exekution von Geiseln durch Argumente nichts ausrichten. In dieser Phase des Romans klafft nun die schon eingangs erwähnte Lücke, denn seine Talente hat Patrick ja nicht nur in den ausführlichen Beschreibungen im Umgang mit der Kinderrotte seines Großvaters geschmiedet, sondern sicher auch in seiner Ausbildung und anderen viel zu wenig beschriebenen Lebensstationen erworben. Hier fehlt enorm viel Kontext in der Figurenentwicklung.

Fazit: Zwar interessant und lesenswert, aber zu kurz und bündig, ich wundere mich sehr, dass ich das schreibe, aber 100 Seiten MEHR hätten diesem Roman sehr gutgetan.
Profile Image for Meike.
1,781 reviews3,899 followers
February 17, 2024
English: First Blood / German: Der belgische Konsul
Nothomb writes the fictional memoir of her father, Belgian diplomat Baron Patrick Nothomb, starting off with him being taken hostage in Congo during a rebellion in 1964. We also hear about his childhood during WWII as an orphan in the Ardennes, and his life as the 20th century moves forward, the entire short-ish text being the author's attempt to understand the man she experienced as mysterious and shy.

Unfortunately, the novella did not quite open up to me, but that's a also a question of personal taste: The language is very clean and direct, and I see how this might appeal to other readers, just like the intriguing life story of Patrick. I, for once, did not feel like I got particularly close to the man and what made him tick.
Profile Image for Roman Clodia.
2,671 reviews3,770 followers
April 4, 2023
An abbreviated tribute to her father, this is a short, essay-like piece voiced through a fictional reconstruction of Patrick Nothomb. Most of it follows a first person narrative of his childhood and adolescence at school, with the last quarter or so showing him as a diplomat especially in Stanleyville where he is part of a group of Belgians kidnapped by an anticolonial militia.

It's hard to find much to say - Nothomb's prose is clean but this sits uneasily somewhere between memoir and wish-fulfillment fiction - how much is true is impossible to know. But it's not a deep engagement with the character of Nothomb's father and is easily read in an hour or so. It's the sort of piece that would sit easily in the TLS or LRB.

Thanks to Europa Editions for an ARC via NetGalley
608 reviews63 followers
March 12, 2023
A sympathetic little novel/memoir in which Amélie Nothomb recounts in straightforward style the life of her father, Patrick Nothomb, born 1937 in Brussels, from his youth until the moment he expects to be executed by the Congolese Simba militias that captured him in his capacity of consul of Stanleyville in 1964. The focus is mostly on his childhood in which Patrick visited his aristocratic but starving family in the South during the war.

An enjoyable reading experience of around two hours. 3,5 rounded up.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Europa Editions for the ARC.
Profile Image for Josh.
348 reviews233 followers
August 12, 2023
Read over two days in small spurts of comprehension, this short novella could really be classified as an extended short story. My wife has read Nothomb's material, but I had yet to try so when Europa Editions put this out, I figured why not try something short to see if I can ever be bothered to try again. After reading some other reviews, apparently Nothomb has a habit of writing novellas that are straight to the point, yet she seems to be a fairly diverse writer. This could be classified as a brief fictionalized autobiography of the first twenty eight years of her father's life. I say 'fictionalized' primarily because it's meant to be inspired by his life. I haven't read a lot about Patrick Nothomb, but what I encountered in these pages was interesting enough. . After reading the last page, it makes you think and smile a bit and realize that it's not as stagnant as you originally thought.

I'll read more of her eventually.

Solid 3 star.
Profile Image for Federica Rampi.
604 reviews203 followers
March 1, 2022
In Primo Sangue, Amélie Nothomb ripercorre la storia del padre, Patrick, dall’infanzia alla sua carriera di diplomatico, che nel 1964, in Congo ha salvato 1450 ostaggi dopo quattro mesi di trattative con i ribelli, facendo di lui un eroe
Patrick Nothomb è morto lo scorso anno di infarto, durante il primo lockdown, a Bruxelles
Amélie era a Parigi e non ha potuto dargli l’ultimo saluto
Quasi sessant'anni dopo, la figlia si impossessa di questo episodio eroico della vita del padre e scrive un romanzo in cui si fonde con le sue orme fino a parlare di lui in in prima persona.
Di fronte alla morte, Amélie Nothomb regala con estrema sensibilità e umiltà un testo potente e intenso.
È vero che la morte è onnipresente in tutte le pagine, ma l’autrice riesce a mettere in evidenza soprattutto il grande desiderio di vita paterno

Nessun dolore, nessun pensiero oscuro, ma un inno al potere della letteratura, questo regno meraviglioso dove, grazie alle parole, è possibile ridare vita ai propri cari perduti lungo la strada.
Profile Image for Marcelle Machado.
358 reviews6 followers
June 17, 2024
O livro começa como um romance de formação e termina sendo uma crítica à colonização. A autora faz paralelos interessantes baseados nas relações do protagonista com o núcleo familiar menor e maior e a relação entre Bélgica e Congo, paralelo que surge pela escolha profissional do protagonista. O texto é fluido e nesse caso pode até prejudicar a leitura pois algumas dessas relações podem passar batido. Só senti falta de um elo maior entre a adolescência e a fase de descobertas amorosas com a parte final do livro. O livro foi a escolha de leitura de maio da TAG Curadoria, e é por receber livros assim que assino a caixa, jamais escolheria espontaneamente esse livro pra ler.

The book start as a coming of age story, and ends as a critique of colonization. The author makes interesting parallels based on the protagonist's relationships with the smaller and larger family nucleus and the relationship between Belgium and Congo, a parallel that is explored due to the protagonist's professional choice. The text is fluid and in this case it can even harm the reading as some of the connections can be overlooked. I thought that there wasn't a strong connection between the teen years and the final part of the book, maybe the author needed to explore more this phase. I sign a book club named TAG Curadoria, and each month they send a book to their subscribers, and this one was their choice for May, and this is why I'm a member, I would never pick this book if it wasn't for TAG Curadoria.
Profile Image for Alaska Lee.
289 reviews595 followers
December 24, 2023
Qué manera de tener un primer contacto con una autora más fuerte y demencial. Me fascinó todo. El estilo de narración en cajaba perfecto con las circunstancias y edad que era retratada, a la vez que el tono concordaba perfecto con la trama de la historia. Habría sido perfecto de no ser por la corta duración. De resto me parece una obra bella, dolorosa, sincera y sin duda alguna una que vale la pena ser leída. Altamente recomendada. Qué ganas de seguir leyendo el trabajo de Nothomb.
Profile Image for Enrique.
473 reviews253 followers
November 3, 2023
Se lee solita esta novela en poco más de dos ratos. Aquí Nothomb se sale un poco de la pauta y temática habitual de sus libros y da la apariencia de hacer algo ligero, creo que apariencia falsa. Esa forma de escribir telegráfica y poco detallada que da esa falsa impresión de poco trabajada.

Cuando terminé el libro me surgió la curiosidad y miré un poco por la red, no sabía que trataba cuestiones autobiográficas familiares de la autora, digamos que como dicen las malas películas, “está basada en hechos reales”.

Bien, entretenida, pero no acabo de pillarle el punto del todo a Amelie Nothomb y pensaba que con esta novela que es un poco distinta de las anteriores lo lograría. Seguiremos intentándolo.
Profile Image for i.
32 reviews17 followers
April 22, 2024
روایت جذاب و کوتاه از زندگی پدر آملی نوتومب!
Profile Image for El desván del lector.
200 reviews73 followers
February 1, 2023
Leer a Nothomb siempre es una experiencia de lo más enriquecedora. Sus obras tan excéntricas y extravagantes van a caballo entre la ficción y la autobiografía, construyendo historias de lo más variopintas y que se quedan dando vueltas en nuestra cabeza. En esta ocasión, la autora va un paso más allá de la autobiografía y nos relata la infancia, adolescencia y juventud de su padre, Patrick Nothomb.

Descubriremos como fue la infancia de éste, marcada por la ausencia de una figura paterna y la sombra del apellido Nothomb, acontecimientos que sin duda lo marcaron de por vida. Lo mejor del libro es que todo está contado en primera persona por Patrick pero es Amélie quien escribe, por tanto vemos algo más allá de la figura de su padre: vemos cómo la autora veía la figura de su padre y, a partir de ahí, construye la historia desde el nacimiento de Patrick hasta 1964, cuando fue rehén durante la Crisis del Congo.

Y sin duda, esto es lo que convierte a este libro en toda una oda y homenaje por parte de la autora a la figura de su padre. Ya que aunque nos cuenta parte de su vida, en cada frase, párrafo y reflexión se puede apreciar el carisma de Nothomb. Que hay de verdad y que de ficción en este libro es algo que no podemos saber. Pero lo que sí sabemos es que Amélie construye una obra sublime sobre su figura paterna, que sin duda fue uno de los pilares de su vida, tanto a nivel personal como a nivel literario.

Podría decirse que es una de sus obras más personales, por la carga de emociones que pudo acarrear su escritura, ya que el libro nació a raíz del fallecimiento de su padre en 2020. Con su prosa exquisita, su humor mordaz y sus reflexiones de lo más pintorescas, Nothomb nos lleva de la mano al pasado en un viaje introspectivo y emotivo, tanto para el lector, como sin duda para ella.
Profile Image for Maren.
136 reviews7 followers
October 2, 2023
Ein kurzer Seitensprung, hoffentlich nehmen meine anderen Leseprojekte es mir nicht übel, aber ich hatte mich "festgelesen".
Das spricht für den belgischen Konsul Patrick Nothomb, den Ich- Erzähler in diesem Roman und Vater der Autorin.
Mir fehlten zwischen seinen abenteuerlichen, hungrigen(!) Aufenthalten im verwahrlosten Château seines Großvaters und den historisch belegten, dramatischen Ereignissen in Stanleyville, in denen ihm als belgischer Generalkonsul die Hinrichtung droht, allerdings weitere Details aus seinem Leben.
Amelie Nothombs Schreibstil gefiel mir wieder sehr gut. Fesselnd, amüsant, interessante Schilderung der Charaktere, elegant.
Profile Image for Teodora Totolici.
72 reviews24 followers
May 1, 2024
Bellissimo! Fra i più belli di Amélie Nothomb letti fino ad ora. Commuovente e tenero, ma anche crudo ed emotivamente tosto.
Profile Image for Maureen Grigsby.
1,027 reviews
May 18, 2023
A new book from one of my all time favorite authors. This one tells the story of the author’s father. So, so good!
Profile Image for Théo d'Or .
533 reviews239 followers
July 19, 2023
Despite the author's intentions, I found this particular work falling short of its desired impact. In short - poor character development, a lack of depth in the narrative, and an anticlimactic resolution. The novel briefly touches upon themes such as aliénation, identity crises, and the search for belonging, but falls to fully explore these complex and compelling themes. The author barely scratches the surface of the profound emotions that her characters are meant to experience, resulting in a lack of depth within the narrative. Nothomb builds up tension throughout the novel, hinting at a significant turning point or revelation that will bring the protagonist's emotional journey to a satisfying close, but in the end, the resolution feels rushed and undeveloped, leaving the reader feeling unfulfilled and questioning the purpose of the journey they have just undertaken.
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,029 reviews352 followers
March 11, 2023
3,75 / 5

'Primera sangre', novela número treinta de la autora, es la biografía de su padre antes de que ella naciera. Sin embargo, más allá del retrato, como siempre con Nothomb, es una reconstrucción del origen de su historia familiar, contada por su propio padre y rindiéndole un gran homenaje.

También es la historia de un diplomático belga, de como fue su infancia y adolescencia, y de su papel en la independencia de la colonia del Congo Belga. Excéntrica y extravagante sobre todo en su genial primera mitad, tampoco podemos discernir que es verdad y que es ficción romantizada.

El interesante carisma de Patrick Nothomb inunda la pagina, con esa tierna habilidad de Nothomb para hipnotizar y crear grandes personajes con tan poco. Como siempre, menos de doscientas páginas en los que la autora belga homenajea a un padre del que no pudo despedirse.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,031 reviews34 followers
July 30, 2021
Intéressant pour la partie "histoire de famille", en effet Amélie Nothomb raconte la vie de son père de son enfance à son premier poste d'ambassadeur au Congo. Ce n'est toutefois pas transcendant.
Profile Image for quim.
253 reviews62 followers
March 20, 2024
De alguna forma, Amélie revalida año sí año también que la escritura es un oficio y que, por supuesto, es el suyo
Profile Image for Tittirossa.
1,016 reviews287 followers
July 28, 2023
La Nothomb non mi ha mai ispirato granchè, la associo a Banana (facile, agevole, leggibile, dimenticabile), ma non avendo mai letto niente di suo ho pensato di approfittare dei tre mesi gratis di Audible e dalla mancanza di voglia di podcast impegnativi, per ascoltare questo librettino corto e agile.
Il formato audiobook gli si addice, visto che da un lato la mancanza di qualsiasi "profondità" dall'altro la scansione in brevi capitoletti* si addice molto bene ai miei tragitti da 7 minuti in auto :-)

- Terminato, confermo. E' stato un ascolto piacevole (a parte le vocette), ma la storia è talmente piana che - la prima parte sembra un libro per ragazzi come lo si intendeva negli anni '50, che so, un Tom Sawyer annacquato, un grand Meaulnes edulcorato; mentre la seconda parte sembra un fumetto anni '80 (rispettoso degli indigeni anche quando ti fucilano).
Leggo che nella produzione della Nothomb questo romanzo-memoir si inserisce come elemento estraneo, per i temi non per la scrittura. Quindi, molto serenamente, la rimetto nel dimenticatoio (però che tipo Pierre! pure io soffro come lui alla vista del primo sangue).
E' la tipica scrittura linearissima senza un guizzo, senza una coloritura, una ricerca, piatta e monocorde da libro per ragazzi digestato (e digerito)

*Il lettore è bravo, ma il tono con cui dice "nonnina" e "nonnino" e in generale fa le vocette dei diversi personaggi mi fa aggricciare la pelle (tutte le volte mi vedo il lupo cattivo travestito da nonnina e Cappuccetto Rosso che dice "nonnina, che mani grandi che hai"), che poi, dico io, non mi sembra (dalla narrazione) che i due emanino una aura da "nonnini", per cui perchè la Nothomb li chiama così? L'effetto secondario è che mi viene da usare tutti diminutivi e vezzeggiativi per descrivere questo librettino di memoriette carine carine picciò
Profile Image for Vanja Šušnjar Čanković.
321 reviews127 followers
January 27, 2024
Znam da sam dosadila i Bogu i narodu, ali mene je ova žena odavno, neću reći kupila, nego raspametila, tako da mi je svaka njena knjiga sjajna. Ona je jednostavno svoja, autentična, drugačija, uvijek posebna, čista avangarda. Što napisa za nju danas jedna sestra po knjizi na Instagramu "Josipa Lisac frankofone književnosti". Ovo je još jedna u nizu biografskih priča, ovog puta o njenom ocu koji je karijeru proveo kao belgijski diplomata. Glavna tema je Kongoanska kriza koja je započela nedugo nakon nezavisnosti Konga od Belgije.
Profile Image for Mohade$eh.
313 reviews16 followers
October 20, 2023
به اندازه دیگر آثار نوتومب جذاب نبود. بیشتر ادای دینی به پدرش بود با بازگویی سیر کودکی تا جوانی‌اش.
Profile Image for Zai.
889 reviews41 followers
September 30, 2023
Me ha gustado esta novela de la Amélie, aunque no está entre mis favoritas, es un bonito homenaje a su padre. En ella, la autora nos relata la vida de su padre, Patrick Nothomb, a través de la visión de éste, desde que tenía 8 meses momento en que se quedó huérfano de padre hasta que se hizo diplomático.

Aquí veremos la vida de Patrick, empezando por su relación con su madre y sus abuelos maternos que es con los que convive, cuando empieza a pasar las vacaciones con su familia paterna, los Nothomb y cómo se lleva con la "tribu", que se desmayaba al ver sangre fresca, cómo conoció a Daniele su esposa y madre de sus hijos y los problemas que tuvo para poder casarse con ella y su carrera como diplomático, en concreto, nos relata la crisis del Congo, ya que el padre de Amélie estuvo destinado en Stanleyville durante la crisis.
Profile Image for Josée.
Author 19 books36 followers
September 2, 2021
Amélie Nothomb, dont le père est décédé de la Covid-19 l'an dernier sans pouvoir lui faire proprement ses adieux (contexte du virus oblige), ressuscite le paternel disparu par le biais de la fiction afin de le laisser partir. De cette tragédie, elle façonne un roman puissant. Une biographie du père sensible et cruelle qui n'épargne en rien les Nothomb. Le château sombre du Pont d'Oye, l'absence maternelle, la poésie creuse, la soif et la faim, le souffle glacial en hiver des Ardennes et l'ombre révoltée d'Arthur Rimbaud planent sur les souvenirs d'enfance imaginés par la fille - l'auteure - petite dernière du diplomate Patrick Nothomb.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 748 reviews

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