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Rough Riders #12

Cowboy Casanova

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His rough touch makes her lose control...

In Sundance, Wyoming, you can't throw a boot without hitting a McKay cowboy, so Ben McKay is used to fading into the background. Except on weekends, when he's Bennett, imposing Dom at The Rawhide Club, surrounded by a bevy of female subs eager for the attention of his long whip.

As for the curvy brunette eying him from across the room? He'll eat his Stetson if she's the experienced Domme she claims to be. Bennett offers her a deal he'll let her call the shots for one night. But the next night he gets to prove to her how freeing it'll be when he takes the reins.

Ainsley Hamilton is amazed by how well Bennett read her every secret yearning during that one explosive weekend and she's stunned when they come face to face in their everyday lives as rancher and new bank president. Now Ben's urging her to explore her submissive side outside the club, and there's something in his commanding gaze that makes it too easy to let him take control of her desires and her pleasure.

Can Ben help Ainsley overcome her fear that a relationship built on dark sexual appetites won't survive the light of day?

Warning: This book contains a lot of kinky sex. No, seriously, there's A LOT of kinky cowboy sex in this Rough Riders installment. You've been warned.

Rough Riders-Book 12

404 pages, ebook

First published December 6, 2011

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About the author

Lorelei James

113 books8,181 followers
Lorelei James is New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary erotic westerns and erotic romances. She lives in western South Dakota.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 381 reviews
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews554 followers
July 27, 2017
This book was perfect, it ticked all my boxes, rung my bells and definitely revved my engine. How could it not when it contained a hot cowboy, a hot nekkid cowboy, a hot nekkid cowboy with a huge man rod, a hot nekkid cowboy with a huge man rod and some rope and the expertise to use it to marvellous affect? It is like Lorelei James walked in to my dreams (the naughty ones!) and then wrote a book about it!

After reading this book I now have a new addition to my harem: Bennett McKay, it was inevitable, he is a BDSM cowboy, it doesn't get much hotter then that! He can now keep company with Kade, Kane and Cord, I can now have a special Rough Riders section worked out for them! Bennett McKay is a dom, a fact he keeps hidden from his family by going to a BDSM club out of his home town so he can practice without fear of being judged. This is where he meets Angel, and has an unforgettable weekend, but he doesn't realize Angel is actually Ainsley the head of the new bank branch opening in his town and he just can't seem to get enough of her...

After the previous book Chasin' Eight, which compared to the previous books was fairly tame, I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, was it going to be a more traditional romance and less erotica like Chasin' Eight was, or would it be more like the previous books and come on hot and heavy? It was definitely the latter option. This book was scorching hot from start to finish, Ben McKay is one inventive guy with endurance of an energizer bunny. Loved. It. But, although this does harken back to the early books with the amount of sex in it, it doesn't lose the sense of connection that the main two characters have, although this was an erotica, it wasn't a clinical description of two people fucking, there was passion and emotion as well.

The only reason this book got 4 stars instead of 5 was because I am not a big fan of Ainsley, I know she was meant to be confused about how she felt, but I found her constant second guessing herself and Ben very annoying. I think I just didn't connect to her as well as I have to LJ's other heroines.

A great read, with more drama unfolding in the McKay family dynamics and damn does anyone else find it confusing who is cousin to who, who is brother to who, and whose parents are who?! I need a family tree just so I can remember!
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,333 reviews1,442 followers
June 6, 2012
Disappointed. But not surprised by the disappoinment, since bdsm isn't my favorite to read about. But I was so hopeful after reading the superior Chasin' Eight (one of my favorites in this excellent series). I don't think Lorelei James has written a book where the hero is a true Dom and the heroine is a sub--of course all the McKay men are a little kinky...but an out-an-out Dom who belongs to a club and lives the lifestyle? I don't think so. I figured I'd give it a shot since her books are always entertaining, and who writes more erotic scenes than Ms. James?

Sad to say, the erotic scenes did nothing for me. The tying up I can handle, but the spanking that makes your a** red, and the whipping that leaves marks? Nah, just not for me.

So okay, maybe the romance outside of the bdsm stuff would be good? Nope. I never felt the connection between Ben and Ainsley, and their story outside of the bedroom was kind of ho-hum. Ben really never captivated me, and I was getting a little tired of his "nobody-in-the-family-ever-notices-me-or-appreciates-me" attitude. And bank president Ainsley, trying to decide if she really was a sub and could she really live that lifestyle? Eh, her dilemma didn't interest me all that much. I just felt I didn't know enough about her to care.

What did interest me was the appearances of some of the other McKays who haven't had their stories told yet (Tell, Dalton, and newest McKay Gavin) and the introduction (or has she been in another book?) of the female doctor (sorry, forgot her name) who befriended Ainsley (I can see her as a possible love interest for Gavin).

So for all you Rough Rider fans, if you like BDSM stories, this one might be right up your alley. For me, since I'm not really a bdsm fan, there has to be a lot more going on in the story besides the bedroom activities for me to appreciate a bdsm book. And unfortunately, there wasn't enough in this story to hold my interest. A lukewarm 3 1/2 stars.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,047 reviews856 followers
December 5, 2011
BEN....OMG!!! a DOM McKay style....yeah panty melting!!!

Ben is a Sexy, Naughty, Kinky Man..........IMO this is the kinkiest Rough Rider book yet....there are some secondary cast who are not McKays who I wouldn't mind them putting their boots under my bed anytime and there are some scenes with other McKays that have become some of my favorite of the series......and there is that one McKay that I would like to kick his tight ass.....

p.s. Yes I know I am the QUEEN of run ons and fragments

Here is Kimber's full Cowboy Casanova Review...and I agree 100% with what she said =)
Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
December 7, 2011
I thought this story was better than the last two, but there are definitely some problems. I did ultimately enjoy it and it was engaging in ways other than the erotic elements, but some things could have been better.

This book has some very hot sex scenes, no question. But the BDSM scenario, unfortunately, didn't really break too much new ground for this series. When has a McKay not been dominant? Except for Keely who kind of shared dominance with Jack, but still we've seen variations of a lot of this stuff before. Bondage, spanking, the nekkid rule, sex toys etc. This added the use of spanking instruments and ... hmm ... that was pretty much it. Things did go a bit further and there was the voyeurism of the club, but I still didn't feel like we were treading on forbidden ground here. Which is a problem in that it's the central issue of the book.

I feel like authors think their readers are going to get their feminist panties in a wad when a woman is a submissive. But it's explained that the submissive lets go of control so they can let go of self-consciousness and allow themselves total freedom to feel. So ... do that. We get it. Authors should allow themselves total freedom to write the story without worrying about someone freaking out about an honest BDSM scene. If I believe that this preference allows the sub the freedom to express herself (or himself) in ways that are crucial to their personal empowerment -- I'm going to accept what you give me. Seriously.

Now, having said that, I thought the scenes were hot until a lie was told. James basically gives us a didactic rundown of the BDSM scene on the level of Robyn Carr so we see some themes come up again and again. Trust is the most fundamental part of this lifestyle, of course, so as soon as that lie came out -- even though it had nothing to do with the sex -- the whole thing was tainted. I hated every sex scene after that until the reconciliation. It was a huge turn-off.

Another thing that bothered me was the McKay family. This might sound like the old "I buy Playboy for the articles" thing, but I really do like these stories for the family dynamic as much as for everything else. In the earlier books there were rifts among the Carson McKays but they were resolved or at least addressed and on the way to being resolved by the end of each book. Not so in this one. I understand that the Casper McKays are broken. Not one of them seems to have been in therapy after being raised by two selfish parents, one abusive and one an abuse enabler. But their behavior toward Ben was reprehensible and it was not resolved to my satisfaction by the end. Not at all. The things Tell and Dalton said were awful. They were jerks. And Tell's book is next. I'm really not all that interested in reading about him after this.

And on that same theme, I got ticked off at Colt when he was so defensive of Casper and disdainful/judgmental to Tell and Dalton. Now I'm defending them? I know, I'm all over the place. But it seems Colt doesn't realize that alcoholics aren't the only ones who matter. There's a reason AA has the apology rule. Alcoholics hurt and even destroy the people who love them. Colt was self-righteous and totally wrong to be so unkind when they showed their bitterness. The fact they were even looking for their father shows they care. Sheesh!

Okay, so it would seem I didn't like it. But I did. I kept wanting to get back to it and read more about Ben and Ainesly who had very good chemistry. Ben really appealed to me. I sympathized with his feelings of not fitting in and his low self-esteem. And I want his house.

Ainsely was a good character, although she kept her doubts about subbing for too long. This is another author trick that I think needs to go away. The first couple times the female lead/sub tries the scene we can see an inner monologue of doubt, but after that they need to be all in. None of the tepid junk. Just go for it. But, again, I think authors are too afraid of showing a woman giving it all up like that. Either you believe it's a pathway to freedom that actually empowers the character, or you don't. There were too many times when I felt that James didn't believe that.

And finally, if Gavin gets together with Rielle I will cry. I hate her. One of my favorite parts of this book was when Ainesly told her off. There's a lot of redemption needed in that character before I'll be happy with her as a heroine. It just seemed like there might be some hints in that direction (Gavin + Rielle) so ... I'm just hoping I'm wrong.

Over three stars but under four. Could have been better but I also think it was better than the last two. If only marginally better than Chase's story (which I might have given four stars, but really it's rated about the same).

There was enough good about this book that the bad things really ticked me off. So there ya go.
September 19, 2015
This review was posted at Under The Covers

He's a, a good time cowboy casanova leaning up against the record machine.... Oh sorry got distracted. But he IS a good time bad boy cowboy casanova leaning up against the bar looking sexy. *sigh* Ben McKay the things you do to me! First order of business, make sure you have the following things with you or handy before and while reading this book:

* A few changes of panties
* Your favorite BOB or significant other
* A glass of cold water, or an ice pack will do too.

Why, you ask? Because this book is HAWT! Ben McKay is such a naughty, naughty boy. Ms James has combined two of my favorite things, a hot cowboy and an alpha Dom. He just makes me purr. Whether it's tied to a bench, to the bed, to the bar or even a pool table.

Ben has always been the quiet one, but what we never got to see before was how out of place he felt in his own family. Finding his sexual preferences and staying true to that has really made him feel whole and it's not something he would ever give up.

Then he meets Ainsley at the Rawhide Club. She's pretending to be a female Dom so he makes her an offer: he'll be her sub for one night if he can Dom her for another night. Is that making you tingle yet?

But what a small world, Ainsley turns out to be the president of a new bank coming into Sundance, and Ben just happens to run into her and they make another deal. She'll be his sub for a month to try out the lifestyle.

What starts out as a fun experiment for both turns into deeper feelings. And whether they are sneaking around or being open about how they feel, these two have undeniable chemistry! Bennett can get to a part of Ainsley that she didn't think she had in her. And she gives him everything he thought he could never hope to have in a woman.

We see a little of the McKay clan but just in a small part. And I have to bring up the elephant in the room: The McKays can be money hungry asswipes sometimes, so I'm a bit disappointed with the turn of events in this book about a certain McKay. I hope in the next book he'll redeem himself in my eyes.

Gavin is also starting to be part of the family just a bit, and I really can't wait to read his story. And will he ask Ben for some love advice?

So read it, enjoy it, savor it. We won't get another rough ride for a while but this one was amazing!

* This ARC was provided by Samhain Publishing.
Profile Image for Kim O.
284 reviews21 followers
December 6, 2011
FULL REVIEW on www.guiltypleasuresbookreviews.com

Things I loved about this book were Ben and Ainsley as a couple, the scenes with the family that reminded me why I love them all so much, the laugh out loud moments as well as the teary ones, LJ’s knowledge of the BDSM lifestyle with relation to the D/s relationship, the new characters we met, and always a favorite of mine—the panty blazing dirty-talk dialogue.

Favorite Sexy Quote:
BEN: "You know it’s not that civilized with me. Sex with me is raw, dirty and demanding, but you’ll never feel there’s something missing because I will see to your needs above my own. Every. Single. Time.”

Favorite Funny Quote:
BEN: "It’s just all the McKays are comin’, which means all of their kids. God love’em, but I’m ready to schedule a vasectomy after about an hour……” A panicked look crossed her face. “I’ll never keep the names straight. I asked your cousin…..Keely? If they’d developed a smart phone app for the family tree. I was kidding but her husband seemed serious about it.”

Have you ever been completely attached and in love with a series and then after several books they all seem to be the same story with a different cover and characters? With 12 books in the series, and as much as I love the series, I couldn’t help but think “eventually, the stories will start sounding the same.” I mean, why not, it happens all the time to the best of authors, right? Well, goes to show what I know or don’t know, because this has NOT happened with the Rough Riders Series. And, Cowboy Casanova is in a league of its own. I am confident you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
691 reviews90 followers
December 13, 2011
Story Rating 4 stars
Character Rating 4 stars
Romance Rating 4 stars
Heat Level 4.5 stars
Overall Rating 4 stars

First off I have to say that BDSM romances are not my norm. I don't care too much for this theme and as I started getting into this book I thought I was not going to be a good read for me. As I kept reading I was pleasantly surprised that it did not bother me to the extent of not liking this story. Oh there were parts that I did not like at all but the good parts over road all of those. The story line was as good as all the other LLJ book's that I have read and loved. I also enjoyed seeing many of the other McKay family members appear in this book.

So now the wait begins for the next LLJ's book.

Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
December 12, 2011
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads

Ahhhh, Ben. What a sweet, silent, strong hero. He’s often the forgotten McKay, a middle child who even in his early 30s, blends into the background at family gatherings and even just day to day. He works hard, he has woodworking hobbies that he’s proud of but doesn’t talk about and the only place he can truly feel himself is at the Rawhide Club, where he becomes Bennett and can let his Dom side out.

Ainsley comes to the club with her friend Layla, a submissive, and wants to just “test” it out. She thinks she might be a Domme, based on how her failed marriage went down. She wanted her husband to be a little more adventurous with her and spice things up. But he did nothing but degrade her and tell her that her wants and needs weren’t normal. Their marriage went downhill from there and now divorced, she wants to figure out if what she thinks she wants is really what she needs. Bennett takes one look at her in the club and knows exactly what she needs.

Ben drained his beer. “I wanna play with her.” It’d been years since he’d had such an overwhelming urge to possess a woman. To tempt, to treat, to teach, to punish…all at the same time.

Their one night at the club together turns into a month outside the club. Ben feels a pull to Ainsley, and she wants to know if this is something that she needs in her life, or if it’ll end up being something that she tries and lets go. She knows she doesn’t want to have a Dom/sub lifestyle, but in the bedroom, Bennett is calling all the shots and even though she has a hard time letting go and fully trusting him at first, she can’t deny that being a sub and more specifically Ben, turn her on like nothing and no one else ever has.

“Now, weren’t you supposed to be getting nekkid?”


“Are you really gonna argue with me?”

“No. Looks like the beastly Dom is back.”

He grinned. “Darlin’, he never left.”

I loved how their relationship played out. The “rules” of D/s were tossed out the window, and while there’s no mistaking who’s in charge of their sexual relationship, they talk about everything. What limits they each have, how the books that Ainsley read about the lifestyle could or maybe wouldn’t be applying to them. Bennett would finish with a scene and immediately want to know what Ainsley thought, how she’s feeling – it’s the main reason I fell in love with him. He’s so alpha male one second, and then sweet and caring the next. Ainsley took a while to come around and it did get a little old. She has a really hard time trusting Ben, convinced that he’ll do something to hurt her, or do something that she’s set as a hard limit, even though he’s given her zero reason to doubt him. They would end a really intense scene, one that broke down walls and barriers for both of them and she was so skittish, always seeming to be ready to run off right after. I can understand that this is something new she’s discovering about herself, I just wish she’d have cut Ben a break a little sooner. But then we’d have been without the angst at the end. Even when she was confused about what she wanted and how she could possibly have it all with Ben, the sex between the two was HOT. Just, HOT.

“Now imagine having sex with me.”

She licked her lips.

“You know it’s not that civilized with me. Sex with me is raw, dirty, and demanding, but you’ll never feel there’s something missing because I will see to your needs above my own. Every. Single. Time.”

Their month together ended up being an eye opener for them both. For the first time Ben didn’t have to separate “Ben” and “Bennett” with a woman. He so desperately wanted to be able to be himself, completely with someone and he thinks he’s found that with Ainsley. He opens up to her about his past, and his story about running away as a young boy because he simply needed some attention in his big family, had me wanting to give him a huge hug – but it just drove home how forgotten he usually feels in this loud, crazy family. Ainsley takes a lot longer to come around. Her job becomes an issue, thanks in part to a meddling co-worker. But it forces her to take a hard look at what she wants, who and what is important to her, and what she’s willing to give up to get it.

Now, the family. Dalton and Tell are on a land hunt and when a piece of property that’s in the middle of their ranch and Ben’s is facing foreclosure, they want to join with Ben and buy it for themselves, keeping the rest of the family out of the loop. (Side note: in addition to the awesome family tree on Lorelei James site, I would LOVE a map to see exactly where everyone lives and who they live by, etc. It’s hard to keep track of!) The land buying doesn’t work out well at all, and Tell and especially Dalton end up acting horribly about the whole situation. They get on Ben about his part in the land ordeal, and my heart went out to him during all this. He’s not a rich guy. He works hard, he supplements his income making furniture, but he’s in no way a wealthy man. When the land deal falls through, Dalton acts so immature and I have to say, I’m glad his book isn’t coming up for a bit. I don’t think he’s ready for a story and I’m for sure not ready to read it. He really came off badly in this book and needs to grow up a bit.

But hellllo lost brother Gavin! He’s not on page a lot, but I loved what we got of him. He’s slowly making his way into the family, whether he wants to or not, but most important, he’s there for Ben at the end, and that made me fully on his side.

I really enjoyed the story and the relationship between Ben and Ainsley. It’s a 4-star book and while it took me a bit to warm up to Ainsley, even resisting the urge to reach into the book and smack some sense into her a couple times, I love that she was able to be the one to finally love all of Ben. And Ben…he’s one of my favorite Rough Riders heroes. He’s so easy to love, is incredibly sweet with Ainsley and very naughty behind closed doors. How can you beat that combo in a cowboy?!
Profile Image for Karla.
988 reviews1,105 followers
December 13, 2011
4 1/2 stars! Oh it's good to be back with boys of Wyoming! It’s like coming home, unfortunately there are no McKay’s where I live, so I’m thinking about moving.

This installment in the Rough Rider’s series is about Ben and the lifestyle he lives outside of Sundance. He’s a Dom and very popular at the Rawhide bar. That’s where he meets Ainsley, sparks fly and they agree to exclusive sex play in a Dom/sub relationship for a month. The first half of this book is one sex scene after the other, and I have to say I felt like the story got lost along the way. That’s not to say that the first half wasn’t good, just a bit repetitive. Ainsley did not submit completely, challenged Ben, and I really enjoyed that about their relationship. Finding out who they were and how far they were willing to go, or in certain instances, what they are willing to give up. Then about halfway through, the book came back to life, and we got glimpses of the family that I love so much. The joking, the camaraderie, and the oozing testosterone…YUM! At one point the McKay men get into a “pissing contest” over a disagreement, and woohoo, the boys were back in town!! I enjoy when they go toe to toe and then resolve their differences. I can picture them in my mind, I did picture them in my mind…it was a vision I had a hard time letting go of…uh-oh, it’s back!! MMMMMMM!!!!

It doesn’t matter the tone she sets in her books, or the situations she presents, Lorelei James ropes you in and doesn’t let go. The dialogue is fantastic, she gives us scrumptious men, and Ben was no exception. The women, like Ainsley, are sassy, smart and they can think for themselves. She starts to set up future relationships and it’s easy to guess who will end up together, but it makes it no less exciting. As a matter a fact the anticipation and waiting for the next book is killing me!
Profile Image for Kathy .
3,554 reviews
November 26, 2011
I don't want to give anything away, but I will say:

1. There is a lot of depth to Ben McKay. Absolutely amazing character development.
2. The McKay family dynamics is absolutely fascinating, and Ms. James always adds different facets to their close, but complicated relationships. I cannot wait to see how the various storylines play out.
3. Love the underlying message of this book.
4. There is always a reason for the direction Ms. James takes her stories, but I still want to kick a certain McKay's butt =)
5. I totally get Ben and I'm not talking about the Dom aspect of his personality.

Profile Image for Cyn Mistress Kitty.
1,581 reviews171 followers
December 22, 2011
Another great story about those hunky McKay boys.
I really liked that this book showed a slightly older heroine and also that both the H/h didn't want to have children.
This book also dealt with the feelings and problems of trying to hide a BDSM lifestyle from family and living in a small town where everyone knows your business.
And then there is the cover of this book that is seriously smokin' HOT. Holy crap.
I just love these books and never want them to end.
Profile Image for Wendy.
526 reviews280 followers
July 9, 2013
As much as I love this series and Ben McKay, I didn't quite feel the spark between him and Ainsley. I found Ainsley to be uptight and felt like she didn't let herself go enough to enjoy Ben. By gosh, if it was me, that man could have me on a platter any day!
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,259 reviews13.4k followers
May 29, 2019
As always Lorelei James never disappoints. Ben McKay made my insides squirm. I absolutely loved this story for a few reasons:

1. It’s the freakin McKays and I truly love this family, and cousins etc.. I light up whenever I see my faves in the series come into the scene. It’s like a mini family reunion.

2. Bennet McKay. I loved reading about his dominant Bdsm lifestyle and how he described it as always being a part of him, and that sometimes he just tones him down. This man could get whatever he wanted from me. I just love a commanding McKay.

3. I just love when raw vulnerability is shown in a man that is a dominant. My heart broke for Ben as he talked about his childhood and how his family made him feel. I just wanted to wrap him up and hold him. I could see how it molded him into the man he had become.

Lastly, I know I’ve said this before, but I just love The McKays. That’s it. The end.
Profile Image for MBR.
1,259 reviews370 followers
December 8, 2011
No matter how hard you try to stick to a schedule when it comes to reading and reviewing, some books are those that you have to make time for. And for me, books from the Rough Riders series by Lorelei James are books that fall into that category. There is none who writes western contemporaries like Lorelei James does, a mix of out of this world scorching sensuality together with what its like in the West and the day to day grind of being a cowboy and part of a big family.

So, if you are a fan of the Rough Riders series like myself, you would have already read Chasin’ Eight which happens to be the previous book. And when Ben���s character came up during Chasin’ Eight there wasn’t even one inch of me that didn’t clamor to read his story. And with Cowboy Casanova with its beautiful glossy man titty cover, Lorelei James delivers the anticipatory fans with Bennett McKay’s story which turned out to be a great romance filled with a whole lot of kink.

32 year old Ben McKay is the middle child, the one who falls between Quinn McKay and Chase McKay. He is a rancher during the week, and when the weekend arrives, he is a member of the Rawhide Club, a club that exists and guarantees to provide its patrons with a place for no-strings attached, safe and consensual sex. And in that club, the quiet, brooding Ben McKay turns into a Bennett McKay, a Dom who is that much more dangerous and alluring.

37 year old Ainsley Hamilton is the president of the new bank that opens up in Sundance Wyoming. She is also divorced from her husband of almost five years because along the way, Ainsley had discovered that they were just too incompatible in their sexual preferences. From what had started out as a wonderful partnership, things had started going downhill the minute Ainsley had wanted more, things deteriorating so fast that its a wonder she has any self-confidence left after her marriage bites the dust.

When Ainsley’s friend Layla convinces her to give the Rawhide Club a go, she has no idea what she is putting herself into, except for the fact that something deep inside of her yearns to be dominated sexually and the man who stares at her from across the room seems like the real deal when with one searing glance she is all but putty in his hands.

When Ben discovers the woman with whom he had the most satisfying and blood heating sexual encounter with in ages is none other than the new bank president, he comes up with the plan that they both enter into a Dom/sub sexual relationship which would end within one month’s time during which Ben is certain he can make Ainsley embrace her submissive nature when it comes to sex.

I loved how different this book turned out to be from the rest of the books in the series. Concentrating on totally the BDSM aspect of erotica, Lorelei James delivers readers with a lot of kink, and the book does come with the warning it is so. Though I am someone who rarely reads books with BDSM themes because I am not someone who totally likes or gets that sort of sexual pleasure, this book proved to be quite informative on the subject. Without reading like an instruction manual, Ms. James sheds light onto the many varieties and aspects of the Dom/sub relationship and delivers a scorching and over the top kinky variety of sex to go with the story.

Ben’s character is one that is full of contrasts. On the one hand he is Bennett, the sexual Dom, who demands from and caters to every whim of his Sub in his sexual conquests. To the rest of the world he is Ben McKay, just an ordinary rancher who fades to the background, who once ran away from home when he was eight and returned to find out that no one had even known the fact. There is such a wealth of desolation deep inside of Ben though one wouldn’t know it by seeing him. But with Ainsley he is like an open book, his fears that people would never accept him the way he is which plays a major role in why Ben lives the way he does.

I loved Ben in both his modes. The caring and sweet Ben who prefers to be labled as an ordinary rancher but is creative in his own quiet way and the dominant figure he turns into during each and every sexual encounter that just makes him so very appealing. From the very first scene, his character is one that I couldn’t help but be drawn towards though the life of a sexual dominant is one I won’t even pretend to understand, there is a certain allure to the rough and terse commands that he issues that just makes one want to lie down and let him do whatever he wants with you.

Ainsely’s character was so much fun to get to know as well. She is a leader, a dominant in her day to day life, but craves to know what it would be like to submit herself to the demands of someone who would know exactly which spots to stroke to throw her into a frenzy of need. The one thing that I loved about her character was the fact that she is no stick thin woman with model good looks but a woman who most female readers can definitely relate to. Her fear that people would never understand the fact that she loves being a sub in her sexual life leads her to make the biggest mistake of her life, one which she totally makes up for towards the end. She is independent and intuitive, the one who is able to draw both sides of Ben’s character to embrace the existence of each other.

And it is always a plus point to revisit the McKay bunch, to learn tidbits on how the rest of them are doing and also see how Ms. James brings to Sundance Wyoming those characters that just beg for their own stories to be told.

Recommended for fans of Lorelie James, for fans of BDSM themed erotica and for those who love over the top hot and kinky cowboy romances.


Original review posted on MBR's Realm of Romance
Profile Image for Sophie [at] Book Suburbia.
289 reviews23 followers
December 9, 2011
*This “review” has no spoilers*, but you may be interested in what I have to say:

I want to be totally honest: this is possibly one of the most complex books I have EVER read in my life (in romance genre of course). I would like to say it is shocking and outrageous, and mind-blowing, but I guess many of you have already made almost perfect reviews, and maybe Mrs. James never reads mine, so, at the end, I think its pointless to mention how much I adore her books, how I worship her absolute creativity, how much she has changed my way in picking books and has changed my reading expectations, because she may never come across this, which I prefer to call ANALYSIS, instead of a review because many have “reviewed” this book, and I have to love the way everybody has given their point of view, how many have indicated what they liked and what they didn’t like. But I want to point out something that’s been going on my mind since I reached chapter 2 yesterday: This, more than a book, has ENOUGH QUALITY and DEEP STORY, worthy enough to become a movie script. I’m not joking. The story is absolutely so well written and flawless, you could easily thing this is a movie script or even better, the story itself worthy of a 35mm roll of at least 2 hours.

I get very emotional while writing reviews, that’s why I didn’t want to qualify it as a review per se but an analysis, and, the first thing I want to point is, I AM AN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL IGNORANT. Yes, sounds harsh, but it is true. In many, many, MANY different ways you can’t even begin to comprehend. I read this book and said to myself “there is so much variety, and whatever TV sitcoms and corny romantic movies like to show us is not even the half of it”. TRUE! You may never understand completely the world Ben McKay has chosen to belong to, because still nowadays it is a taboo in many societies and cities, especially in conservative states such as Wyoming. One thing I MUST thank Mrs. James (again) for is, ADVENTURING OUTSIDE HER COMFORT ZONE. We saw the change in parameters with Chase’s story and for us who loved it and enjoyed it so much, I have to say, it was a welcome treat. In this particular story, she once again attempts to move parallel to her beloved cowboys and show us a different perspective of a man who, can be a rancher, but also a dominant sexual partner. And here is where my IGNORANCE appears: many of us had no idea what all that lifestyle is about. Admit it.

Second thing I have to thank her for is making this love story a very challenging one. Obstacles and drama are always gonna be there; but building since the beginning a hook up like the one we learn about with Ben and Ainsley, and keeping it the way she did throughout the whole book made it more and more interesting. You will find out that you can actually have a lightning speed encounter with somebody and just KNOW this person is right for you. That happens in real life actually. The way Mrs. James constructed their relationship since chapter one is believable, making it even more attractive and interesting for the reader. This is not your average OMG I LOVE YOU LETS GET MARRIED kinda book. Far from it!

Family ties are treated in a different way this time, and it makes you wonder many things; hopefully things we will learn in the upcoming books. I just have to admire how much of a twist we have from book one to book twelve. This just confirms my theory that Mrs. James will build an expectation and will keep you hooked all through the story making you want to learn more, without the need of a stressful cliffhanger.

Thank you, Mrs. James. I humbly thank you for opening my eyes to a totally new world. Its so hard to believe i live in the same country as a bull rider, a cattle rancher, a land owner, yet I have never even seen one, let alone been to any place close to them. It’s been a year full of great reading, absolutely stunning romance and lovely cowboys. For that only I declare myself your absolutely most loyal fan until you decide to never write again, or I end up blind. (which doesn’t matter cause I’ll manage to get all of your books in audio)

Bring on Tell’s story! :)
Profile Image for Callie Croix.
Author 6 books111 followers
December 20, 2011
2.5 stars rounded up.

I rarely leave a review that's less than a three star read for me, but I felt I had to with this one because this book made me angry. Bottom line, I didn't like Ben. At all.

And when he did the inexcusable just before the halfway mark in the story, I was done. I almost didn't finish the book. What he did to Ainsley and how he treated her in that scene pushed him from merely unlikeable to someone I disliked intensely. For him to use sex as a punishment when she was helpless and trusting him was cruel and unforgivable. I'm not sure which bothered me more--his treatment of Ainsley, or the way she just dismissed it and forgave him like it was no big deal, then immediately took up where they'd left off.


I was speechless and I'm surprised more readers haven't felt that way. How can I be the only one that felt so outraged on Ainsley's behalf? For Ben to punish her that way destroyed any bond of trust that had been forming between them. It was inexcusable, in my opinion. He felt badly afterward, but so what? He'd still abused her, had still violated her in ways that by rights would leave most women with at least some psychological damage. Not exactly hero material.

After that he never redeemed himself in my eyes.
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews519 followers
February 29, 2012
Lorelei James sure can write about MEN.. hot, sexy, alpha cowboys at that!.. I cannot get enough of the way she writes.. This book was awesome.. Not fav cos Chase still wins, but still who knew quiet Ben/Bennett had it in him!

This book combined my 2 fav things.. Cowboys and an Alpha Male so really what more could you ask for? I've never really quite understood the whole BDSM world but have aways had an open mind about it, personally not for me but lets just say that the one thing this series has given me is a darn few good tips & tricks to try out! LOL

This book actually had a really good storyline about not fitting in with the rest of the world, complications in relationships, opening up to trust and of course steamy as sex! If they made it into a movie they would remove the sex and ruin it but you feel like it could be a movie.

As with Chasin Eight this book went a different way to the rest but I liked that it did.
the small amount of storyline in there about the rest of the family was just enough to leave us wanting more. Espeically leaving me curious about The younger Single McKay's and now Gavin.

The ending was perfect for Bennett and Angel!

Bring on Tell's book I say!
Profile Image for Holly.
439 reviews340 followers
January 14, 2012
I never thought that I would be able to pick just one but OMG was I wrong! Ben/Bennett McKay is my absolute FAVORITE of all of the McKay men!! It's always the quiet ones, right? Holy Crap, in this case, hell yeah! There is way more to Ben McKay than meets the eye and speaking of eye candy...sorry, I kind of digressed!

Ben McKay leads a bit of a double life, while ranching with the family during work hours he likes to spend his play time at the Rawhide Club where he can unleash 'Bennett', the Dom! This is where he meets Ainsley and wow, do the sparks fly! Ainsley is pretty sure this is the lifestyle she was meant to be in, and Bennett is just the Dom to help her find out! They are such a wonderful match, along with Ben being my favorite McKay, Ben and Ainsley together are my favorite couple. I can't put my finger on why exactly this one out of all of the books spoke so strongly to me but this story was fantastic. I can't recommend the entire McKay Rough Rider Series enough!! There is nothing yummier that a bunch of hot, nekkid, yummy cowboys!! Come and get some!!!
Profile Image for Melissa.
644 reviews66 followers
December 8, 2011
I love the RR series! It's going to be a sad day when this series ends, but lucky for me I still get 4 more installments and I can NOT wait.

Bennett McKay is one smokin' hot cowboy with a bag full of kink that will melt your panties off. I really liked the heroine Ainsley ( & the name too.)

I wasn't sure how far into the BDSM lifestyle Ms James would take these characters into so I was a little nervous before I started to read CC, because I've never been into the 'heavy' BDSM, but it wasn't heavy into that it made me dislike it. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit! :)

Now I can't get "He's a good time Cowboy Casanova standing up against the record machine." out of my head.

4.5 stars!

Profile Image for Shari.
882 reviews78 followers
January 4, 2012
Bennet McKay is hiding a part of himself from women, his family and anyone he thinks will find him to be in need or intervention. Used to being the peacemaker and blending into the background, he doesn’t buck the family politics. He finds comfort and acceptance The Rawhide Club as a Dom, but he hasn’t found a sub he wants to take on long-term or even to out his secret.

Ainsley Hamilton is moving on after a bad divorce where she wanted to strike out sexually and spice up her marriage. After a bad incident, she leaves her husband and finds a new job in the same town as Ben. Hooking up with her friend Layla, she goes to The Rawhide Club posing as a Domme to watch and find out if BDSM is something she is into.

Ben sees the woman wearing a bad disguise and is instantly drawn to her. In one weekend, they both find out they desire each other more than they think is practical, making plans to meet the next weekend. Ben is sure she won’t show up and Ainsley isn’t sure she will show up.

Meeting up at the bank that Ainsley is working the manager of is purely and accident, but the sparks fly and Ainsley agrees to be trained by Ben for the course of one month as a sub to his Dom. But after one month will either of them be able to give each other up?

Let me start with Ben. He is the most complex character in this book with a ton of good qualities but a ton of bad actions that really made me detest him and love him at the same time. Taking his place as Dom seriously, he praises and guides Ainsley thorough a big part of the book. Then she does and says something that crosses a line and he decides to punish her. I agreed in a BDSM relationship she crossed the line here, but what he does to punish her was beyond what a sub should ever have to take, especially where the relationship is not an objectivity relationship. This isn’t a 24×7 program, nor is it a Master/slave relationship, so what he does crosses so many lines that I actually hated him afterwards. He does feel remorse, apologizes and moves on. So Ainsley also has a part to play in this scene going so wrong. One, she never says her safe word. That totally ticked me off. She should have screamed it. Instead when it is over, she cries, and leaves. Two, when Ben comes to apologize, she forgives him and lets him off the hook. He did prove his point with the punishment, but it was way to harsh and he knew it.

Moving onto the next point of why I disliked Ben. He lied. Several times. One paramount part of BDSM is trust and being truthful to each other, no matter the situation. Ben applies for a loan and lies to Ainsley for what it is for. Not that it had any bearing on the loan itself, he just flat-out lied because he didn’t want anyone finding out he was getting a loan. Another part of the book she asks something and it says right there in the book blah, blah blah, he lied. What????!??!?!?!?

How could the author make you love so many aspects of Ben and then just throw out two very important issues that cause relationships to end very easily and just brush it under the rug?

Then there is Ainsley…I understand if you are into BDSM, you don’t really don’t want people to know especially at work. But she kept throwing out to Ben she wasn’t a sub and he kept showing her she was. She constantly throws that up as a wall between them. The other thing I didn’t care for was how she kept forgiving Ben in essence becoming the door mat to his Dom. This totally didn’t fly for me.

BDSM books are great books for as much the psychological impact as much as the physical. Yes, I expect there to be drama or some mess up the Dom makes, because not all Doms are perfect…in fact they all make mistakes. But it is how the mistakes are handled and how the sub also handles it that make the stories good. Brushing things off just doesn’t fly in my book.

So what was likable about the characters? Besides the two blaring problems with Ben, he is a wonderful guy. He is a great neighbor who gets screwed. He isn’t poor but he isn’t at the top of the McKay pyramid and seems to be ok for the most part about it, but even that does come to a head. Being the middle brother seems to cause him problems. He isn’t the apple of his daddy’s eye like Quinn and he isn’t the famous rodeo hero like Chase. Then add-on the long-lost Gavin, it seems like Ben blends into the background. What I found admirable to about him was helping to found the BDSM club The Rawhide Club. He helped to draft the rules and processes of the club. Instead of continuing to run from the dominant male he is, he embraces it at the club and keeps himself on the consensual side. He watches a sub and tries to give her what she needs instead of just doing what he wants. If he hadn’t screwed up so bad, I would have adored him.

Ainsley…I just didn’t find anything that wowed me about her. She was a forgettable character. On top of that, I resented how she let Ben off the hook and didn’t use her safe word. That shows a lack of understanding of what a sub is. Though she was learning, she does sass him, so she could have very well called him on what he did and she doesn’t. The only briefly talk about it. If both felt it was wrong, there should have been a lot of talk, but again that was a quirk of Ainsley’s, not talking.

Truthfully, I think Ainsley and Ben are perfect for each other. Unfortunately, I have read book 1 and 12 in this series and haven’t like either book. I hear nothing but good things about the series, so maybe I should jump into the middle of the series? Guess that is something to think about.
Profile Image for Searock.
147 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2012
2.75 stars

This was not my favorite Lorelei James book. I did love being back in the Rough Rider world, but that wasn't enough to overcome the ugh factor(s).

There were things that kept me from loving both of the leads.
Here's one reason!

People make mistakes, and Lord knows I enjoy some messed up heroes, but I was turned off when that happened.

I also appreciate another reviewer's comments when describing Ben's disgusting revenge behavior in another scene. I agree. Just yuck. I dismissed it at the time because she (meaning the h) dismissed it and because he groveled a bit. But it still detracted from my overall impression of them both (her for ). I never "got off" on a good foot with these two anyway and that sealed it.

Then, I felt it was hypocritical for the heroine to: That seemed off to me.

It's taken me a month to realize how I really feel about this book. The bottom line is, it didn't take me to an enjoyable place. I didn't dig the set-up, I didn't enjoy spending time with the leads (even the sex scenes were lukewarm to me), didn't enjoy their dilemmas, didn't end up caring much about them, and I didn't miss them when it was over.

While I was reading, I couldn't see why I didn't love it. I liked being back in familiar territory and I enjoyed certain elements of the story, so gave it 4 stars. I am going to detract a star for how I felt about the book in hindsight (hindsense? hindmind?).

This is sounding like a bit of a rant to me rather than a review, so I will definitely look at it with fresh eyes and edit if necessary. I could just be cranky-writing right now- but, I don't think so.

Still LJ, I can't quit you!
19 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2012
I really wanted to love this book since I adore most of the rest of the rough rider series. But this just left me sad. Reason being, in the end I didn't trust Ben and therefore I didn't know why Ainsley was with him. Trust, as Ben admits, is the bedrock of a Dom/sub relationship but he wasn't honest with Ainsley on several occasions. Also since he'd been a Dom for 8(?) years, I couldn't rationalize his physical "use" of Ainsley to teach her a lesson. And she just forgave him -- he was off the hook without having to put forth much effort at all. And in the end he kept lying to her.
Also the scene with Brandt, Dalton, Tell, Ben, Kane and Colt didn't ring true. Dalton and Tell were painted as mean, underhanded and spiteful in this book. I've never felt that about their characters before. Also Brandt, Dalton & Tell may not like their dad (ok, maybe they hate their dad) but I don't think any of them are dumb. They didn't have ANY suspicion where Colt might have taken their father who obviously had a major drinking problem. But they lashed out at Colt as though he did something wrong -- none of them even had a cursory thought that he might be helping their dad? Really?

There were other things about the book that I found curious and questionable but the whole book just left me sad and well kinda depressed.

I honestly don't know that I'll be reading many more rough rider books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Erica.
713 reviews42 followers
June 20, 2013
"So you like beatin' on women." -Dalton
"Only if they ask me real nice." -Ben

He he he he. That was probably the best line of the WHOLE book. I really enjoyed this book. We really haven't gotten to see much of Ben in the prior RR books up until now and I have to say that I really liked this one a LOT. I think that in the future, when I am thinking of my favorite Doms, Bennett will make the list. It was kind of a strange twist to see the author writing a BDSM book with an actual BDSM club in it a la Club Shadowlands and then a nod to FSOG with the one-month trial period with the D/s relationship. However, it really worked and all came together well. Both Ben and Ainsley are solid and real characters with real problems and issues, not only with each other but in their own individual lives and it was nice to see how that played out. It was somewhat predictable of course as all RRs are, but Ben is quite shy behind that tough as nails beastly Dom exterior that is Bennett and it was really awesome to see his vulnerability shown to Ainsley throughout the book and likewise with her to him.

I think the moral of the story can be summed up as...every Dom just wants to be loved.
Profile Image for Laura (Kyahgirl).
2,225 reviews151 followers
January 7, 2012
1.5/5; 2 stars; C

This book started out ok as a kind of sweet BDSM style love story with two people trying to come to grips with their sexual nature within the tight constraints of a small western town. About 200 pages in it completely went to hell and many of the people in the story developed a personality disorder and started acting out of character. Dishonesty, manipulations, really inconsistent D/s moments and a lot of whining. The book would have been a lot better if the characters that were learning how to communicate effectively in the first half of the book carried on talking openly and honestly. However they seemed to suddenly start flinging accusation, having hissy fits, and generally being obnoxious.

I haven't read a book from this series before therefore had no attachment to any of the recurring characters. I didn't care for the MacKay family dynamic and most of the people introduced from the family or even the community.
Profile Image for Carisa.
405 reviews
August 18, 2013
I was enjoying the book very much until the hero started second-guesing his Dom behaviour. WTH? I'm ok with his deciding to stop frequenting clubs. But couldn't the author create a conflict that didn't make the hero -suppossedly dominant- start feeling indecisive and ashamed? I was very disappointed with the incoherence in hero's character, a big flaw in my opinion, which spoiled this read for me.
HERO is a Loner, feels invisible within his family and also different because of his kinky sexual tendencies. He thinks he won't be able to find an adjusted woman who would also be his private submissive, until he meets a sexy executive trying the bdsm scene for the first time.
GENRE/TONE: contemporary/drama
LENGHT: 329 pages
Profile Image for The Anxious Bookaholic.
188 reviews37 followers
August 27, 2012
Dear Ms. James,
Since Ben is in my top 3 favorite men you must, must, MUST part him with the most amazing woman in the whole world! Nothing short from the best will do!
With all my love and anticipation,

P.s I am so looking forward to the cover! If it is anywhere need the cover of Chasin' Eight I will be so in love !
Profile Image for Ava.
52 reviews21 followers
December 12, 2011
I don't really read BDSM. It's not my favorite genre because I just don't understand some of the mental aspects that are inherent in 'the life.' Ben McKay, I get. This was just the right amount of kink to make this an enjoyable read for me. Not so much that I can't relate, not so little it doesn't seem to fit the characters. It's just another shining example of Ms. James ability to develop characters I can't get enough of. Love it. If you haven't read this series, GET TO IT!!!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 381 reviews

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